Saturday, October 04, 2008

Plot is plain dumb and so is the idea that a few guys in Wall Street can cause a world wide financial crisis....
What I was trying to say is you need both to make the crisis, a fragilised financial system and banks holding questionnable assets (alright here we go, the subprimes played a role) and oil jumping from $80 to $150 in six months, a major and much needed component in today's economy to cause the problem....
I think that if you just had the subprimes assets in the financial system in a booming economy, the system was able to clear that up with may be a few actors of the market going down but no major trouble, nothing to do with what we're seeing throughout worldwide in the financial system simultaneously hit by a credit troubled market in a fast slowing economy, the perfect cocktail for a disaster...
Have the oil producers planned it? Looks like a plot delirium now have some of them helped it getting ready to exploit it for both profit and political gain inthe world.... YES
What do you say?

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