Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Small Nations Times - NYC - AMCHA's Call
Bombed. Terrorized. Traumatized.

Three words sum up the vise that grips the town of Sderot, Israel. Its inhabitants have been mercilessly subjected to thousands of rockets from Palestinian terrorists in Gaza since Israel's withdrawal 2 1/2 years ago. Our hearts go out to our brethren who live in constant fear and pain.
The world's reaction? Almost total silence, especially contrasted to constant criticism of Israel for responding to the rocket attacks.
Join Amcha as we gather (to find out more - contact Amcha)
We'll call the international community to task for ignoring the rain of rockets on Sderot as the UN continues to condemn Israel for self-defense.
For information, contact AMCHA-CJC at (718) 796-4730. Rabbi Avi Weiss, National President. Rabbi Etan Mintz, Director. Or register here.

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