A ghost life, what do you do when you are denied up to the rights of the "defeated", when there is no trace of the battle, when the official truth establishes it didn't even take place and that you agreed for your Land to go, for the end of your Nation, your Language and your Culture?
You knew something was wrong that has driven thousands, may be millions into deep social problems and misconduct behaviours but you didn't know what it was, once you have found out, how do you find the right words to describe it, how do you share the pain, how do you live with the fact you probably won't change anything, how do you tanslate that into legal terms for asylum when the denial is intentionally managed to allow the destruction and spoliation to go on?
Transcribe the permanent "rape" of the forced language use into legal terms? How?
A rogue state (in that case the Paris regime) has stolen everything of what you are (nation's name, land, language), has destroyed or still trying to destroy what's left of your culture (which has nothing of criminal regarding accepted standards in the free world), and by law forces people into a "national identity" that has nothing to do with you and includes a language that isn't yours sanctionned by state organised economic punishment policies. How do you legally define this type of policies when the targeted people cannot escape as they have no other internationally recognised right to another citizenship and do not carry a dual citizenship? How do you manage to have theses policies recognised for what they are by the State Department and help the victims to move away when they wish to?
No CNN tonight, I'm out of town. Let me know if Kristie shows up. Email me Wolf's tie color to find out who is ahead in Nat Poll!!!! I know ok! Don't say anything!
Hey, I do my best, it's bouncing, don't get excited the outlook is the same, technical, it's just goin to reduce wire fees.
Have you been thinking about what I have asked you?
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