Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I wanna know!
Hi, lookin great. Fine?
Breaking News - Mc Rove on air 9pm Hannity.
You're a king Bill !
I was in despair, missing Kristie, cable was dead. But the light finaly came, here she is with that dress.... How is Candy?
Good Luck Lou!
I just learned Suzanne 's in London. Will be flying tonight.
Lucky to have blinkotv, cable's tired.... would miss Wolf otherwise.
I guess we'll have a much better visibility after the G20 with the right decisions being made during the meeting.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I wanna know what's going on during the break, air it please.
Love the music!
Following the size of the pro-life demonstration that took place yesterday or saturday against the spanish gov project to change the law in that country to a look alike legal set up closer to what goes on in a country like france, I would suggest direct talks with the spanish people rather than any boycott as in EU countries now, most Gov policies in the matter you just talked about have absolutely no public support, as you know though that doesn't matter to these guys the political system authorising them to go ahead with anything they have in mind.
I can't wait to know but I go for a little boy..!!
Very nice shirt Kristie.
The best political team looking great and smart!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bill, E
Glenn D, Dennis D
Greta A, Sean A
Quite a regular school altogether....
Glenn and Dennis, 4 hours detention next saturday, to organise that happening and wearing a Disney hat in the classroom, Bill 6 hours detention same day.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I might if I can raise the money.... + a sat phone to keep watching cable tv over the net.
Fed up with Corporate America?
AIG sayin, it's not me, it's not me.... who is it then?
Circumstances and behaviour, 09/11, we all played and not just in America not saving enough, spending too much, borrowing too much.
Now can you blame someone in particular?
No, but if it can help, you can address Wall Street and Corporate America some useful in the future keep in mind. Such as, don't ever again do business with people that Wall Street has not educated and has no reason to care for Wall Street's reputation.
Don't ever again short circuit underwriting. Create and finance a Wall Street grown mutualised professional center to establish standards targeting sales, underwriting, management for any future range of innovative products helping professionals nationwide to be right on misleading no one.
That professional center will also address why it seems we haven't been able to transmit the new generation the values that have helped our institutions earned a deserved world wide reputation and why from LLoyd's "Honoris y Probum" we ended with Quick loan Funding....
I have more if it does help you go over it.
Guillermo..... My Kristie....!
That dress.....! Just kidding.
I can't watch every town hall meeting because sometimes it's difficult to find the network broadcasting it.
I shouldn't but can't help it, (you're my moral hazard today)........Michele.
How dare you? Please stop it!
Credit default swaps were not initially concieved to be seen as a casino's type of game or a bet, was part of the range of product designed to complete a multi product mortgage securitised market. I guess it turned out to be seen as a bet following the very poor mortgage underwriting not supposed to be and the loophole into oversight and the profession auto-regulation on risk taking that turned the all mortgage securitisation market into crazy land. I bet (sorry) it would be Rick's pleasure to explain you how credit default swaps should have been useful and could have played a regulatory role in a balanced mortgage securitised market in some different circumstances.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A bit louder Eugene, please.
This is an interesting development and truly a sad one... I hope that the bonuses outrage game players will not only read that letter but will feel that pride you very rarely experienced when the right cause you fought for triumphed in the eyes of everybody.
reading highly recommended.
Somehow, Kristie, I always manage to.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Rahm, your finger! Please.

Monday, March 23, 2009

No messing around please...!
Never guessed Warren was next door... that close.... wish I knew I would have asked for some advice.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Some days Sean, I guess you're just as popular as Bill!
I didn't get to see all the hearings but behind the bonuses initially planned to be given away was their costs to be by far lower than the cost to the taxpayer right now funding the company of a disorderly unwinding of these derivatives still to be completely done.
A messy handling of this final phase could have cost a lot more to the taxpayer than the bonuses planned, I understood from Ceo Liddy that keep that team together to do the best job possible at the lesser cost possible for the company was the initial motivation whatever his opinion might be over the all experience. The urgence was to make sure nobody leaves while the fire was still burning as it would add to the company's problem.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I always pay attention when I hear James Madison.
It's early, have fun. I'm out for a coffee now.
Well if he's selling that lot, I might be interested. It's next to mine and watered alright.
It's gonna be alright, I guess. The Truck?
What about the crops??
Without the state benefit.....

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Come on, I ain't that bad but on the doll for almost 4 years now and still payin my mortgage.... have a small budget for drinks.
Bernard, I always thought you volunteered...? Is Bill abusing his power?
John, I will check but I'm afraid you have been unfair to Dick... Are the numbers you cited prior to 09/11 and all its consequences, if yes, unfair, you shouldn't use statistics and their evolutions during President Bush's presidency pretending that just the policies engaged were responsible.
If you turn the clocks back and erase 09/11, what would be these statistics about poverty and uninsured, what part of the budget could have been spent on these issues, we will never know.
John you were so far one of my best student but I give you an E on this homework. I'm not satisfied.
Roland, I'm not being mean but you cannot exclude that some AIG employees have contracts specifying some form of bonuses that you cannot just wipe off like that. There are some legal issues these employees may not be ready to just give up due to economic circumstances knowing they could lose their jos tomorrow or the day after.
Jon, just been told that you were today honored by The Guardian....you are definitly a world star, missed your last show but will catch up, I mean The Guardian....!! Rick hasn't have that yet.

Monday, March 16, 2009

The world knows Rick. Who can afford not to know what going on in Chicago's market?
In that one, I'm sleeping and dreaming. I'm sitting in Dennys, just finished the omelette and hashed brown potatoes ( Dana looks great), the short stack is being served and I'm watching with envy that nice piece of whipped butter slowly sliding down the top pancake with that little bit of foam left behind slowly disappearing, I grab the syrup with greed and right at that moment I'm waking in the middle of nowhere, somewhere in the world ten hours flight away of the closest Dennys.....
That's torture!
It's strange isn't it. Like being in space somewhere talking to earth. Do you know what's my worse nightmare?
Hi, how are you doin?
Please help Bill pay tonight's dinner with Dennis..... (not sure, he really needs that... but can you refuse something to someone so popular with the view's ladies?)
Not as important as donate here :
http://www.puckettfaraj.com/cpt-roger-hill/ as well as check on the way the high moral standards in the US Army.
Dennis be good!
A well deserved Honor discharge for CPT Roger Hill :
Please visit here,
I'm tuned alright.
Great music, Thanks Jay!
I know a bit like my skull....
First the ring then the thing. I'll have to keep that one. (From Jay)
We don't jamned down people's throat (President Obama)
Pretty snaggy (about a hat)(W)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

I'm jealous Geraldo, Dana and Ann, the same evening,
Breaking News - Dana on air FoxNews now!
Asian markets looking alright, so far so good...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I know, a bit cheap... but
Well, I woudn't choose your drink... vodka is fine, for a drink at my local though, don't come after the 10th of the month.... know how it is.
Spring Break Haven :
What kind of people can enjoy and wish a young lady some troubled events in her life? Can you think of anything cheaper?
President Obama, Object in Chief? That's new, never thought of such a definition for the President, wonder what Nicolas may think of that, I mean, I'll ask when he's finished with the fiscal paradise invasion plans he's working on with Angela.
Happy first G20!
I guess. Hum...
A pot, wish there is one but as a lot of interests have been paid as investors withdrew some or their capital and were never earned on the market, don't you think there isn't much to recover....
Well, here is Jack's book, a true caracter is why he get's to be mentionned here, celebrating his America. Though I invite you to skip the first few seconds of this web page as you will understand that I cannot approve what's being said, you can also forget the last ten words....
If you ever stop by Kissimmee, I'll buy you a pint at my local. For the lunch, please place your order here

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The community there has asked several times some attention following incidents you just heard about. It's impossible to link him directly to these incidents, though the community has signaled that some rethorics and standoffs have resulted and encouraged such actions.
(Can check that with AMCHA in NYC if you want to, think they're documented)
Not nice!!!
Great to see Dennis on air as I haven't been able to find out so far if Wolf had fowarded the message.
If they take on Rick..... Shame on them!
My today's spot,
Remember that anyone trying to set a standard for any human society regarding color, religion or "ideals" are very much just like nazis or communists justifying their violent actions with the "superiority" of the recommended standard "race" for the nazis, "ideology" for the communists.
I don't know yet how to caliber the legal action that should be engaged against those in any position of power advocating the superiority of any standard.
Does Hugh, I mean Hugh's the Scott, have the strong accent he said he has not that long ago?
About steam, we may not have all the steam we'd like to have, but have to give a few days to hear more clearly about the fiscal stimulus for markets as what's good for valuation is good for bank books, what's good for bank books, is good for the economy and the credit flow, what's good for the economy is good for Gov..... so if really ideology is put aside we should see some strong fiscal support and tax credit for investors.... coming soon, if on top of being good for credit flow, valuation is good for existing 401ks, I guess it's a positive step.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I agree with the bet.
I know that Wall Street happened to be arrogant and that mistakes were made, but it did actually for centuries financed the economy, there is industry, knowledge and can do better, I believe the media could help by inviting on general popular public shows on tv more often the big guys and grilled them sometimes asking what are the next range of products you are going to produce, what do you have for the public, the small and middle income investor?
What can you say to the average citizen?
Breaking News - Mc Rove on air tonight - http://www.blinkotv.com/ Hannity's show.
Megyn...... what should I say to stay correct, ;;;;...!
Rolland, be good!
You guys are very smart....something to celebrate.

Monday, March 09, 2009

ECB shortin the £, you gotta be kiddin!
Don't know but BoE can always shoot....
Think loads are shorting £ against the euro, watch it....
Such a long time I hadn't seen Greta.
I wish I could be around, seems fun!
This is what a call a clear majority from the People's will!
Am I counted in there?
Bill is such a dancer sometimes!
We have already reach that level?
Can't be... I'm afraid to guess right....
I can't say I'm not pleased to see you but what happened to the Situation Room?

Sunday, March 08, 2009

New dress? I can't remember seing it, how to say that.... very smart.
Will lawmakers be interested in any fiscal stimulus for the Wall Street industry?
Well, yes mistakes have been made, concentration has proved to be helpless and may even be part of the problem but rebuilding a backbone (401ks did a very good job for a long time but won't work now) would be good for the industry, saving existing jobs and companies and if properly calibered should lead to grow the industry developing new range of products designed to help the investors whatever their size to face the new challenges and to create new smaller players and jobs. On the way, any guess of a better future for the industry with an anticipated positive flow for years to come(such as 10 years plan) won't send back the Dow to 14000 overnight as we will still have troubled markets for a while but it should stabilise and then improve troubled exisiting 401ks of a generation that had planned to retire and were forced to postpone. Both, any better for these 401ks in a reasonable amount of time and market stabilisation with the anticipation of a positive flow for years should interest lawmakers.
Build a new backbone for the 21st century markets by offering a new wide range of financial products that addresses the small investor's concerns after the global slide. For the first time, it's possible to offer ready made baskets addressing on a global base both the most agressive and risk-taking investor as well as the most conservatives giving him the security while offering a limited exposure to growth areas. If not just the US were ready to engage in some fiscal stimulus towards the small investors in these new basket funds with the appropriate level of national oversight, it could be possible to even offer these products to savers of countries away from any retirement system.

Friday, March 06, 2009

Financial innovation is back and Wall Street soon to be hiring, in a different way, we won't be working to maximise edging profits only but use innovation to secure the small investor's assets.
Funds to benefit from the tax credit will have a maximum amount by law, any firm will have a maximum of this type of funds under management, we may also see deposits to be made through FDIC insured banks and funds managed by Wall Street firms to make sure we maximise the spread, create new companies and jobs.
On the innovation front, to offer capital security for small savers, we'll be working on baskets, treasury bills, bonds, municipal bonds (yield), equities, etf's.....

Thursday, March 05, 2009

A tax credit for equities investments made in 401Ks through mutual funds targeting balanced and secure growth on a limited amount, investment couldn't be withdrawn for five years to both benefit from the secure guarantee of the capital invested + a minimum interest to be set (regular savings rate??) and keep the full amount of the tax credit, 100% deductible from the taxes owned the first year, 20% to be reimbursed for each year the investment isn't maintained. The funds will be Fed supervised but private.
The amount to be invested can be limited and the tax credit limited to 15%. Adopting an investment plan under the same scheme scheduling an investement every year for the next ten years would send the tax credit rate to 20% for an amount limited to $ 10,000.00 a year.
Two join the referee team changing every day, Suzanne and Dana.
Guillermo teaming with Bill to start.
Where do I sit Bill the Fox, when Laura is off!
Boss : Lou and Wolf
A natural referee would be Wolf but already a star and very busy, Anderson natural too, may be a team of referee changing every weekday, Anderson, Richard, Guillermo (if interested), Colleen, Gloria, John, Carol and Candy. No shows on saturdays. When Laura is off?
I hesitate between Jack and Roland( in his good days, can be terrible too), Laura, I think is the good choice.
I need some kind of referee though.
I guess they have to find one.....
Know a music that could pay mine (my bills)?
In fact I may need two journalists for the show and think I found, I need two caracters, Jack and Laura.
Starting March 30th a cable network may organise the T of the Day featuring
Rush vs James
Each day a journalist panel will select the topic of the day in the news and will ask Rush and James (not at the same time) to express their views(3mn) on the subject then Rush will be given the opportunity to say why James is wrong(2mn), and James why Rush is wrong(2mn).
The subject will be introduced (thinking of someone) (3mn).
Intro (issues, different views already expressed or polls on it) 3mn(Ads) First day Rush's views, following day James,(3mn) (Ads), James 's views (Ads) The Journalist (Ads) James : Why Rush is wrong (Ads) Rush : Why James is wrong (Ads).
Duration can be changed. It should score high and be altogether interesting, making some not so exciting issues more understandable without boring people and some fun if you ever paid attention at these two.
Would they accept?
Richard is great! Should teach.
Milton would disagree.
short short long short?
Someone asking Mervyn to say something new. Don't know if he can hear.
Are you doin Erin?
Quite a surprise, Andrew's back. Omar has just joined The List, will be in good company with Mahmoud, Hugo and Robert but I wonder how he found out though all ICC judges are rabbis, Court dress ?? and how did he discovered the all thing was part of the AmericanZionistJudaïcArmenianMaconicMilitaryIndustrial plot?
Omar, you just don't have the right to kill people.
I'm convinced, I can see you haven't done that for quite a while... and will try to make sure you don't have to do that in the future Alan. Nice try.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

That's not true, Rush said "I want him to fail why should I want him to succeed if ....... individual liberties...." He didn't mean I want him to fail whatever... it was to be understand if the price is..... Now soon, we gonna hear Rush want him to fail cause he's the black man.... And that's false.
Well, James is just as bad! He will team one day with Rush.
From Australia, Hugh's land?
For Kissimmee? I was told it's going to be the sunniest and warmest spring break Central Florida has ever had, do you confirm Guillermo?
That's better!
2.5%??? Can't read, sorry.
I guess it will be a surprise for some to see that there are several delegates at the China's People Congress dressed with their traditional outfit. Doesn't mean there is nothing to try to discuss about human rights with China's gov but ....
Every day cuter and cuter!
My bet is the Supreme Court will say no. First cause, the the Founding Fathers didn't want a Rep or a Sen in the Legislative branch to represent the syndicated interests of a crowd with some direct or indirect financial ties with the Executive branch, not that the good people of the District of Columbia should not be trusted because a majority of them works or have a family member working for the Executive branch or for a gov's contractor, but cause the human thing is always stronger in a free country.
On top of what, in the media era, guess who will be elected, the baker around the corner, a carpenter or someone already very proeminent on the national stage because of his or her ties with the Executive branch, this is precisely what wasn't wanted, making sure the bakers and the carpenters in the Legislative branch will represent everything except Gov.
I knew Wolf is a nice person.
He said in time it would be ugly below and it has been.... but it's the premium.
No, Rush didn't say(with his words) that he didn't wish President Obama to succeed. He said that he didn't want the price of President Obama's success to be the end of what for, millions and millions of people from every corner of the world came to America, be free.
Hot potatoe... got blown again covering USD exposure.... the premium going up these days... wish AIG was still around... but today is a better day... so far.
Doing alright in Chicago?