Well, nevertheless, have you seen you're a Patriot?
It's goin to be strange for a while as I'm talking to you, I mean am I, really? I mean...? No...!
But be reassured, the most surprised of all are it seems so far to be BillM and Colbert, it stormed them out I was told... they too have finally found out they're Patriots and the true living heritage the Founders worked for the future. I mean, just tell me in today's world where can I find on a stage a bench of gentlemen with that many diverse opinions Glenn, Bill the Great, Jon, BillM and Colbert disagreeing on every single hot topics while celebrating by doing so the Founders 1st Amend and the Bill of Rights, shaking hands at the end forced to admit we're Americans aren't we?
Following this extreme revelation, yes Colbert is a Patriot confirmed Rupert, is Colbert about to enter a therapy to heal the shock, I don't know yet?
Did you find the video I'm looking for by the way? I know side by side, don't know why it came to my mind.
And... the Aisle... not the alley... well sometime I guess.... you know....
But what about the Freedoms if a tiny community is bullied enough to make their life a living hell... here we go again, Freedom of the Press to alert the People... gathering to peacefully petition the GOV.
Well, yes I do think it is a shock and a relief at the same time, be a Tea Party hero is something Jon, BillM and Colbert dreamed of but don't allow to come live.