Monday, March 29, 2010

I just wonder somedays if the people that lead the civil rights movement be proud of the management of their heritage.... when to fight racism in some cases lives were at risk?

Friday, March 26, 2010

The deed isn't ready, was told.
still up?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

It was how do you spell dunderhead? But I got it right, I guess it was a word of the day sometime ago? Never use dunderpate?
I mean dunderhead?
I did for Halliburton.
How do you spell it?
Alright, Thanks, A
You guys look just great :):)
Didn't Rubens knew the beautiful?
:):) ...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I thought it wasn't respectful to say something as long as the debate was on whatever the outcome may be.
Now that it has gone through, how will the beneficiaries interprete the potential free access to a healthcare insurance contract? Throughout time I noticed that an entitlement is never free even for those who do benefit from it immediately. I happened to think that when Congress agrees to create an entitlement of that size and signification, it means at least for those who did vote for it, they have given up on the beneficiaries? They won't bother anymore to fight for a society and an economy providing enough opportunities to insure the potential beneficiaries of such an entitlement won't need it? The social stagnation for an entire segment of society will be more tolerable and accepted?
A binding relief both social and economic? Where such kind of entitlements have been created elsewhere in the world, it has proved to be a social trap, sadly sometime even for the beneficiaries becoming less motivated, accepting the situation.
Will it produce the same result?
When you think a particular segment of the population needs an entitlement to something to access it, you must conclude, that this particular segment will not be offered in the foreseeable future any opportunities to improve their lot thus allowing them to choose whether they want to pay for the service?
Nicole, be nice, don't drive nut.... let's say I dont need any help, I'm already a nutcase naturally...!

Monday, March 22, 2010

And he certainly does.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Bill,... I know you lead MC by one but....

Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's Macroman here
Hu Hut....Hike?
and frankly, I mean, .... hugh what's the H...!
I don't know.
Sounds weard but I guess it's true?
Sad & Bad News... Seems can't trust blondes no more?

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Think it's weeks ago now, I saw W kissing Laura in a public place, I'm not sure I can support that?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Manisha? a boy or a girl?
I meant was it really ie in Greek first? Are you sure it was?
I may just say, hugh, was just a typo...?
I mean in Greek?
No kidding? :))
Just like for Dana, I hardly miss MC when he's on air. Amasing.

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

I just wonder if really Maria wants to see that?!
Which one? There was something that kept bothering me, I re read it and doesn't sound right, does it?
  1. Did the pencils misspelled words or whoever wrote did?
  2. Do the pencils misspell words or whoever writes does?

?Do the pencils mispelled words? You say

Monday, March 08, 2010

Good Glenn, it's good.
Today, Monica was on Megyn's show, did you watch it? Was good.
Thank you, Maria, you too, see you tomorrow.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Jaimie was very pretty with that dress.
I never miss Dana, do I?

Saturday, March 06, 2010

You don't have one? (that's good)What about changing that? I have an idea.

Friday, March 05, 2010

The 25 Most Marketable Winter Olympians
Didn't see Emily there.... must have missed her jumps.....

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Aren't you always better served by yourself?
Colleen, be good, don't drive nut.
I'm sure you know Jack, come on.... Do the pencils mispelled words or whoever writes does?
When authorities, whichever, aren't in a situation to enforce on everyone a gun ban, they surely shouldn't have one applied to the most vertuous citizens.

Monday, March 01, 2010

:)). Ralitsa looks great. I had hoped a young president such Mr Medvedev would know, implement and promote a Russian nation pride without feeling the need for some nostalgia of an era that wasn't happy enough for many Russians not to end it?
:)) Jack, if you knew, you'll be immediately sacked from your job for that kind of wording where I am... once a senior journalist dared saying who he was voting for, action was quick, we didn't see him for months soviet style disappearance from the screens... None, not one of his collegues or any politician specially those specialised on "Bush the fascist" style attacks, when on air mentioned him any more.... I mean .... I must say he's back now but it is weard...
All the best to Baby Braxton. Cute!
Am I gonna learn how was Vancouver? Don't mention Mark...
Gary would never say that..!