Saturday, August 30, 2008

Well, that was a good day, Gov Palin is one of a kind and could an election have any better tickets on both side of the aisle.... ??? All America is there. Dems made a courageous choice so did GOP, often seen as the old boys network, proves to be innovative too.
Looking at some harsh critics, this is for sure the right choice. I noticed that according to someone I listen to, Alaska's population isn't very large, might be the case but reach Alaska's Gov seat is no sex and the city party...
What did you think of it?
No experience of inner city poverty? So, she will learn, she is fast and she has enough in her heart to do what has never been tried, all know there is no quick fix but she listens and if something should be tried and done, it will be.
Gov Palin is not just "another woman", there are signs, the world met PM Goldameir, Lady Thatcher, Welcome to Sarah Palin.

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