Sunday, June 01, 2008

Breaking News - Hugh is back from Sichuan (China), safe!, so is Kristie, haven't seen yet the diamond he was suppose to buy, she's not wearing it. Mari sounds sad...
Hopefully Hugh was strong enough to resist the gambling devil and didn't spend the diamond's money...
The power of silence is strong. Is it? You'll see, ask Hala?
At last, Mari 's smiling, so everything is possible, will we see something about Small Nations? Hala, an eye on France, I have an eye on the Paris regime...the most magic regime in the world, Tibetans have resisted the disappearance, you have heard about them but did you about the Corsican Nation? The Basq Nation? The Breizh Nation? and a few others, well no probably you didn't, the Paris regime is busy spoiling, stealing, the Land, the wealth of Small Nations displacing their people to pretend there was nobody here....
Small Nations suffer, they say no, we don't want to be forced to speak another language, we have one, we have culture too, but no access to media, well they don't exist do they?
Then sometimes shows up violence and bombs, just enough for the regime to pretend these groups are "terrorists" and criminals and the spoliation can go on and on....
Do you know how strong they need to be to not let despair win the game, they never received anything except mistreatment, no education, no access to medias, just good enough to pay taxes to finance the Paris regime extravagance and mishandling.
So lucky the few ones that went to America and learned how to transform spoliation, anger, frustration, injustice, humiliation, feelings into search for legal terms to express it and try to replace legitimate violence by legal suit.
The Paris regime has no rights on Small Nations People and Land and everyday in a sad silence it destroys, steals and do wrong. I will ask, in a few days now, Michell, how he convinced to show patience.
Do you at least have a thought for them? Or do you just think, none of my business, I don't care, too bad, die but do it in silence?
I wonder, has Hugh hidden the diamond until The DAY?
Finish line and serious stuff comin up now.
They killed my nation. Today, there is more or less nothing left, language is dead, culture is gone, people have been moved around by the economic punishment policies, it has saddened every single day of my life for as far as I can remember, the Paris regime won, set & match. Without knowing why to start with I have tried about everything to try to fill the emptiness mixed with the anger that nobody will ever pay for the crime. It took me so many years to understand, to get used to the idea that there was nothing to be done to reverse it. I thought that I would overcome the pain when I thought saving my kids by making sure they would have a living nation as UK citizens and English boys but I didn't. I hope it will work for them, that they won't ever feel this emptiness but will it?
It was long but that pain is now my friend and next (another six months) I hope to be ready and be able to live in one of these very small house you find in Florida villages, a friend of mine living there told me, they look down to me, don't know why you want to live in one of these, I think they are really cute, from where I hope to be able to help Small Nations and write about that emptiness once my english is better.

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