Zain and Stephanie must have the same hairdresser (special prices). Go very often, Zain changed her color.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
That's very difficult, because, if I'm not happy, I post on a blog or I email, then if I do anyhting such as throwing something on the President I guess I go to jail, you can't do things like that... but what about someone that have made progress, not long ago, would explode himself or throw bombs now throwing shoes... if you judge it as progressing then I guess the punishment should be adapted.
I looked into Bagger's story but it looks very different, that one seems to have been a scam from day 1.
I don't know why but I'm awaiting the investigation result for Maddof cause I don't think it started as a "ponzi" scheme.... as the money flew in, it got too big, when losses showed up, didn't how to handle the situation, money kept flowing in, too easy to hide the losses, that's when it may have started to be fraudulent...
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Look, not sure but it's just the same old story, savings and loans invested in junk bonds and now investments from banks, may be cities in hedge funds.... I just don't know how when you're in charge of customer's funds how you dare doing that kind of stuff. They should take the funds, have fun gambling horse racing or casinos and advertise for double digit investments... This is ridiculous.
Saw the President, pretty vigilant, was surprised how he ducked and managed the situation.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Emily, I just saw Pauline, she says hi. Do you mind doing me a favor? I'd like you to call Rick now in Chicago as I'd like his opinion on Taiwan Central Bank rate cut, and I must admit I would ove to listen to what he's gonna say when you tell him I'm responsible for that phone call when he's having dinner!
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Well, you can use internaxx, just keep in mind that you must close that account as soon as you have your green card or citizenship.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Well, didn't enter that d..... museum because on top of what I told you about Small Nations denial of any rights (even the language) I didn't feel alright visiting that place, to me I felt I was about to enter a serial killer secret room, you know what I mean, a trophy for each crime... thought it was somehow obscene, you know...
Specially at a time they could act to protect, encourage and revive Small Nation's culture and they don't... So I didn't visit the place, can't tell you more.
Told you that because of the Dalaï Lama... wish he didn't meet with the paris regime but well you know... he's got his own people so may be he thinks that he can't show any solidarity with other distressed Small Nations but you never know he might also say things to the paris regime such as they shouldn't behave the way they do and show more respect for disempowered Small Nations...
I have been there once but didn't enter the museum, would translate it like that "First Arts Museum".... but felt really strange and decided not to go. At a time they still refuse any rights for the Corsicans, the Basque, the Breizh and some other Small Nations, such hypocrisy is questionable to me....
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
I didn't really got a chance to know Kauschel that she 's already gone.... Change is permanent on CNN today, it's very difficult to keep track of everybody in a story... We know Andrew is in Mumbai, Kristie's home, Mark in London, Anjali interviewing some rich men...if not President, Guillermo seems to be in Atlanta but what about Hugh, Shakun, Mari, Martin, Patrick?
Anjali in Hong Kong!
Military body charged with police duties among civilians, that says it all. The thing is qualified to be "napoleonic"....with the prefet.....these stuff are stoneage methods...
You cannot really compare it with National Guards as the french stuff is deployed on a permanent basis and against the People not to serve it....
What I was about to tell you is that for more than 20 years or so now, in many parts of the world where some wrong had been done in the past to small groups of people victims of modernisation, sometimes cultural war or land fights, gov have tried first to recognise some wrong was done and have tried to find ways to heal the consequences, not just because it's justice but also because it is proven that depriving the people of their language and culture has consequences for generations. It's of course about justice but it is also about the tremendous social and economic costs. Social networks that can't work anymore have to be compensated, these groups in most cases loose their creativity, their ability to adapt and ceased to be supportive for society.
That said, you know, I mean it's kind of difficult to understand why the paris regime has such a dark vision....
Today, it would be whatever happens very difficult for the Breizh to go independant, so you expect any gov you know to say alright, let's celebrate the culture, do everything possible so the people can speak again their language, create the conditions to allow the community to rebuild itself and be active and productive as a contribution for everyone to see.
Well no...! Nothing!
Most EU countries have signed the Small Nations act because it's justice. The only reason the Paris regime keeps refusing is because they haven't finished with the land spoliation process... very shameful!
I guess not. The target is to outnumber the Corsicans on the island. To them the success they won over the Breizh, how they managed by outnumbered them in some areas, how they used the "gendarmerie"(the regime's army) which is some kind of National Guards but used to harass local population, always aliens to the area they're sent to, to insure some kind of a terror climate, how they ask the administration they send to implement policies of land spoliation, how the local judiciary system is also sent from elsewhere to secure that the state terror is permanent forcing out the language, is the kee that allowed an end to the Breizh community unable then to protect its people or organise any social network...With more problems, they're just trying to repeat what is aimed at destroying the ties between the People and the Land.
I have to go for an hour or so but I'll be right back, it's an interesting one, so we'll go on...!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
You surely have in mind Andrew, once engaged to Shakun, abandoned when she met Patrick, was on a trip to India when he got caught up in the Mumbaï attacks as a guest of the Taj Mahal. Andrew is with the same shirt for days as all his belongings are trapped in the attacked hotel. Jonathan didn't mention Andrew's sizes but I wonder if it was a call to viewers to send some ties as Andrew didn't look as academic as he used to.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I know I could be busy from sunset to sunrise too...!!! with all the junk I get in mail box, from flomax, viagra, cialis to enlarments of all kinds, I mean it's just uncredible sometimes I even get mixed up don't know if they talking about me ot if tehyadreeesing the bulls I got.
Are you getting these too?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
It's a battle that can be won because it is a legitimate one. All over now, it is understood that Corsicans (and others) have every right to protect their Land from the Paris regime greed. Of course you can find a few jealous ones who never had any courage to defend their land and have been abused by the regime's promises of all kind and now want everybody to be in their situation but most understand that the regime has done enough wrong and if they can be stopped, it will be a great. Most think that Corsicans are fortunate to have a beautiful land and fortunate to have a community that so far has been strong enough to protect one another common interests. There are people to sometimes disagree with the methods used when they are violent but there are also people to understand that the regime has done everything to drive these groups towards violence as it is much easier to crack on these militants with some "noble" motives, "end violence".....
More fortunate too,(always create some jealousy) to have some brave members of the community ready to sacrifice their freedom and, their family's interest sometimes, to fight, they are now in jail and will be away from their homes for christmas. I know that many hope to see every street of Corsican villages and towns lighten with candles one night during the holidays making sure that from the ISS, Corsica will show that not one member of the community has forgotten the sacrifice they have made. For one night, even if some disagree over some actions, militants away from their families wont be judged and will be just celebrated by every Corsican as a member of a nation at war for the survival of its dearest wealth, Freedom and Land.
Alright, the leasehold is the "bail emphytéotique", apply to land easily and ensure its return with whatever was built on, that way no alien to the island can buy any land and can later enforce a ban on any new freehold sale that way those that have bought can end with the obligation when they want to sell to their property lto do so leasehold knowing that the new state or Land council under a very large autonomy will automatically recover the land's right. Land recover that way could be used to fund the program to build free homes for the native population.
Friday, November 21, 2008
No, leasehold is pretty common in various parts of the world, will get you contracts commonly encountered... starting with London and other cities in the UK, Thailand and very often where ever you have a land problem or a problem to access it because of regulation. In many parts of the world you cannot access land as an alien which is fair because otherwise when land avalaibility is difficult, first victims are always locals and most gov don't let it happen, sparkles trouble, best way to regulate is lease.
No, builders cannot sell freehold flats if they don't own the land and, with the plan they can't as the Land Council will not allow any acquisition for that purpose. What about if the builder is a member of the native population and owns the land, will still need the Land Coucil approval for the project and won't get it unless flats reserved for natives.
Defining Natives.... I know, inherit or prove you belong to the nation, time, culture, language, relations and the Land Council decides.
The Land Coucil will define your status as a member or not of the native nation. The Land Council (elected)will have the discretionary power to hand the special status to reward anyone that has accomplished special duties regarding the defense of the native population's interest, culture or language.
Following the nomenklatura evacuation, elections will be organised to designate the staff needed from police to water, roads, ports, State Attorneys will be elected, therefore, evacuation of any designated Attorneys are mandatory too. Judges will be appointed by a bipartisan commission of the State Congress.
Leasehold will be the new and only way to access the land or property market, any development plan will have to define a priority to reserve properties for the native population, a fund will be created to insure a free home to all financed by profits on commercial programs. A Council will be elected to manage the leasehold lots and acquire any land. The Council will be funded with property taxes.
What do you say?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Weather Channel : Bip Bip Biiiiiiiip Biiiiiiiip Alert
USN has issued a mandatory evacuation order for the Paris regime from Corsica, Basque and Breizh Land as a category 5 storm is approaching the coast.
The "prefet" and all non elected nomenklatura are requested to evacuate. Do not stay in arms way.
Bip Bip Biiiiiiiiiiip Biiiiiiiiip Alert
No it's a business, they entertain alright in between major regime's companies, mobile phones, insurance companies, banks all majors.... and lower courts, they even have people that don't know how to read properly that have signed contracts...., you can hear then "he or she didn't respect the appropriate process to end the contract therefore.... he or she must.... Anybody else would go straight behind bars but you know for extorsion....
I recommend we broadcast one these sessions....
I mean regarding their rights to access their history as a nation, their language, music.... what has happened to them, how they have been driven to that point. What's important is do we have the answers by peaceful means in an orderly way for a better future more respectful of their identity, offering them a brighter development both personal and for the economy of their Land.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Someone I thought smarter than that asked what's at the heart of society...., race, religion?? Isn't strange to ask that....specially you!!
At the heart of a democratic society, you have the book, I mean the Bill of Rights (The Constitution), the Rule of Law and the Judiciary system (an army of judges and lawyers). Now for religion matters, see First Amend.
Do you have to care for Small Nations who lost control of their land and their future? Should ask Gov Crist of Florida about that, I'm sure he would be pleased with Mitchell to give an interview to a magasine such as Marianne. Does it apply to some other Small Nations that have a very different history but are confronted to the same challenges, I believe it does. Just tell me why a nation stops to sing. Travel to any UK game listen and tell me why the Breizh don't sing any more...!
Well, something might be goin on, Stephanie went (one more time) to the hairdresser, changed again her hair cut (prefer previous one), Mark still on air, Patrick too, was like a zebra the other night,had problem to look at the screen, Hugh showed up but has disappeared since and Kaushel has a necklace but don't like the color. Saw Bonnie, smart as usual, Hugh is back, a color that suits the index I guess....
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Myself too. I'm not very good at socialising. There is a lady that sometimes does some conversation to me when I have a coffee by the pool and she kept mentionning she was half irish half german, didn't know what to know... so I went congratulations for your half irish and condoleances for the other half. Well that was another of my numerous mistakes I'm telling you, didn't like that....
Monday, November 17, 2008
I think they gonna speed it up because they don't know what may come from across the ocean... they know now that it is just a matter of time before what they are doing in these territories to the natives small nations spreads allover the place and they're not too sure what reactions may be.... They have their agenda and don't need to be imposed to hand rights to these communities.
I already know that! We should be wirin a lot more, never know what they might do next, they have raised taxes and should go for more as they run out of money, they are in a pretty bad shape, by the way did you like the clip, she found my tractor sexy? D.... good, right!
Might move to safer ground soon, Wales or London for a while, don't know yet waitin for clear immigration path.
A Nation, a Constitution and a Judiciary system like no other. President Bush, here showing his pride and satisfaction after Sarky's release from custody following the USN special warrant issued in Kissimmee, and was able to benefit US Constitutional rights to attend the World Financial Summit in Washington.
How are you doing today?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Inability to conceive the wealth these multiple languages, cultures and communities represent. Privileges winning a confrontation over power regardless the loss of a richer diversity and the wrong done to these communities. That's the next thing I'd like you tell me some tomorrow. I agree with the example of the privilege over bio diversity when it comes to plants, their twisted minds have reached that level of absurdity, don't mind a culture loss but not any plant whatever the natural course of evolution may will be....
Well, I ain't sure for that. I would put it that way. Is the regimes's inability to provide the appropriate level of care for these multiple languages, culture and communities aimed at just spoliate their members, an eased task when culturally disarmed, or is it an ideological tool like reeducation camps have been in similar regimes?
It's something difficult to explain, after lots and lots of hours I've spent listening to what they say and mostly don't say on the subject, it's still unclear, I wouldn't now say it is a chosen damaging policy at least when it comes to culture, no doubt though that on the economic side it's clearly a choice that privileges spoliation (cannot deny that for Corsica and Basque Land).
What I don't come up with yet is do they know or is it just like it was 50 or hundred years ago for more advanced society like today's US.
They say quite easily, they aren't killing anyone or committing formal crimes, their mindset doesn't allow them to think beyond what the appearances show... they are no state death squad know, too bad!
For some others, it's different though they really still think, yes I know, today?...!! Well yes, there is some kind of legitimacy in stepping, regardless of the violence it does represent, in the history of these communities, to them they're educating them, they truly think they detain some kind of cultural "superiority", they act like they haven't reach a point of mature development that allows in society parrallel development. When I say I don't know chosen or not and what lead me to think it's an underdevelopment state, it's because you'll never see any large audience public debate on what's the sate today of, an example, Basque language, what has been the damage caused directly and undirectly to the community and what policies could or should be implemented to try to reverse it and strenghen their future. It appears to me but can be wrong, their today's mindset and level of developement prevent them to look after these communities wether they're Corsican, Basque, Breizh and others with an appropriate level of care. Most politicians seems to be still in the conflict zone where eliminating them (intellectually)up to the denial they've ever existed as a people is the only way to secure the regime legitimacy, they act most of the time just like the regime and society are at risk and exposed to destruction. They today confront them like 200 years ago, unable to make any political progress.
What have you been up to?
Not on mine. I got four usbs and the tractor is wifi enabled but I wanna wimax it to turn it into a media center so I can watch tv what I already do and blog at the same time when around what I can't do right now it ranges too short on wifi, but I can connect up to four devices on the tractor wifi antenna.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Don't know about that, but he's on $100 a week take home and no rent for his flat but that's all he gets so I guess he would like to make some from his jokes and can't help him cause already struggling with the d... mortgage so if you know how much it would cost him to copyright his stuff I guess it would help...
No, never watch it the guy is my rival...., !! Send me a link for Bill the Fox as I don't get it here. By the way, met a guy that wants to copyright jokes he writes, his name is Ian, don't think you know him, think he's got a scooter rental business in Disney, well, anyway, if have any idea on how you do that or anyone else on air now, let me know will email him.
Try that one, may be a litle bit long but was okay. And don't forget Toys for Tots as we're closin up to the season.
What about yours, found any clip related to? Anyway, did you watch it, I just did, didn't have my glasses on to start with and what a surprise, thought for a minute Larry may gone for some extreme surgery to keep his job... Well was Joy!
You're just a pain man, listen to the right thing 97 Country, and you'll hear my song, they play it... I guess they don't on hip hop programs!
Friday, November 14, 2008
In short address to the Press massed at the Headquarters entrance, the General Secretary has stated that there will be a zero tolerance from this institution if it is established that people arrested belong to any Small Nation deprived of Land, use of their language and access to their culture. "In this particular case, we will issue immediatly an international warrant seeking the arrest of Sarky while in the US", added the GS. "We do not promote in any way the use of violence or promote in any way any unlawful action but the lack of rights, the continue refusal from the Paris regime to sign the convention insuring protection for Small Nations right now under its administration can only result of more dramas along the way. The Paris regime has shown less respect for Small Nations under its administration than Beijin shows on any day for Hong Kong or even Tibet. The Paris regime is a shame on earth and we'll be doing everything we can to end the suffering of Small Nations for now forced to deal with the Paris regime administration."
The General Secretry has also indicated that he is taking very seriously the situation and shown a fierce determination to end the Paris regime refusal to help Small Nations to rebuild themselves, their ability to use every day their national language, develop their culture and economy. The GA has concluded "The Paris regime has shown for now 60 years its inability to provide a decent level of development and Freedom for Small Nations, there won't be on the edge of a new century another hundred years of war on Small Nations language, culture and Land, the appropriate sanctions and measures will be taken to insure the convention signed by many countries is enforced".
United Small Nations Headquarters in Kissimmee :
Our special envoy there telling us that the General Secretary is about to address the problem posed by several arrests made in territories under the Paris regime administration without any evidence or clear indication of involvement in any crimes and is thinking of a special warrant seeking the arrest of Sarky on his arrival on US soil. The Secretary has indicated that change is coming and we cannot any longer tolerate such a lack of democracy from a regime sitting in the middle of Europe.
Stay tuned as the situation unfold, we'll keep you posted.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
It never stop does it? Always something to celebrate around the world,
Happy birthday Zain!
Jack? Just the same, A-- (2-, behaviour too, right now even more turbulent than Bill)a great idea investigating the current administration to unite in such economic and international difficult times? I don't recommend it.
On the up side, The Dolphins are on a winning trend! The Colts won their game! Alaska is for sure now a State of The United States of America, Greta is riding a snow machine in Alaska, Bill the Fox got a A- (nothing new there, his behaviour did cost him the - and had always been a problem), but here comes the best :
Amber from my hometown Kissimmee when asked if she had a message to the world,
She said "Live it up!"
Was told she's very cute, but won't give her phone number here, you'll have to go there and ask her!
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Breaking News - Some new revelations on the President's private life at the White House and a very troubling picture - Breaking News
No other network has my news gathering capacity!
Stay tuned.
No other network has my news gathering capacity!
Stay tuned.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Well, today I wrote to Bill to find out why Republicans when not in office should do anything different than liberals did?
I'm glad the campaign is over the last few days were difficult.... A nice person in my community offered a ride to the car rental location when asked what I had planned, told him that I was thinking of driving down to Crawford Texas to buy from the souvenir shop a cup with President Bush on it, his phone fell on the floor and we almost had an accident.... not a fan, I guessed.
The following night, headed to my favourite sports bar, Indiana vs New England was on, I wasn't making too much noise but someone asked me why I was supporting The Colts when wearing my Dolphin T, told him that Dolphins not playin tonight so I support the Colts because they gave President Bush a real nice hat, "pretty snaggy" said the President knocking on it, that's why I support...
The guy gave a real disgusted look, wonder why, don't we live amasing times.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Gov Palin is in my hometown Kissimmee, let's be honest, other candidates taking a major risk ignoring this great town!
Though, nobody told me and I'm not there. Hope there will be some more rallies around I4 next week.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Drew, you're sent off for the next height days! You'll copy 50 times handwriting the Bill of Rights to be shown first thing when you come back!
Ted and Wolf to my desk as I have a few things to tell you, for a few days now I feel unconfortable watching, Jack and Lou have opinions, but not everybody can afford that...!
Thought John knew better of PA's people, he said they're slow and made quite a few other compliments, well he forgot to mention that "slow" didn't apply in one domain of intellectual activity, financial maths, cause guess what John how do you explain you have been elected and re-elected for so long, wasn't because you're being a good man as we all know now...!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Very presumptuous, that's how I would characterise a desire for change of the so called "policies of the passed height years that didn't work", Why?
First, because sadly in a way the President (actual) never had the chance to implement the policies he had planned, 09/11 set the course.... Therefore, talking about the Bush 's policies is very inappropriate....
Second, today's world has shown that anytime, anywhere and anyhow, it can decide the type of burden it will impose to the country.
Third, because anytime the American People can find out about the actual crisis the fact that to resist the impact on the economy of 09/11 and bring full support to the economy in the aftermath, a policy of low interest rate policy was implemented. The policy implemented to protect jobs and growth has shown its limits but it did protect the People for almost 8 years. It has had unexpected and undesired consequences but it can and it will be turned around.
Fourth, the finish line is november fourth not next poll, there is time to talk to the American People and offer them a vision of the next four years when someone has nearly 30 years of experience in public office and has seen and helped pass legislation in times of crisis.
Fifth, it's for the People to decide, Sen McCain has shown that what some call "erratic" is just the right sense of duty....
When the crisis striked, he decided to suspend his campaign, showing that his job of Congressman was something he was taking very seriously and as such, his duty was to be in Congress. Country first, not his campaign...
He thought it wasn't the right time for a debate on foreign policy when everyone was focused on the economy, and wasn't the right time to oppose in a debate on economy when Congress was looking for unity to pass a bipartisan legislation the country needed. Once more Country first...not his interests in the campaign...For the People to decide.
The interest of nobody to have an ugly race as it will weaken the next President at a time it is not needed...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Do you really think Dems helped the crisis to grow? It could backfire as the crisis worsens, may be first helped in polls as long the crisis was thought to be easily passed, very soon the American People I think will turn to someone that can reassure them, that has a long experienced life in public office and has proven records of being strong in tough times, age that some people thought to be a disavantage may soon proved to be a real asset if Sen McCain shows (he can) he may be the father the Nation will be looking for in very difficult times.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Short sell ban, some say it didn't prevent the market to drop. I say, as long as you can make money on dropping stocks, you'll probably increase market losses as it raises your gains.... Banning short sell in extraordinary times is ok as shortening the seller's power is for the best of the overall market and economy... I would ban altogether short sell all sectors for now.
What do you say?
What do you say?
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
If these guys can't get their stuff together to restore a decent interbank money market, bring in the Fed and the vehicule, official interbank Fed Gov agency (a capital state owned firm with in mind its privatisation as soon as order is restored), backed by Fed, a market tenant and organiser...
Like it?
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Not really, I thought it may be a good idea to prepare the Fed's vehicule privatisation, very soon that entity will be trusting all the short term commercial paper market and will be in the future a very profitable firm as a market maker. No taxpayer's money involved and Fed pocketing the amount of the sale whan the market is ready....
Our human characters have high and lows, we fight to avoid the lows but we are People and we have to live with our bad instincts, this is why the American People chose the rule of law.
What is it?
The video is highly recommended.
If you enjoy an ad free environment it's altogether because first of all you're lucky enough to have Free Press the rest of the time ads financed... Second of all, you wouldn't like to miss Larry's "Don't go away"....
Monday, October 06, 2008
Look, despite the famous "consencus buying gold and asking for reduced interest rates", I believe that so far ECB policy has for the past two years prevented a lot of agents in the EU to misuse credit, it doesn't look very pretty now, would be far worse today, if those asking for reduced interest rates had been listened to....
As long we don't know if Jean-Claude is still fully empowered, I'm buyin USD.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
No, that's a lie, the regime and its press lie all the time about Corsica. I bet you gonna love that. My sister lived in Corsica for several years in a small village near by Porto Vecchio and guess what she was there with her her two boys(half Russian, half hers), not exactly traditionnal Corsican first names, named Sacha and Youri (you can laugh).... And, nothing never happened, the Corsican People was really nice to her, she never was threatened or anything like that.... To the extent, (she left us in 2005 after a car accident) she had asked to rest in the island cause she loved the island and its People, so my dad and her husband did.
Se always said that the resckless conduct of the Paris regime was criminal and I guess she felt like me, you know when you step on a People's Land and therefore you own something, you have to behave and the least you can do is get interested in the People's history, rights, language and help in any way you can to protect that future. I guess she did and hope if she can from where she's now will help destroy this bloody regime.
The Paris regime is on the edge of an unprecedented wave of violence if it continues to destroy the island and its People's rights to invite who they want on their Land. What has been accepted so far will be refused by the next generation cause they can't afford it....
It's not just true for Corsica, it's true for the Basque Nation and other territories now occupied by the regime and the bench of criminals leading it....
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Plot is plain dumb and so is the idea that a few guys in Wall Street can cause a world wide financial crisis....
What I was trying to say is you need both to make the crisis, a fragilised financial system and banks holding questionnable assets (alright here we go, the subprimes played a role) and oil jumping from $80 to $150 in six months, a major and much needed component in today's economy to cause the problem....
I think that if you just had the subprimes assets in the financial system in a booming economy, the system was able to clear that up with may be a few actors of the market going down but no major trouble, nothing to do with what we're seeing throughout worldwide in the financial system simultaneously hit by a credit troubled market in a fast slowing economy, the perfect cocktail for a disaster...
Have the oil producers planned it? Looks like a plot delirium now have some of them helped it getting ready to exploit it for both profit and political gain inthe world.... YES
What do you say?
On CNBC, just a few minutes ago, Jay asked how would you score the oil producers' responsibility on a scale of 1 to 10 for dramatically speeding up the financial crisis since the barrel jumped from $ 80 (end of 2007) to over $150 (summer 2008)?
Just the subprimes or did the price of the barrel go so high that it stopped the economy?
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Bill, Gov Palin is running for VP not President, the debate we'll watch is to find out if Gov Palin will be a better VP than Sen Biden may be. Otherwise isn't a nice argument, it would be, the debate is to check if Sen Biden can be President should something nobody wishes happens to Sen Obama, then why should the American People vote for a ticket that could lead to Sen Biden being President when in the first place even the Dems didn't want him to be their nominee for the job.
Sorry Sen Biden, I had to, it's Bill 's fault, he's being provocative...
Have you catched that? ATT unable to borrow short term (30 or 60 days), it's the sign we're running out of time....if a major company can only borrow overnight... I have heard that Rep Jackson could add 14 votes if a piece of legislation for foreclosures procedures was added to the plan.
When you know what's in some of those contracts (prime + 4 or more), I remember an ederly lady shown on CNN about to loose her home with a true ugly contract sold by someone "a financial adviser" who used to visit her....and had offered this great loan to reimburse some small loans at a decent rate this lady had with her bank....
I guess it would be no "bail out" if the legislator stepped in with a piece of legislation when obviously vulnerable people have been targeted.
What do you say?
Housing bubble has burst elsewhere too, situation so bad, the Paris regime forced to engage in buying unsold stock of flats and houses sometimes not even built yet (just projects) as several building companies were about to close. (Here you go for the article)
Monday, September 29, 2008
The 700 hundred billions were not meant to be thrown in the fire.... it's to replace destroyed capital. With it, you're not going to fuel a continuing credit bubble that has already burst, it's done. The problem you're facing now isn't about should you go on with easy credit, it's, will you have the credit you need to just insure the normal economic day to day demand, because right now you don't have it anymore.
True, no ordinary company can do what Fannie and Freddy have done, that said, the financial system doesn't have anymore the capital the banking system needs to generate the credit the actual level of GDP requires. If you decide to not replace it, you choose to head for a GDP reduction, it's a choice that can be made but you have to know about it.
Inflation wise, it's probably worse to ask the Fed to finance daily needs than it is to replace the destroyed capital through an increase of the deficit and borrowing.
Very severe Jack. This promised to be the most challenging campaign in very challenging times, I think she deserves to have an adjustment time. She didn't spend the last few years around Washington learning how to play the game with the Press so.... there are misunderstanding and difficulties. But after all what do you expect from someone in the VP seat, she will have plenty of experts to say what should be done and what shouldn't be done and you expect her to question these experts a little bit more than they questionned themselves to make the right decision and I believe she has that capacity.
Paris : United Small Nations, a conditional YES to PM Fillon's call for unity. The General Secretary in a quick address to the Press said "Not interested in the fake opposition of the Paris regime leftists, our members hace decided to rally Fillon's call for unity under conditions, rights and a deal for Small Nations autonomy NOW, we engage the PM to start right away the negociation".
I think it will go through because even Reps that have every reason to oppose the plan have also a great sense of the country's interest, today not ready to take up a global reset without major social difficulties. Doing nothing will only make things worse, even if I have to admit that the reset button is a big temptation... but would it be responsible? What do you say?
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Well, you have to know I understand and share the Heartland's outrage over the all thing. Hardly ever considered or cared for, often mocked, frequently accused of racism and nationalism, now asked for money because some of these "experts" with high profile lifestyles who regularly talk down to them have messed up.... They know they gonna pay because they always end doing so somehow! Asking them to agree, may be a little extreme....
I'll catch you afterwards
Saturday, September 27, 2008
GOP may not be perfect but has always been about truth, then I guess that "Bail out Wall Street" is something that can be forgotten. Wall Street gave the means and tools (innovation), should have been alarmed and should have reacted and questionned when asked to finance for abnormal amounts of subprime mortgages (the greed won, these amounts was an obvious sign the tools got out of hand), but Wall Street did not sell all over the country to the wrong customers these questionnable mortgages (very good tools for real estate professionnals that don't hold for very long assets), banks and mortgage brokers did without any reserve of any kind.
Junk bonds got out of hand(again good tools in some cases when used wisely for educated investors), Wall Street sold the bonds and got the blame. Subprime mortgages got out of hand but this time was sold by other businesses that behaved exactly with the same greed that those in Wall Street who helped to finance the extravaganza.
There is a big temptation, go after what is obvious, where moral standards have gone down, Wall Street has to regulate itself, wasn't like that..... and forget that with the right information consumers may have say Thank you but NO Thanks when offered these mortgages if aware of the possibility of monthly payments going up by 400%. I know it's in the contract and it's legally fine but not informative enough on a separate sheet with different scenarios of interest rates forecast and nothing about the financial tools that could have been used to cover the risk. When rates went up they weren't ready, if alarmed soon enough who knows how many may been able to react and take the right steps to sort themselves out. Empower the consumer has always been the best regulation and let innovation some room.
That said, Wall Street got the biggest slice, has the brains and should be asked to do its own clean up....
The good news, did you watch the debate?
Friday, September 26, 2008
It was funny, went to drink a coffee and tv was on, some Paris regime ministers were on air, jumping all over the place, amasing, you could see joy on their face, American system ruined etc.... much better organised here etc.... At one point, I just wondered they might have a barbecue party soon with Sarky, Mahmoud, Hugo at the Elysees...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A bail out would mean that if you don't, banks and other financial institutions would go bankrupt but it is not the case. If no plan, most of them will survive by downsizing.... whatever the wrong they did.
In case of a plan, because you cannot overnight build several banks and institutions all over the country, you are tempted to use the existing system.
Their mistakes and it's true "reckless behaviour" (CNN has shown former employees testifying of the shameless activities they were imposed to do) has for consequences to stop allowing new mortgages, line of credit for businesses, student loans.....The plan is there to allow them to engage into new operations under I guess a greater scrutinity. No plan will not punish them saddly. It will just punish the economy in general.
Why is that people see the plan as a bail out of some fat cats or reckless banks? When in fact, the 750 billions or 700 should be seen just like a perfusion that you cannot replace by several small shots all over the sick body...
Isn't possible to look at it as an irrigation system? Where the gov using the banks and financial system to irrigate all the economy with the needed credit to allow the economy to function normally.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Again Chairman Bernancke said something like let everything fall apart isn't a way....Would you do it, really? On top of that you aren't "bailing out" anyone, you're reinjecting capital into the financial system and, but don't know yet, you may be creating the conditions that could allow something to be done for the actual homeowners in trouble who, following the banks balance sheet clean up, may be more easely able to renegociate their troubled mortgage....
Chairman Bernancke said losses should be some percentage of the plan but how much, you can't say because it will depend on what exactly is done with the mortages on which is based the so called "toxic assets" (the commercial paper). So far the plan is to buy the commercial paper, once done, how much is worth that commercial paper the taxpayer is bying depends on what will be done about the management of the mortgages because I think the very initial fault has been the lack of care in the management of these contracts. You start to manage in a more traditional way one by one these loans and you can change drastically the value of the commercial paper the taxpaper has bought.
I know you don't like that plan but did you watch Chairman Bernancke, at one point he said that 500 billions have already been destroyed as capital being available in the financial system to expand credit, this is why the amount asked for reach such an important amount, knowing that not all write off have already been accounted for.
I think it's great that people around the world are given to see what is Freedom in action. The fact that the President wants something, so does the the central bank chairman and the secretary of the treasury they still have to go and ask the People(Congress), they have to explain themselves, why, how, what for... Bad crisis but shows around The People's rights in this great country. That's my opinion, you know, no more.
Iraq bailout? If on top of that Congress feels that there is any kind of attempted coup to force the country into any kind of international order or communism, NO could be the answer... Keep in mind, in this country the taxpayer can say NO! In most countries, there will be no debate, the ruling class decides, not here!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I said it's just strange, you know for decades if not centuries, brand names (that happened to be also families)such as Lehman, Lazard or Warburg and quite a few others actually meant high moral standards, hard work and competence, find Lehman in this situation isn't something I waited for but just like everybody I guess.
Mahmoud has changed his mind about the USA and has decided to ask Gov Crist to help him find a good deal with the Kurdish Nation, to preserve their culture, to offer them more rights and will offer to prove his good will with a significant part of territory where they will be able to establish themselves with a large autonomy.
Isn't that one a breaking news!
Don't bother! Well the thing is Ben isn't the kind to speak out if he has nothing to say... and Sec Henry is right when he said "guess what, the taxpayer is already on the hook whatever...". And you know I expected that, FBI has stepped in and there will be blood cause, you know, the campaign and it's alright to go after regulation, the administration but the fact is some people in banks really messed it up and you cannot regulate that. It's a sector that needs trust and confidence, they had it and ....
I don't know all these companies very well, but Lehman's history is embedded in America's history, so it's sad. A large part of Lehman's adventure has been to fund the development of US infrastructures (railway adventure to WW2 collecting money from Europe) on top of its regular investment banking activities(later). What are you up to?
Monday, September 22, 2008
No, not cause I've one, mine is paid for alright, was managed by Lehman and so far so good when rates went up I made a big principal payment to lower monthly payments, it's an USD IO Libor 6M + 2.5 reviewed every 6 months, not that bad compare to others but I made the payment cause I could, out of savings for retirement. And yours?
Well, I'm not going to change my mind, this is not an argument, I've not the means to find out how much is needed to buy the commercial paper based on portfolios of mortgages that banks hold but it won't be sufficient, (just saw President Bill, that's right), if you don't want the taxpayer ending up paying, you'll have to change the management of these mortgages, probably renegociate them, in some cases change the contract to a rent to buy to allow people to stay in their homes (still better than a forced sale where everybody will loose money), at least reduce the margin when obviously it's far above market standards. I even take the bet if you want that if management of these contracts is changed(not talking about the commercial paper, it's about the mortgages) in two years time you can resell commercial papers based on these mortgages with a confortable profit. But you need to change, find or create a private vehicule to manage these mortgages.
What "commercial paper" you talking about? The commercial paper is non liquid cause homeowners can't pay the contracts, for the commmercial paper to be liquid again and worth something you need to change the mortgages daily management which has lead to the change of ratings of the commercial paper in the first place and finally to.....
You're watching? Well, What I was about to tell you, a large amount of foreclosures could be avoided as soon as these contracts are under a different management. Most of these contracts are libor or prime + 2.5 to up to 8.5 (I was told haven't seen that high may be more, don't know). Most of homeowners are able to pay their mortgages as soon as you reduce the margin which is, you can admit, in too many cases far too high and can be reduced. Should I say you're still making money or at least paying management cost...
I'm bying if it's what you wondering about! Although, following what I was given to see on CNN of the President speech, I immediately sent an email asking that at the White House, all hammers and any tools that could be used to hit someone was hidden. It's the way and tone the President used to say "the experts" that prompt me to send that email, I wondered just in case the same "experts" had told him months or weeks ago that everything was under control, so worried for their future health, I decided that it was best not to let the President any opportunity to hit them should some experts show up in the oval office.
You? What you up to?
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Well I don't know if it is still the case but in different states where I lived for a while you had around neighborhoods something at the time I thought it was incredible, you were able to walk around and at fall and spring in general, you would find in front of houses sometimes on the side walk, a table with what people didn't need anymore in their home, it wasn't rubbish, it was some surplus, it would run from toiletries to small kitchen appliances (plates, a coffee machine etc). Most of the time you would also find a pot coffee or cold drinks if it was summer but with nobody to insure I was told some kind of privacy to those who may come and want to take something they need and can't afford to buy. I was so astonished by the kindness and care the People of these states could show and this is why I can't wait to see Gov Palin's run because I trust that she is that America, that she will show the People it is no turning back to keep the good things that made this nation so great and so different. When she will feel free to speak about how she sees a future with more of that America, I believe the People will take her and Sen John to the White House with no hesitation.
Friday, September 19, 2008
That's I thought too when I heard Sen John going "unbridled greed, recklessness, corruption and", I was waiting for now please say it, "we have had enough of that regime right in the middle of europe, The People of Breizh, Corsica, Basque and others have rights, starting with we cannot support anymore they are forced to speak a foreign language in their everyday life". It didn't say that of course but the idea that this day may come is joyful.
Some days I wonder how many we are, feeling that. The french language has always been just an alien I'm living with, looking out for a way to expel it. Just like a disease trying to eat up your mind that will at the end kill you, I always managed to maintain it as its initial state of alien in my body with the secret hope that one day I will be able to wash myself up. Today I'm close to the point where the war I was at with that alien has ceased to become a chase I lead and to say the truth it's so good, so good to be preparing the next step, when we'll start to go after those who thought that by pushing down our throat this d.... language they had won!
Donate to Support TIP's Efforts to Peacefully Stop IranIran Press KitNew IAEA Report: Iran Continues to Withhold Nuclear Program Info
Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin and Senator Hillary Clinton to Speak Monday at NYC Rally to Stop Iran Now
Stop Iranian Terror and Nukes: Events in U.S. Cities (by date)
New York City:"A Closer Look at Iran's Foreign and Domestic Policies and Its Nuclear Program"NYC Press Lunch and Q&A (Credentialed Media Only)(Journalists may join in person or by phone, all others are invited to join by conference call at 12:30 p.m. To RSVP, click here)
Stop Iranian Terror and Nukes: Events in U.S. Cities (by date)
New York City:"A Closer Look at Iran's Foreign and Domestic Policies and Its Nuclear Program"NYC Press Lunch and Q&A (Credentialed Media Only)(Journalists may join in person or by phone, all others are invited to join by conference call at 12:30 p.m. To RSVP, click here)
This call from deserved a non partisan approach. Having Gov Sarah Palin attending the meeting and speaking out was an opportunity to help the understanding of the situation in parts of the country where sometimes because these problems are so far away don't get the attention it deserves.
Thank You to those who thought smart to involve partisan politics.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
There must be some far worse ways to waste tax payer's money than create a vehicule to take off the markets and balance sheets of financial institution non liquid commercial paper as long as it does in real terms improve the overall economy.
Love the necklace Stephanie!
Liked the day?
Do you think, after what you said, that following Robert's speech on opposition's behaviour in general, he and his opposition could spend the same amount of energy, him to keep a hand on power, his opposition to win it, to bring some comfort to the People?
Was a nice rally!
It's sad in a way to learn that the worse Wall Street kid got at the end the bigger check but the story isn't yet all written and if established that funds that should be manage with extreme prudence such as home insurance premiums, others insurance premiums etc... have ended up invested in hedge funds and others speculative financial instruments originally conceived to help manage and cover risks over large portfolios exposure to changing economic environment, then those responsible may have to face accountability....
Lehman sadly may have done the biggest mistake, compromised only their own interest, I learned tonight, thanks for sayin something (Sir).
Regulation efficiency :
I take the bet tonight (not in the basics, have to pay a euro 1/4 per month) that I won't find anybody to say that China is under regulated, will I?
Did it prevent anything, baby milk powder with some chemical!
I guess that regulation (whatever the level is) will never replace spirit. What's right and wrong whatever the gain may be....? But how manage that when right and wrong is different from one person to the other?
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Here is a link to an article - A Paris regime union organisation reporting that thousands of companies are on the " breach to go bankrupt", according to this federation the regime doing nothing to prevent it.....
Get back to me, as the libor moves.
Here is a link to an article - A Paris regime union organisation reporting that thousands of companies are on the " breach to go bankrupt", according to this federation the regime doing nothing to prevent it.....
Get back to me, as the libor moves.
The President will speak at 1615pm to address the crisis.
No, I just don't know what can be the effect should these "thousands of bankrupcy" take place on french banks, I mean on top of the social unrest that will inevitably I'm afraid take place.
I just read the Morgan Stanley Ceo story that NY Times "cannot confirm", I guess some people should watch it cause if caught breaking the law (any one, they can count on authorities to dig) in these market circumstances when it is clear that it is expected from all professionnals some responsible behaviour, they will end dealing with the FBI and in the passed, the all thing ended behind bars....
On the same subject, Sen Obama said something interesting, his views, (don't like that color Kristie) reform the bodies in charge of the oversight as speculation and innovation, Wall Street engines keep changing and modernising. I understood that in a way the Senator agrees that the tools (junk bonds, subprime mortgage, other special financial tools sometimes speculative) are not responsible of what qualified dealers do with.
It was a difficult day so,
Breaking News - End of the afternoon, the President leaves the White House heading to the Iftaar Dinner, he crosses the South Lawn with, we were all expecting Laura, to board the helicopter, "Surprise" it was Dana. We will not speculate (definitly not the right time even to talk about it) but what should we think?
From the campaign (what you can't afford to miss) :
Statement released :
ARLINGTON, VA-- Today, U.S. Senator John McCain issued the following statement on the situation in the financial markets:
"The crisis in our financial markets has taken an enormous toll on our economy and the American people-- first the decline of our housing markets followed by the collapse of Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and now Lehman Brothers. I am glad to see that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department have said no to using taxpayer money to bailout Lehman Brothers, a position I have spoken about throughout this campaign. We are carefully monitoring the financial markets, including the duress at Lehman Brothers that is the latest reminder of ineffective regulation and management. Efforts must also be focused on ensuring that the deposits of hardworking Americans are protected.
"It is essential for us to make sure that the U.S. remains the pre-eminent financial market of the world. This will be a highest priority of my Administration. In order to do this, major reform must be made in Washington and on Wall Street. We cannot tolerate a system that handicaps our markets and our banks and places at risk the savings of hard-working Americans and investors. The McCain-Palin Administration will replace the outdated and ineffective patchwork quilt of regulatory oversight in Washington and bring transparency and accountability to Wall Street. We will rebuild confidence in our markets and restore our leadership in the financial world."
"The crisis in our financial markets has taken an enormous toll on our economy and the American people-- first the decline of our housing markets followed by the collapse of Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and now Lehman Brothers. I am glad to see that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department have said no to using taxpayer money to bailout Lehman Brothers, a position I have spoken about throughout this campaign. We are carefully monitoring the financial markets, including the duress at Lehman Brothers that is the latest reminder of ineffective regulation and management. Efforts must also be focused on ensuring that the deposits of hardworking Americans are protected.
"It is essential for us to make sure that the U.S. remains the pre-eminent financial market of the world. This will be a highest priority of my Administration. In order to do this, major reform must be made in Washington and on Wall Street. We cannot tolerate a system that handicaps our markets and our banks and places at risk the savings of hard-working Americans and investors. The McCain-Palin Administration will replace the outdated and ineffective patchwork quilt of regulatory oversight in Washington and bring transparency and accountability to Wall Street. We will rebuild confidence in our markets and restore our leadership in the financial world."
Today, Denis (Scor Insurance - Paris regime) has lauched a violent attack over the 85 billions loaned to AIG . It seems that he knows nothing about the loan itself, Denis if you want to borrow money, there is no problem you can have a loan at the exact same conditions, just ask Ben, his pleasure, you'll be treated exactly like AIG.
Hi, Mrs Orman, have you noticed on top of being small, I'm slow (Mrs Orman, must be I'm intimidated, normally I would say Suse, wonder why). Love the show! Whenever I 'm in my hometown.
Well, pump, pump, pump up and wire, the only way to go.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hoooo!! I'm busy. What are you after? Cause I told you that before, you cannot arrest someone before he's done anything and you cannot regulate for a problem or abuse or name it as you want that didn't yet take place...
I got a game for you though, guess what and when :
The Federal Reserve and the Securities and Exchange Commission worked today to limit damage to the financial markets from the collapse of ...............................................................
You know the answer, I pay your losses!
Found out? I'll help was in February.
Alright, was February 13, 1990.....
Was Drexel a Wall Street big name?
See... on top of that quite a few Savings and Loans came down, at the time. And the economy recovered....
Well, we should be heading now probably faster than initially forecast to in between $70 to $80, should speed up recovery.
At the time, some blamed you know... facts are, before you request a bill you have to know what's at stake, what happened exactly and how, then you can elaborate new regulations. Just a reminder, a year(1989) before Drexel bankrupcy, The Financial Institutions Reform Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) was enacted in the wake of the savings and loan crisis, not before... Did it prevent Drexel's failure, no, why, cause you can't legislate on something that didn't yet happened and that is new.
Now, yes there is a"problem"... not new, Mike and Yvan paid the bill for stupids that did invest regular savings into highly speculative vehicules, ruined their institution and compromised the junk bonds future. So relax and stay put!
Difficult times yes, but if you sell Wall Mart because a bank goes bankrupt, you shouldn't ever invest your money in stocks.
I don't know about that but the blame game is a limited weapon, people know and understand that you can't prevent anything and everything by law and regulations. Innovation will always brings you some good and some not so... Do you plan to regulate innovation in general?
Is there really a philosophy hiding under innovation?
Here is the price of Freedom... I know where innovation isn't allowed, you don't want to live there...
Looks like a joke to me. Do you sincerely think that these 8 years have been what in 2000 when he campaigned, President Bush dreamed of? You got to be joking!
What I meant is yes, a country at war has a deficit, experiences diplomacy difficulties, ennemies media campaign, economic struggle (in the wake of 09/11, I think that so far everything was cleverly handled to avoid most of the consequences of a country at war onto the People).
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