For those who read this blog and don't watch CNN because my blog is a much more important worlwide media than CNN is did not see today President BUSH homeowner financing speech in the Rose Garden at the White House.
You have enjoyed fat bonuses on your adjustable mortgages sales that you knew you shouldn't have done, following what the President said, "In other words, if you've been cheating somebody we're going to find you and hold you to account.", I strongly suggest, hoping you kept clean records of your customers, you contact them asap to enquire how they are dealing with the mortgage you sold, if you find out they face difficulties to manage, then , you should probably use the same kind of talent you used to sell the mortgage in the first place to find a financial institution to renegociate it in your customers interest. Why should you do that, well, when President BUSH says "we will hold you to account" because you messed around with vulnerable people, I strongly recommend you believe the words.
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