1978 December, San Jose, California USA, at a meeting (militants from Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Irak, Koweit, Iran) about the future for Iran and islam, you could have heard an Iranian Arab sunni recruiting newbies explain that the success of a shia islamic revolution in Iran will be the best tool to wake up the islamic world, a live shi'a islamic republic in Iran will stop any secular progress in the sunni world and will force sunni religious authorities to teach "the real islam". "The future of islam rely on the success of this revolution, a successfull shi'a islamic state is our best opportunity to create the conditions we need to win the war in sunni states. A live sharia driven shi'a state will be a permanent challenge and an example for the entire muslim world. Following the revolution, every won battle won't be Iran success but allah's success and that will show to every muslim in the world the path to go."
Guess what, how right was that folk?
Guess what, how right was that folk?
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