Wednesday, October 31, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today to get a pink Kristie on your screen!
The news:
As usual 1st amendment is on the grill attracting some wired and disturbed behaviour but I am sure lawmakers will find a way around. You can say, write and you can think anything you want about President BUSH, you can buy a page in national newspaper to express your views, have a book published, post on the net, etc... but that doesn't not allow you to walk in the oval office to insult the President (not included in 1st amend).
This very wired church can express its disturbing views as specified above but attending private funerals to express these views and specifically target one family and a particular soldier is a typical mishandling of the 1st amend, I have judged.
Back to the raging competition :
We tonight have an extraordinary lovely pink Kristie, very smart Hugh and Martyn both with posh ties. Hugh's is showing off as much as he can to regain Kristie's love, mentioning he knows about Aston Martin, let her think he might take her on a trip to Singapour in a luxury suite onboard the airbus, he's desperate, I think. Patrick with a broken heart is back in London we saw and he said nothing about where Shakun's hiding to cry.
No, Hugh, NO, NO, NO, it' not goin to happen!§§!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
