TV Times - CNN - The News, Richard is now in Holywood California, Mari was tonight both red and black, Eunice was in black, we heard Hugh but didn't see him probably looking terrible with all that snow and now watching Democracy in progress with the Democratic debate in Hollywood at the Kodak theatre.
Are you watching? You should to get an idea of what is a democratic presidential election depending on where you live in the world but it does help sometimes to see how elsewhere people argue and solve controversial issues without violence.
Now, I can tell you I watched last night debate and I hesitate on who is the winner. Though i am sure on one thing, Gov Huckabee scored very high at the end of the debate when he spoke about the Ronald reagan he knew, I believe this is the way to go.
When I hear comprehensive immigration reform I get worried, I just wonder if it means that people that have cheated will get ahead of me, I have been in the line for the past 4 years and frankly I think those waiting legally in the line should be the first ones to be able to access the legal path to citizenship.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
TV Times - CNN - Tonight, I do hesitate, what's sexiest, a red Kristie or a black Kristie?
Are you looking for a safe haven or a few days in the sun this winter? With all the bad weather all over the planet, you don't know where to go, let me suggest my hometown Kissimmee, what is the weather for the next 4 days?
You won't believe it, high seventies and sunny most of the day up to next sunday. Do not delay any more, come and see us in central Florida, you'll love it!
And guess where Richard is, in California, lucky one, I was told he was seen around the Ronald Reagan Library, I don't know yet where he is staying nor if Anjali was able to make it there. I'll keep you posted on that but right now, my rival Anderson is on air and I have to go an watch the Republican debate, you should do the same!
I saw Hugh, he's in China and with the bad weather, doesn't look too good, do you think he is doing all that to show he can brave cold weather?
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
TV Times - CNN - Breaking News - Mari went to the hairdresser - Breaking News
Are you now watching, well you should, Soledad now on air with Wolf and Bill. Stay tuned, I have something very important coming up, I'll tell Soledad what Yves from France 2 has told his audience about her, our loved one!
Click the link above and you'll be watching with me. Amy on air right now. Mike on air, not discouraged and will be running Super Tuesday, will go all the way, he just said. Mike also confirming, he will be tomorrow night at the Ronald Reagan library for the Republican debate.
Not Rudy's best night but it was worth to try, he didn't say if he was going to the Ronald Reagan Library tomorrow but for now I'll have a thought for him wishing him the best whatever he decides.
Senator McCain wins and Gov Romney is second.
Hillary on air now, keep watching to find out what is politics in a Democracy.
You want to send a message to Rudy to thank him, here click Rudy Giulani. Send your support to Mike, click here Mike Huckabee.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Breaking News - Breaking News - French Minister Mrs Lagarde could later this week recommend (at last, no kidding)that international accounting standard IAS 39 be followed in french banks and insurance companies balance sheet - Breaking News - Breaking News
Did politicians previously helped french banks and insurance companies to avoid the accounting standard is something you will be, please, polite enough to not ask.
Kristie is all red again, I think she will kill me one day, so cute!
If you reach the conclusion that should the accounting standard be followed, it would be impossible for M. Kerviel to go on in risky trading the way he did, (alright you would be right)but DON'T MENTION IT.
Martin is very smart, Hugh has now in competition...
Remind me to protest officially about the derspiegelonline ad showing a UK kid with an English flag calling him a looser.
A shame when you know the score 2 to nil, UK leading.
Lookin at Kristie and you'll know the road to haven is paved in red!
Traders haven't watch CNN Today yet that's why index goes down at the opening with Kristie's dress we should have a bull market, last monday with everyone dressed in black....
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Sports Times - Davos - Unexpected, this morning in Davos main road, a game, Slow Down Vs "R", Official Referree Richard!
Most recent score was 17 to 15, Slow Down heading. I didn't know he was playing, Jean-François was invited and told Richard, politicians should ask for more transparency when asked about the recent financial turnmoil and subprime mortgage crisis, I can't tell you if he was speaking about the Societe Generale rogue trader, a smart guy who managed to loose 7.2 Billion dollars on markets, no kidding!
Just like me, you love You should watch CNN Today and inspired by the LA show, I may add some fighting in mine. Imagine Stephen(on air now) inviting Patrick at a sword duel to win Shakun's heart. Andrew in another duel facing Richard to seduce Anjali.
I now know what to do next, I will start saving to invite Kristie on a space trip, knowing how tide Hugh is when it's not about gambling and travelling on his own, he won't come.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today and of course you want to know why Kristie isn't in Davos.
Well, I guess a french air controller's strike stopped her plane from taking off and she had to stay in Hong Kong missing the meeting we had in Davos at the Belvedere. I'm so sad but I saw that Hugh (not a gentleman, typical Aussie) is really enjoying the situation, no more black stuff and smiling all day long. Visit Amy, This is the life.
Not Hugh's fault, but today you may have seen the I4 and been told that it is raining in Central Florida, the Sunshine State. This is when CNN gets vicious. The only reason they mentioned that was to find a ridiculous excuse for not reporting on Rudy campaigning in my State, Florida specially because today he was probably not far from my county Osceola where is my Hometown KISSIMMEE. When you are such a big network, you could come up with something a little bit better, really......
Now, was it really raining badly in Central Florida? Well, you have the right to know what's the weather like around my Hometown, here is what Floridians say, "if you don't like the weather, just wait for 10mn", this is why it's called the Sunshine State. In some extreme cases we may have rain for a night which is good and the following day, Sunshine again. The unfairness of reports on Central Florida is probabbly for political reasons. Come and Visit Us.
Monday, January 21, 2008
TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today and what you have to know.
Shakun is back on air and Kristie left to meet me in Davos at the Belvedere where I am staying. I am not sure it was him but I may have seen today Richard fooling around Bill's house, I probably should invite him for a coffee at the Belvedere's bar when Kristie arrives. Hugh is pretty sad, he wears a black tie, I understand but well he should have thought the consequences his type of life may have sooner.
At last I have seen Rudy, he has been in my state (Florida) for quite a while now and so far I didn't have a chance to see him.
Are you still watching?
Wolf on air for the Democratic Debate and just now Hillary and Barak are having an argument. I don't know why a new legislation can be necessary to fight predatory lending, it was a long time ago but I was taught that using my knowledge (or a diploma) to sell financial products (or anythingelse) to someone who is clearly unable to fully evaluate the consequences of his or her decision because of his or her level of education, his or her vulnerability would drive me in front of a judge. Is this changed?
Sunday, January 20, 2008
TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN today - Something might have gone wrong.....tonight.
Kristie, Eunice and Hugh are dressed in black, that's a little bit tense for me. What are the good news, Jon worked, no kidding! Yes he did, I recorded it and I'll get back to him as soon I have watched. Primaries are going alright, but relax, don't get excited, it's not because you see it on your tv that you can organise something that looks like it in your home country (if you don't live in the USA), I know that it is not fair, CNN should tell you(specially Wolf), DO NOT CONCLUDE YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PARTIPATE IN THE DESIGNATION OF YOUR LEADER IN YOUR COUNTRY(in case you intend to write or call authorities in your country to ask for a similar process, this is an official legal disclaimer).
Now, there is something worse, I have been told that some of you think since you saw Jon and the Global Edition that you could be the Jon of your homeland, invite Ambassadors, Politicians and other Big Shots, have fun, test their sense of humor with embarassing statements etc... Once again DO NOT or at least don't be the first one to try it if you haven't check previously with CNN. You must be aware that in some cases (quite a few) doing what Jon does may drive you to jail or worse. You can put it that way, sense of humor about themselves is not the main charasteric of political leaders in the major part of the world. Just don't laugh, it is safer!
I wonder why Kritie chose black.
Good, no black Monday in Atlanta, Mari did not choose black.
Well Hong Kong may loose a few points but crisis in the US never last very long so be ready for the next bull market....Should you be reasonably optimistic about US economy, you can and here is why, Americans are the most industrious, creative, and enterprising people in the world. That is what has made US economy strong and that is what will make it stronger in the challenging times ahead.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
TV Times - CNN - Write now to Wolf, he just said that a lot more happened in those planes, Wolf we wanna know everything, don't be shy.... We won't see Lou but at least tonight we know what he's goin to discuss.
A yellow Mari, and a red Kristie, calling the spring and a rise in temperatures in Kong Kong. Times is running out for Hugh.
TV Times - CNN - What happened last night, you all wonder. No surprise so far, Hugh still trying to survive, hoping that winter will last all year.
And, he is lucky. Temperatures rising everywhere except in Hong Kong, 11 again yesterday but for how long?
I found out that Shakun is probably in London, have you seen that Patrick was last night very smartly dressed, I was told he was going to get Shakun at the airport right after he finished work. Stephen who is very fast seems to have made a point, he lost Shakun but because Richard refused to give up his travelling all over the world, Anjali seems to be sensible to Andrew. By the way, I don't think Anjali needs any diet, she looks georgous.
I may be flying today to Big Foot home to satisfy this crasy demand of I report in an attempt to land in Hong kong with something Hugh won't have. Never know, if Jon doesn't mess up the january 22nd Oscar ceremony with his strike, Kristie may accept to fly with me to LA to attend the thing. Now I just have to hope that coffee cotations keep going up (keep buying strong) to make sure Jon has to go back to work.
Music Times - Amy Macdonald - After lookin for days, weeks, months, I finally found the song I heard once sang by Kristie to Hugh but the guy is obsessed by adventures and didn't pay enough attention, how did you manage to blow it like that Hugh?
I am sure that if Kristie sings that to me, well man....
That's it I can see myself drivin, I'm headin west on 192, music is loud, Amy singin This is the life, my hot tub has nothin to do with that green water seen in London zoo. Already home sick. Lookin for the flight that will take me home.
Just wondering if Ralitsa and Jonathan are having an affair? Humm...!
Amy singin The Road To Home. Kissimmee's been everything I ever had.
I'll be soon Home, calendar is back on the wall for the countdown.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, Hugh was saved for another 24 hours, the temperature in Hong Kong dropped to 11. Lucky isn't he! Mari had a lovely dress.
Now the news, if you missed Larry part one, Don't go away, he is back at 12 and for now Anderson is on air and you will have all the latest on Michigan primary.
Kristie was red again tonight.
We had 15 sec of Lou, not bad for a start.
Monday, January 14, 2008
TV Times - CNN - Bad news, temperature rising in Hong Kong from 11yesterday to 14 today, the clock is ticking Hugh. Merky or not won't change a thing.
I'm not aloud to comment on the hot stuff in primaries I wish I could but... Though, I can say that today I was asked who may be the next President of the United States of America. My answer was that I am not able yet (I have to wait the end of the primaries) to tell who may win but what I can assure the candidates is that the winner or a very important member of his or her family or team will have organised a public debate in my hometown Kissimmee (you will be able to watch it live on CNN). Don't make mistakes I'm not sayin that if you organise a public debate in Kissimmee townhall, you'll be elected, but if you don't well you may loose the election.
Remember that the key is do it twice, have a public debate during the primaries and come back just days before the general election. If you want to fact check contact Gov Jeb BUSH and Gov Charlie CRIST.
Are you going to take the risk of loosing?
Sunday, January 13, 2008
TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, Hugh is doing it again!
Please Mari, don't help Hugh with the weather in Hong Kong. Temperature dropping etc... This is not a gentleman behaviour, I will brave very cold weather for Kristie, Hugh should stop this sort of argument, not a chance this may change my mind...
Please Mari, don't help Hugh with the weather in Hong Kong. Temperature dropping etc... This is not a gentleman behaviour, I will brave very cold weather for Kristie, Hugh should stop this sort of argument, not a chance this may change my mind...
Very sad, initially I planned to fly to Hong Kong then to LA with Kristie to go to the Golden Globes lavish ceremony and meet with Jon there, I guess that now I'm gonna have to cancel the trip.
I first was glad Jon did finally decide to work again, sounds in fact he was just out of pocket money and did just one Global Edition to pay for his coffees. I have crossed some lazy folks but one edition in three months that's over the top and the worse is I can't even fire him, he isn't working.
Where is Anjali knowing that Richard is in Indonesia, if you know, speak up. Sasha from Sky News has won a week in my hometown Kissimmee since I found that international mainstream medias have a problem getting informations about what's going on in Central Florida. Last week and this WE, I was under the impression there is an epedemy in the Media Nation, CNN or Sky are only informed about road accidents on I4, it's just like the only thing we do is we drive and we crash, a Central Florida hobby, kind of.
We have so much more from Cypress Gardens concerts to Disney World, Sea World, for more check here, specially today because Sandra Phipps Holder is Artist of the Month at the Osceola Center for the Arts, (I know I shouln't but Osceola is my county you see, so you know).
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, Hugh has Italian hair this morning.
I wonder if I should be thankful for sad news comin from my neighbourhood. Polk county is down the road and is home to my hometown radio station. The only news I got is that horrible freeway accident. To compensate I think CNN should contact my hometown radio station, 94.5 country, they always have a program runnin for Polk kids.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
TV Times - CNN - Folks, away from home, jump on your remote, Lou on Air now, Wolf too - Just like Home - and, NH polls are about to close.
Lou is just as usual! You gonna love it, trust me.
The Small Nations World Council (based in Kissimmee, Florida, USA) has decided today to invite him to the francophony counter summit organised in Quebec Canada in october 2008. He will be the Press Special Guest and will be able to report exclusively sharing the job with Bill. They haven't yet accepted the job, but I hope they will.
And now you can follow up on , yet they say nothin about the counter summit but you'll be able to get all the NH Primary results there.
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