Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Five held over UK cartoon protests. British police said they had arrested five men on Wednesday over angry protests held in London last month about the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed by European media.
'Suicide bomb' protester was arrested on February 7th.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The Hill Billy Nation requested help from Senator Feingold.
The Hill Billy Nation body is about to contact Senator Feingold to request his help in row over UN Human rights breach and UN torture at the UN detention center in Nederland. Top Democrat is urging censure on Bush (CNN), and we are saying, Senator Feingold, help us censure the UN. The UN outsourced torture resort in The hague must be closed, 4 to 5 detainees are thought to have been executed without trial or killed following medical assisted questionning or sexual abuse.
The secret UN prison in Europe is a stain that must be removed.
Un-Europe Prison 4 or 5, Gantanamo 0 - The Hill Billy Nation is still investigating UN Human rights breach in the detention center of The Hague - Nederland. The Hill Billy Nation Body has also decided to lauch a full investigation following the allegations first-hand and ascertain whether international human rights standards... are being upheld with respect to those detained persons".
Serious allegations of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment are being examined and execution without trial cannot be tolerated. Who decided Milosevic's execution and how many detainees have been already executed are the HBNO task for the following months. UN milicia must stop their criminal activities in Europe and The Hill Billy Nation will do everything possible to stop them.
To try to find out how many detainees died in The Hague facility and how they died, we called today the UN - criminal court without success. They are trying to hide the truth but we are telling them, this negative attitude will drive you nowhere, soon or later you will have to confess your criminal activities in the detention center. Do not wait for sanctions.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

UN Prison - Death toll rises - Guantanamo 0 UN-Europe prison 4
Milosevic could be the 4th detainee to die in UN La Hayes facility French Tv Broadcaster France 2 has released. ( Beatrice Shonberg)
Torture allegations, inhuman and degrading treatment and sexual abuse have been reported several times and it seems that the Europe-run prison is likely to be a UN outsourced torture resort.
Doctors had recommended Milosevic be closely monitored by a cardiologist and given rest days to manage elevated blood pressure. As part of the interogation method, medical assistance was refused and Milosevic was not aloud to go to Russia to get an appropriate treatment. Milosevic's widow, Mirjana, said, "The tribunal has killed my husband."His brother Boroslav also blamed the tribunal, saying, "It is four months since Slobodan asked to let him go for medical treatment."
Of course, these allegations sould be fully investigated. But we can say that The Hill Billy Nation has requested to visit this secret prison in Europe as 4 detainees died from ill treatment or were executed without trial.
Update coming soon.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Death in Custody : UN - European Court 1 - Guantanamo 0
Milosevic found dead in prison cell(CNN)
Folowing Milosevic's death in UN custody at The Hague ( The UN - European detention center ), I suppose the UN will lauch a full investigation into allegations of human rights abuse at the UN-run prison. The investigation should cover "serious allegations of torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment" and "the purpose of the visit of the facility should be to examine objectively the allegations first-hand and ascertain whether international human rights standards... are being upheld with respect to those detained persons".
The controversy :
"Milosevic's family and supporters are blaming the tribunal for his death.
His attorney, Zdenko Tomanovic, has said there were attempts to poison Milosevic in prison."

We are waiting for a UN statement to be sure that an ongoing investigation of torture claims is made. The claim that detainee has been physically abused, beaten, tortured and possibly sexually abused should of course be fully investigated.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Condi's World - Have you been there ? That is a secret but I do not mind sharing it with you, you did not find the right star gate to enter but here I come with a special ticket just for you, do not waste time, visit now :

Monday, March 06, 2006

TAR HEEL TERRORIST: ALLAH'S WILL By Michelle Malkin · Michelle Malkin ·

***update: Taheri-azar's 911 call:
"It was really to punish the government of the United States for their actions around the world."***
Mohammad Taheri-azar speaks:

A Belgian-Dutch Islamic political organization posted anti-Jewish cartoons on its Web site in response to the cartoons of the prophet Mohammed that appeared in Danish papers last year and offended many Muslims.
One of the AEL cartoons displayed an image of Dutch Holocaust victim Anne Frank in bed with Adolf Hitler, and another questioned whether the Holocaust actually occurred. Dyab Abou Jahjah, the party’s founder and best-known figure, defended the action on the Dutch television program Nova Saturday.“Europe has its sacred cows, even if they’re not religious sacred cows,” he told the program.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Attacks on French Jewish Men in Paris Northern Area - State Minister Nicolas Sarkosy sends more cops to cope.
Read Article (Le Monde)
Read Article (Le Nouvel Obs)
French Jewish Community heavily targeted in the Northern Paris Area France :
Three separate attacks on Jewish men took place in this area in two days. These three attacks were racially motivated. The victims driven to hospital were not seriously injured.
The train from the center of Paris to Charles de Gaulle Airport has several stops in this area and French government has not yet declared what are their plans to protect the tourists.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Have you been shopping mahomet's t-shirts ? Found a new site, real cool with a t-shirt to stand for United Nations, real great.
This info was hidden - ET sent a message about Mahomet
Un message extra-terrestre en plain champ relance la polémique

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Allright Folks, ready, 1,2,3 - You're gone

Just arrived, soft landing, you are now entering the new world,
are you ready for it,
are you ready for her ?
Meet that lady :

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

N'oubliez pas une petite visite régulière sur le site de soutien au Danemark :

Click to Visit