Monday, September 29, 2008

EU openings promise to be hot!
No, destroyed capital doesn't mean it has been burned, it's destroyed to be used as capital to generate credit at one time, the idea is to change the management of these assets (destroyed capital) and give them sometime to allow their recovery.
The 700 hundred billions were not meant to be thrown in the fire.... it's to replace destroyed capital. With it, you're not going to fuel a continuing credit bubble that has already burst, it's done. The problem you're facing now isn't about should you go on with easy credit, it's, will you have the credit you need to just insure the normal economic day to day demand, because right now you don't have it anymore.
True, no ordinary company can do what Fannie and Freddy have done, that said, the financial system doesn't have anymore the capital the banking system needs to generate the credit the actual level of GDP requires. If you decide to not replace it, you choose to head for a GDP reduction, it's a choice that can be made but you have to know about it.
Inflation wise, it's probably worse to ask the Fed to finance daily needs than it is to replace the destroyed capital through an increase of the deficit and borrowing.
Somebody new on my screen, it takes always sometime before I can read.
Very severe Jack. This promised to be the most challenging campaign in very challenging times, I think she deserves to have an adjustment time. She didn't spend the last few years around Washington learning how to play the game with the Press so.... there are misunderstanding and difficulties. But after all what do you expect from someone in the VP seat, she will have plenty of experts to say what should be done and what shouldn't be done and you expect her to question these experts a little bit more than they questionned themselves to make the right decision and I believe she has that capacity.
Hey, this is Democracy and Freedom in action, it's the People to decide.... Like it or not, Reps voted accordingly with their constituency's opinion I guess and here we are.
EU openings? You have something?
Dow now down by over 650 points.
Be ready for Asia openings if votes haven't changed...Gonna be HOT!
Votes in the House can change but for now the plan hasn't been approved. Dow down by 500.
I'm goin to buy some champaign. We're all about to go bust, if it sticks no fun ahead!
Details of the vote :
Democrats approved 141 opposed 94
Republicans approved 66 opposed 132
Total : Approved 207 opposed 226
Dow down by 450
Dow still regaining ground down by 403 points.
Votes can be changed, just happened now standing at :
Approved 206 opposed 227.
Votes 205 approuved 228 have opposed the plan - Dow down by 450.
Dow regaining some ground - down by 503 now - was over 6OO a few minutes ago.
You have it live on CNN now - It didn't pass yet and the Dow goin down.
Paris : United Small Nations, a conditional YES to PM Fillon's call for unity. The General Secretary in a quick address to the Press said "Not interested in the fake opposition of the Paris regime leftists, our members hace decided to rally Fillon's call for unity under conditions, rights and a deal for Small Nations autonomy NOW, we engage the PM to start right away the negociation".
Have time? Check this one out, Dexia (Paris market) comes under scrutinity.
I think it will go through because even Reps that have every reason to oppose the plan have also a great sense of the country's interest, today not ready to take up a global reset without major social difficulties. Doing nothing will only make things worse, even if I have to admit that the reset button is a big temptation... but would it be responsible? What do you say?

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Well, you have to know I understand and share the Heartland's outrage over the all thing. Hardly ever considered or cared for, often mocked, frequently accused of racism and nationalism, now asked for money because some of these "experts" with high profile lifestyles who regularly talk down to them have messed up.... They know they gonna pay because they always end doing so somehow! Asking them to agree, may be a little extreme....
I'll catch you afterwards
Cause I'm waitin for House Republicans to speak. You?

Saturday, September 27, 2008

You know, things such as "sky is the limit", enough of that...
Breaking News - Roland, welcome to GOP!
On air, Hi, Folks from my homestate, very close to my hometown, they're from Orlando! 16 days to go, I'll be cruzin I4.
I know and I just did.
GOP may not be perfect but has always been about truth, then I guess that "Bail out Wall Street" is something that can be forgotten. Wall Street gave the means and tools (innovation), should have been alarmed and should have reacted and questionned when asked to finance for abnormal amounts of subprime mortgages (the greed won, these amounts was an obvious sign the tools got out of hand), but Wall Street did not sell all over the country to the wrong customers these questionnable mortgages (very good tools for real estate professionnals that don't hold for very long assets), banks and mortgage brokers did without any reserve of any kind.
Junk bonds got out of hand(again good tools in some cases when used wisely for educated investors), Wall Street sold the bonds and got the blame. Subprime mortgages got out of hand but this time was sold by other businesses that behaved exactly with the same greed that those in Wall Street who helped to finance the extravaganza.
There is a big temptation, go after what is obvious, where moral standards have gone down, Wall Street has to regulate itself, wasn't like that..... and forget that with the right information consumers may have say Thank you but NO Thanks when offered these mortgages if aware of the possibility of monthly payments going up by 400%. I know it's in the contract and it's legally fine but not informative enough on a separate sheet with different scenarios of interest rates forecast and nothing about the financial tools that could have been used to cover the risk. When rates went up they weren't ready, if alarmed soon enough who knows how many may been able to react and take the right steps to sort themselves out. Empower the consumer has always been the best regulation and let innovation some room.
That said, Wall Street got the biggest slice, has the brains and should be asked to do its own clean up....
The good news, did you watch the debate?

Friday, September 26, 2008

For some, it's jubilation....
Right....., while some countries think, "let's give a hand", bust the US an "old dream"!
Hum..., I guess some see the potential "major disaster" as a way to take the country back.
NO, think it's scary for these regime that their people can see on tv what's going on in US politics so they push on the downside of the crisis, banks can go bust.... hoping it will scare people.... Just politics as usual!
I agree it's for the American People the right to choose. Bust it to restart right but there is a price.... Gonna be a rough bumpy ride!
I don't know, this is part of the Paris regime mystery, I guess it just help them survive the fact they have been with such a bad economy for so many decades that it's a relief if some others get into some trouble too so they don't look so stupid.
Not sure of the spelling "Coppe".
Was on the state tv.
I will try to post it on You Tube.
It was funny, went to drink a coffee and tv was on, some Paris regime ministers were on air, jumping all over the place, amasing, you could see joy on their face, American system ruined etc.... much better organised here etc.... At one point, I just wondered they might have a barbecue party soon with Sarky, Mahmoud, Hugo at the Elysees...
Not so strong they used to be..., I meant.
Been bying?
I know you favor the big clean up, I don't cause people has changed,not so strong.
At least, it's making some people happy!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

If it is, All the best!
Are you Kristie on your last day?
2 to 0!
Again that ad with "loosers" showing a UK kid with a English Flag, when you know that it's for a German newspaper.... I already complained several times about that!
A bail out would mean that if you don't, banks and other financial institutions would go bankrupt but it is not the case. If no plan, most of them will survive by downsizing.... whatever the wrong they did.
In case of a plan, because you cannot overnight build several banks and institutions all over the country, you are tempted to use the existing system.
Their mistakes and it's true "reckless behaviour" (CNN has shown former employees testifying of the shameless activities they were imposed to do) has for consequences to stop allowing new mortgages, line of credit for businesses, student loans.....The plan is there to allow them to engage into new operations under I guess a greater scrutinity. No plan will not punish them saddly. It will just punish the economy in general.
How can you explain that in fact the 700 billions are not to be spent they are to replace in bank and financial institutions books the shrinking value of some assets (commercial paper based on mortgages) that prevent them to allow new credits to the economy due to regulations imposed to banks?
Why is that people see the plan as a bail out of some fat cats or reckless banks? When in fact, the 750 billions or 700 should be seen just like a perfusion that you cannot replace by several small shots all over the sick body...
Isn't possible to look at it as an irrigation system? Where the gov using the banks and financial system to irrigate all the economy with the needed credit to allow the economy to function normally.
I'm Guillermo. Good evening

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Well I don't share that.... Home prices going down cannot go on too far because then you have to think about local taxes, you may jeopardise cities, counties, states etc.. financial situation.
Again Chairman Bernancke said something like let everything fall apart isn't a way....Would you do it, really? On top of that you aren't "bailing out" anyone, you're reinjecting capital into the financial system and, but don't know yet, you may be creating the conditions that could allow something to be done for the actual homeowners in trouble who, following the banks balance sheet clean up, may be more easely able to renegociate their troubled mortgage....
20 mn just said Kristie, on CNN.
Chairman Bernancke said losses should be some percentage of the plan but how much, you can't say because it will depend on what exactly is done with the mortages on which is based the so called "toxic assets" (the commercial paper). So far the plan is to buy the commercial paper, once done, how much is worth that commercial paper the taxpayer is bying depends on what will be done about the management of the mortgages because I think the very initial fault has been the lack of care in the management of these contracts. You start to manage in a more traditional way one by one these loans and you can change drastically the value of the commercial paper the taxpaper has bought.
I know you don't like that plan but did you watch Chairman Bernancke, at one point he said that 500 billions have already been destroyed as capital being available in the financial system to expand credit, this is why the amount asked for reach such an important amount, knowing that not all write off have already been accounted for.
Dana forgot to turn on silent her mobile, that's what you heard. Think so.
President Bush to address the Nation at 0100GMT.
It's Becky time and Sen McCain has decided to suspend his campaign, returning to Washington.
I don't know in how many countries this can be seen but in quite a few I know, must be "Is this real?" Does really the Central Bank Chairman has to answer ?
Capitol Hill Live on CNBC now.
And wait for Congress to decide!
Warren's opinion counts more than mine and at challenging times the country has always shown how to get together when big was at stake.
I think it's great that people around the world are given to see what is Freedom in action. The fact that the President wants something, so does the the central bank chairman and the secretary of the treasury they still have to go and ask the People(Congress), they have to explain themselves, why, how, what for... Bad crisis but shows around The People's rights in this great country. That's my opinion, you know, no more.
Iraq bailout? If on top of that Congress feels that there is any kind of attempted coup to force the country into any kind of international order or communism, NO could be the answer... Keep in mind, in this country the taxpayer can say NO! In most countries, there will be no debate, the ruling class decides, not here!
It can't be more complicated than you think, you have to keep in mind what President Bush has already said several times,"there is in this country, a strong isolationist current that should never be under estimated".

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I said it's just strange, you know for decades if not centuries, brand names (that happened to be also families)such as Lehman, Lazard or Warburg and quite a few others actually meant high moral standards, hard work and competence, find Lehman in this situation isn't something I waited for but just like everybody I guess.
I guess he's gone for now!
Anderson, please, stop being mean!
Thank you Bonnie for all these news but I always travel west. When I learned sailing I had a Breizh skipper, told me to always go west.
Hugh, you could clean your windows, doesn't look too good!
Mahmoud has changed his mind about the USA and has decided to ask Gov Crist to help him find a good deal with the Kurdish Nation, to preserve their culture, to offer them more rights and will offer to prove his good will with a significant part of territory where they will be able to establish themselves with a large autonomy.
Isn't that one a breaking news!
Kristie is gone, now is Hugh. I just have an idea of breaking news.
Wanna know?
Don't bother! Well the thing is Ben isn't the kind to speak out if he has nothing to say... and Sec Henry is right when he said "guess what, the taxpayer is already on the hook whatever...". And you know I expected that, FBI has stepped in and there will be blood cause, you know, the campaign and it's alright to go after regulation, the administration but the fact is some people in banks really messed it up and you cannot regulate that. It's a sector that needs trust and confidence, they had it and ....
I don't know all these companies very well, but Lehman's history is embedded in America's history, so it's sad. A large part of Lehman's adventure has been to fund the development of US infrastructures (railway adventure to WW2 collecting money from Europe) on top of its regular investment banking activities(later). What are you up to?
Do you know what Jack meant with his "nmnjna" loans? How do you pronounce that?
Are you watching?

Monday, September 22, 2008

Was 1.60, went down to 1.39 very fast, may return to 1.55 as the situation didn't really change so...I don't see why making so much noise.
My neighboors told me and I went through some people's contracts I met at the local pub. Was the only one to have libor, others had prime.
No, not cause I've one, mine is paid for alright, was managed by Lehman and so far so good when rates went up I made a big principal payment to lower monthly payments, it's an USD IO Libor 6M + 2.5 reviewed every 6 months, not that bad compare to others but I made the payment cause I could, out of savings for retirement. And yours?
Well, I'm not going to change my mind, this is not an argument, I've not the means to find out how much is needed to buy the commercial paper based on portfolios of mortgages that banks hold but it won't be sufficient, (just saw President Bill, that's right), if you don't want the taxpayer ending up paying, you'll have to change the management of these mortgages, probably renegociate them, in some cases change the contract to a rent to buy to allow people to stay in their homes (still better than a forced sale where everybody will loose money), at least reduce the margin when obviously it's far above market standards. I even take the bet if you want that if management of these contracts is changed(not talking about the commercial paper, it's about the mortgages) in two years time you can resell commercial papers based on these mortgages with a confortable profit. But you need to change, find or create a private vehicule to manage these mortgages.
When savings and loans and some insurance companies (do I need to mention names)went down, some large portfolios of junk bonds were sold for nothing and later proved to be brilliant assets overtime....
What "commercial paper" you talking about? The commercial paper is non liquid cause homeowners can't pay the contracts, for the commmercial paper to be liquid again and worth something you need to change the mortgages daily management which has lead to the change of ratings of the commercial paper in the first place and finally to.....
It seems to me Kristie hates Lou and boycott him night after night, don't know why.
Expect to be surprised, Jeanny found John McCain changed!
it's blue.
I wonder what's Wolf's tie color tonight?
You're watching? Well, What I was about to tell you, a large amount of foreclosures could be avoided as soon as these contracts are under a different management. Most of these contracts are libor or prime + 2.5 to up to 8.5 (I was told haven't seen that high may be more, don't know). Most of homeowners are able to pay their mortgages as soon as you reduce the margin which is, you can admit, in too many cases far too high and can be reduced. Should I say you're still making money or at least paying management cost...
Warning - Ted may have to go home prematurely if he keeps being provocative....!!
Breaking News - Ted on air! 48
No, this is crap, that's to scare people...! I'm cooking right now so wait, I'll be back in a few minutes and I'll tell you why these mortgages can be and will be paid.
Well, don't make that much fuss about it.... I favor equal opportunity, it's a common place to make fun of "red necks", I guess it's ok for "red necks" to make fun of "experts"....!
I'm doing what I should be doing, stock picking man and you should be doing the same!
Sad News on CNBC just now, I won't be able to have a Goldman Sachs debit card, I don't know why....?
I'm bying if it's what you wondering about! Although, following what I was given to see on CNN of the President speech, I immediately sent an email asking that at the White House, all hammers and any tools that could be used to hit someone was hidden. It's the way and tone the President used to say "the experts" that prompt me to send that email, I wondered just in case the same "experts" had told him months or weeks ago that everything was under control, so worried for their future health, I decided that it was best not to let the President any opportunity to hit them should some experts show up in the oval office.
You? What you up to?

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Did you listen to Pakistan's President?
Well I don't know if it is still the case but in different states where I lived for a while you had around neighborhoods something at the time I thought it was incredible, you were able to walk around and at fall and spring in general, you would find in front of houses sometimes on the side walk, a table with what people didn't need anymore in their home, it wasn't rubbish, it was some surplus, it would run from toiletries to small kitchen appliances (plates, a coffee machine etc). Most of the time you would also find a pot coffee or cold drinks if it was summer but with nobody to insure I was told some kind of privacy to those who may come and want to take something they need and can't afford to buy. I was so astonished by the kindness and care the People of these states could show and this is why I can't wait to see Gov Palin's run because I trust that she is that America, that she will show the People it is no turning back to keep the good things that made this nation so great and so different. When she will feel free to speak about how she sees a future with more of that America, I believe the People will take her and Sen John to the White House with no hesitation.
I think what helped me was to have the opportunity when I was young to embrace a culture, a language with embedded values I agreed with, a country that I wasn't forced to and to which I remained loyal even if I never become a citizen.
You're even slower than I am!! Just kidding!
Come on I know he was talking about Wall Street but remember dream and make it happen!

Friday, September 19, 2008

That's I thought too when I heard Sen John going "unbridled greed, recklessness, corruption and", I was waiting for now please say it, "we have had enough of that regime right in the middle of europe, The People of Breizh, Corsica, Basque and others have rights, starting with we cannot support anymore they are forced to speak a foreign language in their everyday life". It didn't say that of course but the idea that this day may come is joyful.
Some days I wonder how many we are, feeling that. The french language has always been just an alien I'm living with, looking out for a way to expel it. Just like a disease trying to eat up your mind that will at the end kill you, I always managed to maintain it as its initial state of alien in my body with the secret hope that one day I will be able to wash myself up. Today I'm close to the point where the war I was at with that alien has ceased to become a chase I lead and to say the truth it's so good, so good to be preparing the next step, when we'll start to go after those who thought that by pushing down our throat this d.... language they had won!
NO! I feel that way for as long as I can remember, and, I also think it's the only way you can reconsider and write a chance for self ruling.
Didn't find it? Here you go, just went on google here you go
Have you seen Gregory Reese's clip?
Manchester : What's for Gordon?
Gordon at its best!
Opportunities at all levels and Responsabilities shown at all levels is a good starting point.
Ralitsa, you don't know to what extent...., nice to show Wales!
I know I shouldn't.
See TIP's TV Ads on Peacefully Stopping Iran (New York, Washington, D.C.)
Media Advisory:
Vice Presidential Nominee Sarah Palin and Senator Hillary Clinton to Speak Monday at NYC Rally to Stop Iran Now
Stop Iranian Terror and Nukes: Events in U.S. Cities (by date)
New York City:"A Closer Look at Iran's Foreign and Domestic Policies and Its Nuclear Program"NYC Press Lunch and Q&A (Credentialed Media Only)(Journalists may join in person or by phone, all others are invited to join by conference call at 12:30 p.m. To RSVP, click here)
This call from deserved a non partisan approach. Having Gov Sarah Palin attending the meeting and speaking out was an opportunity to help the understanding of the situation in parts of the country where sometimes because these problems are so far away don't get the attention it deserves.
Thank You to those who thought smart to involve partisan politics.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

There must be some far worse ways to waste tax payer's money than create a vehicule to take off the markets and balance sheets of financial institution non liquid commercial paper as long as it does in real terms improve the overall economy.
Love the necklace Stephanie!
Liked the day?
Do you think, after what you said, that following Robert's speech on opposition's behaviour in general, he and his opposition could spend the same amount of energy, him to keep a hand on power, his opposition to win it, to bring some comfort to the People?
Was a nice rally!
It's sad in a way to learn that the worse Wall Street kid got at the end the bigger check but the story isn't yet all written and if established that funds that should be manage with extreme prudence such as home insurance premiums, others insurance premiums etc... have ended up invested in hedge funds and others speculative financial instruments originally conceived to help manage and cover risks over large portfolios exposure to changing economic environment, then those responsible may have to face accountability....
Lehman sadly may have done the biggest mistake, compromised only their own interest, I learned tonight, thanks for sayin something (Sir).
Regulation efficiency :
I take the bet tonight (not in the basics, have to pay a euro 1/4 per month) that I won't find anybody to say that China is under regulated, will I?
Did it prevent anything, baby milk powder with some chemical!
I guess that regulation (whatever the level is) will never replace spirit. What's right and wrong whatever the gain may be....? But how manage that when right and wrong is different from one person to the other?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Here is a link to an article - A Paris regime union organisation reporting that thousands of companies are on the " breach to go bankrupt", according to this federation the regime doing nothing to prevent it.....
Get back to me, as the libor moves.
The President will speak at 1615pm to address the crisis.
No, I just don't know what can be the effect should these "thousands of bankrupcy" take place on french banks, I mean on top of the social unrest that will inevitably I'm afraid take place.
I just read the Morgan Stanley Ceo story that NY Times "cannot confirm", I guess some people should watch it cause if caught breaking the law (any one, they can count on authorities to dig) in these market circumstances when it is clear that it is expected from all professionnals some responsible behaviour, they will end dealing with the FBI and in the passed, the all thing ended behind bars....
On the same subject, Sen Obama said something interesting, his views, (don't like that color Kristie) reform the bodies in charge of the oversight as speculation and innovation, Wall Street engines keep changing and modernising. I understood that in a way the Senator agrees that the tools (junk bonds, subprime mortgage, other special financial tools sometimes speculative) are not responsible of what qualified dealers do with.
It was a difficult day so,

Breaking News - End of the afternoon, the President leaves the White House heading to the Iftaar Dinner, he crosses the South Lawn with, we were all expecting Laura, to board the helicopter, "Surprise" it was Dana. We will not speculate (definitly not the right time even to talk about it) but what should we think?
From the campaign (what you can't afford to miss) :
Statement released :
ARLINGTON, VA-- Today, U.S. Senator John McCain issued the following statement on the situation in the financial markets:
"The crisis in our financial markets has taken an enormous toll on our economy and the American people-- first the decline of our housing markets followed by the collapse of Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and now Lehman Brothers. I am glad to see that the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department have said no to using taxpayer money to bailout Lehman Brothers, a position I have spoken about throughout this campaign. We are carefully monitoring the financial markets, including the duress at Lehman Brothers that is the latest reminder of ineffective regulation and management. Efforts must also be focused on ensuring that the deposits of hardworking Americans are protected.
"It is essential for us to make sure that the U.S. remains the pre-eminent financial market of the world. This will be a highest priority of my Administration. In order to do this, major reform must be made in Washington and on Wall Street. We cannot tolerate a system that handicaps our markets and our banks and places at risk the savings of hard-working Americans and investors. The McCain-Palin Administration will replace the outdated and ineffective patchwork quilt of regulatory oversight in Washington and bring transparency and accountability to Wall Street. We will rebuild confidence in our markets and restore our leadership in the financial world."
No, there is no good reason for us to let the Paris regime off the hook. They occupy the Land, they pay for the care of the People of the Land! No change there!
I don't care, that's the rule!
No, I don't think so, too soon to see an increase but it will come.
Today, Denis (Scor Insurance - Paris regime) has lauched a violent attack over the 85 billions loaned to AIG . It seems that he knows nothing about the loan itself, Denis if you want to borrow money, there is no problem you can have a loan at the exact same conditions, just ask Ben, his pleasure, you'll be treated exactly like AIG.
Hi, Mrs Orman, have you noticed on top of being small, I'm slow (Mrs Orman, must be I'm intimidated, normally I would say Suse, wonder why). Love the show! Whenever I 'm in my hometown.
Well, pump, pump, pump up and wire, the only way to go.
Dana live now : Here You don't wanna miss!
Dana just confirmed, the President isn't on the ballot!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

That short, really!
I guess I now know why Sky News can't see me!
Anybody knows why Crystal beach houses are not built on concrete stilts? Is it the cost or something else?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Hoooo!! I'm busy. What are you after? Cause I told you that before, you cannot arrest someone before he's done anything and you cannot regulate for a problem or abuse or name it as you want that didn't yet take place...
I got a game for you though, guess what and when :
The Federal Reserve and the Securities and Exchange Commission worked today to limit damage to the financial markets from the collapse of ...............................................................
You know the answer, I pay your losses!
Found out? I'll help was in February.
Alright, was February 13, 1990.....
Was Drexel a Wall Street big name?
See... on top of that quite a few Savings and Loans came down, at the time. And the economy recovered....
Well, we should be heading now probably faster than initially forecast to in between $70 to $80, should speed up recovery.
At the time, some blamed you know... facts are, before you request a bill you have to know what's at stake, what happened exactly and how, then you can elaborate new regulations. Just a reminder, a year(1989) before Drexel bankrupcy, The Financial Institutions Reform Recovery and Enforcement Act of 1989 (FIRREA) was enacted in the wake of the savings and loan crisis, not before... Did it prevent Drexel's failure, no, why, cause you can't legislate on something that didn't yet happened and that is new.
Now, yes there is a"problem"... not new, Mike and Yvan paid the bill for stupids that did invest regular savings into highly speculative vehicules, ruined their institution and compromised the junk bonds future. So relax and stay put!
Difficult times yes, but if you sell Wall Mart because a bank goes bankrupt, you shouldn't ever invest your money in stocks.
I don't know about that but the blame game is a limited weapon, people know and understand that you can't prevent anything and everything by law and regulations. Innovation will always brings you some good and some not so... Do you plan to regulate innovation in general?
Is there really a philosophy hiding under innovation?
Here is the price of Freedom... I know where innovation isn't allowed, you don't want to live there...
Looks like a joke to me. Do you sincerely think that these 8 years have been what in 2000 when he campaigned, President Bush dreamed of? You got to be joking!
What I meant is yes, a country at war has a deficit, experiences diplomacy difficulties, ennemies media campaign, economic struggle (in the wake of 09/11, I think that so far everything was cleverly handled to avoid most of the consequences of a country at war onto the People).
Anjali has a lovely dress!
Showtime's speeding up!
Very nice suit Mari!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I am! Have you seen that Bonnie has always some cute jackets.

Breaking News - Bonnie invited in Honk Kong to try a cake - Bonnie not convinced by the ingredients of a traditional Chinese cake has not promised to tase it but has accepted to go to Hong Kong to meet with Kristie and may once there try traditional Chinese pastries and will later report this hot topic, Pastries in the World, CNN may also organise a worlwide pastry contest, competitors will send their best cake's pictures over I report, following a first selection, Bonnie may come to your country to taste your cake.
May be in the future!
No, I just wondered why Jay prefers totally naked to nude!
Here you go : Jessica
It looks that it's gonna be showtime EU openings....
Stock deal BoA Merryl! Should be signed!
Long time we haven't seen Shakun, how is she doing?
From the Campaign (What you can't affors to miss):

Reducing Taxes for everybody :
This is too much, far too much!!
I'm sad cause I liked Lehman, it's my mortgage bank but you know saving and loans went sadly too and markets recovered...
I don't know yet for sure but remember that some junk bonds(Mike, Yvan and Drexel) portfolio went for really cheap and since proved to be not so bad assets so.... watch it. It's always the same thing, one day before some of these stupid a... were ready to pour in billions the next day everybody goes mad, what was 100 now worth 1, SO.....
Come on Isha, I give you 9.5/10!
You're at it?
Listened to that, that's the interesting part, they're talking about a fake divide, believers vs non believers, it doesn't exist in the real world. It's a political tool to run public debate and make sure that legitimate claims for the Land doesn't show up. That's how they organise it.
No, what we have collected shows that memories on how the Roman Catholic Church clergy has been a tool serving the regime to fight Small Nations languages and cultures are pretty much alive.
I know, we're scanning, then the doctor....

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I felt slightly neglected, looking around asking where I am isn't the best way to make me feel confortable. Am I too short or something? Yes Sky News did that just minutes ago!
Messages such as "Sack the board" and "Cockney Mafia out" says a lot about the anger in New Castle.
So how overall did you think Gov Palin did?
The interview I mean.
I know, it's was in a way a terrible confession to make on their side! Altogether, what came up first was how she seats down...!!
It's great discovery for DC, first time they see how a hard working lady with kids not raised in a million dollar mansion that didn't go to upper class university sits when the situation requires her full attention....!! Really meant that, it's a terrible confession to make, they don't see any!
I see it as a victory, though I was wrong it didn't turn into a court hearing, it was the DC very private clubs, bar, restaurants and gyms entry exam!
No, double victory! I know out of touch, so is the President, Sen McCain and quite a few others but not the people that have spend hours in those high end very private DC locations discussing how to define, using the right terms, the Bush doctrine...!
No, I don't think so, nobody else would be asked " what do you understand....". I think she was great under these circumstances.
You can also look at it that way, if Georgia had been a NATO member, he wouldn't have engaged into an offensive of that type using in a urban area cluster bombs, compromising other members both militarily and politically....
Never too late, the deal reached in Zimbabwe has allowed to consider that Robert may attend again the School.
The tone used let me think that there was something of, Lady, please leave your Hill Billy Nation member muddy boots at the entrance, you're entering civilisation... not all, I also heard some nice things (I think Cindy on CNN)...
More complicated than you think, with all due respect for the today's Roman Catholic Church, the clergy has helped the regime to bash Small Nations, has helped the regime to fight and destroy as much as they could the diversity of Small Nations languages and cultures before being bashed by the regime(their turn). The regime used the clergy and the religion to fight Small Nations, once done, they decided they didn't need anymore what they considered to be an ideology that would slow some further steps to ruin Small Nations, and now .... I doubt it's sincere (I may be wrong) but I think the regime thinks it needs some spiritual help to run the place, the only thing that really matters, what will do this clergy today? Will it choose this time to repair the damage it once helped to cause and will it be on Small Nations People's side to admit some wrong was done to the People?
Well, you know the Pope is a moral authority and it is always a bit disturbing when moral authorities meet with some type of regime.... but other than that it's a Roman Catholic Church problem...
I think it's unwise to comment... refer to the Constitution.
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
I know you know, just a reminder.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yes I have been and wonder what you did all day...! Turn it on, CNN, as Sen Obama and Sen McCain are about to arrive.
He is online too, I read him minutes ago.
Watch out, they are'nt stupid...!
We'll talk later, I'm watchin.
Alright I'm with you.

I meant you're dealing somehow with the devil. Keep in mind that so far, they have been able to persuade the rest of the world each time they asked for specials over WTO negociations that they were fighting to "protect a culture (don't know what they're talking about), protect a movie industry, a litterature etc... when the whole thing was aimed at prevent the People of Small Nations to acquire a language that would have allowed them to communicate with the world, learn about other Small Nations rights and represent themselves.
For now quite sometime, you should be able to watch lots of tv in english, and can't. House speaks french only....;)
No, I think what they needed was time, time to destroy Small Nations social networks, move them around using both regulations and the economy. That's why for decades they were hiding saving the "french culture"....
Right on, some say today the same kind of stuff, these B......... have even an expression for that 'exception culturelle" that works for them but not for Corsicans or Breizh, Basque or anybody else, there is no Corsican exception.... You say anything, they go "equality".... you should understand, shut up!
I know it's funny, isn't it!
Well, I mean, they're smart and they dare, man, they dare anything. Some go on tv and look straight to people and go, we favor diversity after decades of destruction of Small Nations Cultures and Languages and guess what, not one, not one journalist has ever told them, are you joking??
This is why, you have to understand the struggle is violent, the regime isn't about just a few politicians involved, you have the regime's press, tv and the economy.
I think the worse is when your kids speak french to you, just like a wound that each word reopens reminding you that you haven't been able up to even save a small personal enclave where your language and culture are safe.
It has been violent, they did everything you can possibly imagine to destroy these cultures and languages and they 're still doing it today.
I believe they, still, as much as they can, delay teaching at a young age specially english and english tv programs, to prevent Small Nations to reorganise to protect their interests.
Well, doesn't explain it all, but yes, weakening Small Nations specially those in the western part has made possible a higher rate of spoliation.
Watching Wolf, he's got a red tie!
Jeffrey on air! Gloria too!
JEFFREY, I'm watching!
That was mean Kristie, couldn't hear Lou, you are forgiven, it was to broadcast the President.
There is one thing you can be sure of, Hugo is the kind that, whatsoever, will cease any opportunity to promote peace, he once more proved the assertion to be right. What you wonder is what a modern Russia with a young president can do with someone that has proven record of ties with groups and states supporting hatred and violence.
Some days, I wonder, have we missed something? From a young president (that was a few years ago) saying that for the first time in modern history, the people of the continent (talking of Europe - Russia) will be able to meet now that the ideological divide has diseapered to what we can see today (the missing bit was Mahmoud), what has happened?
Leaving you now, Sen McCAIN on air now CNN.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

From the campaign, what you can afford to miss : Gov Palin is under high scrutinity and all the aspects of her life have been commentated, here is an opportunity to learn more about Sarah.
Today, on CNN, Hala had a report on how Gov Palin was disportraited on three different issues. CNN broadcasted this report several times today.
Senator John and the TAX :
Ad you want to see :
I will correct it, you're right I meant the mud is flying high.
I just love how precise and accurate Anjali can get when doing her job!
When you introduce somebody new to the scene, the digging starts, if you decide that it's alright to be under high scrutinity when being VP nominee, I guess you understand that it's alright too not to give any interviews during the digging because it won't be an interview, it's gonna turn into a court hearing.
It's best to wait you finished with the digging, kept what really according to your standards stick and allow a response in a more appeased atmosphere because for now the mud is flying high.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

From the campaign, what you can't afford to miss :
(Candy back on air, we're lookin for a confirmation aboy?)

Crucial spots :
Breaking News - Gov Palin under great scrutinity as VP nominee, we have discovered kee informations.

An article in the Washington Post about travel expenses, her Pentecoastal Church passed(as she grew up) questionned, a guy came to her new Church more recently and made some controversial statement. (tough day)
So far, Wolf delivered tonight a pretty balanced report on Sarah's records as Gov in Alaska.
Not an easy day... And now, our breaking news :

We are learning that aged 5 at the time, the Governor (Sarah) may have picked her uncle's lighter that he had left with his cigarettes on a table and tried to light it up. Previously, aged 3, she was discovered by her parents trying to introduce a finger in a wall plug, she did not succeed.
I think that now we know more or less everything about Sarah's childhood.
Yes I watched, though network isn't private, it's more like some Russia's network, they make fun of Russian Democracy but they are more or less the same, the guy that owns it is Sarky's friend, write it like that "Pecresse".
Don't know what she meant. I never know if it's a joke or I just don't know. The statement I think referred to a poll asserting 80%(soviet style) of people under Paris administration favor Sen Obama "because the regime favors diversity"....don't know what it means, if it is humor or... cause diversity stops where Small Nations rights start, they have none, no rights at all.
Candy, a girl or a boy?
No indication so far, I'm waiting!
Yes she mentionned Corsica, just to assert the usual bullsh... about law and order but nothin about rights. Well, you know the thing is not all of course but some say, "you stole the land and gave us your f**** passports that we don't need or want, keep it... and stick it....cause it doesn't help. We have no rights, no jobs, you force us to speak your f**** language, we 'd rather have a UN passport so we can fight for our rights or for some plead their case to be allowed to move to a country that would welcome us...."
Not just Corsica, Breizh too and others.
Candy on air, we may know....
I guessed a boy you?
Lookin great Kristie!

Monday, September 08, 2008

I'm very unhappy with Carol's comment over Miami's lost game, I plan to complain...!!
Very frustating, couldn't hear what Lou had on for tonight!
I wonder why Bonnie mentionned Florida when she speaks about Ike? Hasn't she noticed that so far all this bad weather avoids the beautiful Sunshine State!
We should know very soon by how much some OPEC producers dislike "these oil high prices"...
It's never gonna work if we refer to its situation...!!! You're watchin the same?
I Love Bonnie!
Breaking News - Candy may be just like Kristie, we will keep you posted as the situation unfold!
Jacques Alain on air!!
Try 48.
Had that one?

Arlington, VA- Today, John McCain and Barack Obama issued the following statement on coming together to mark the seventh anniversary of the 9/11 attacks:
"On September 11, 2008, we will join together to mark the sev enth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks at Ground Zero.
"All of us came together on 9/11-- not as Democrats or Republicans-- but as Americans. In smoke-filled corridors and on the steps of the Capitol; at blood banks and at vigils-- we were united as one American family. On Thursday, we will put aside politics and come together to renew that unity, to honor the memory of each and every American who died, and to grieve with the families and friends who lost loved ones. We will also give thanks for the firefighters, police, and emergency responders who set a heroic example of selfless service, and for the men and women who serve today in defense of the freedom and security that came under attack in New York City, at the Pentagon, and in Shanksville, Pennsylvania."
Great idea, Freedom for Corsica, Ossetia, Breizh, Abkhasia, Basque Nations!!
Face the Nation :
The use of clusterbombs in Ossetia does not allow for now a complete withdrawal.
Alright, I'm typin too fast....
Haven't seen Bill for a while now, you gonna love this one :
Homesick? Click below, your tablet!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

07am is pretty early for a lady in Kristie's state. Nice jacket!
Bonnie, special mention for the necklace!
Why Dana didn't have any?
Are you looking out for something smart to start your week? I got what you gonna love, hopefully??!!
Here we go : (let me know, once you done)

I know, but as always you don't have to agree on every single issue. To me the subprime mortgage crisis is the right symptom to study to identify the disease and find the right doctor...(W?) (I know but can't help it, when I get too serious, I feel wrong). About it, you have seen and heard almost everything, some choose to blame the regulators, others Wall Street others, Congress, the President...., the economy just name it. The truth lies elsewhere and is much more disturbing, sometimes the true American spirit vanishes, it's not the first time and won't be the last one, when it vanishes, it doesn't matter who has the majority in Congress or who is the President because you can't fix spirit by law or government policies, shows up the greed. People for a few more bucks apply over the internet to be a mortgage broker ending selling some tricky contracts in their neighborhood, careless for the consequences sometimes because they didn't even know what they were selling sometimes because the very soul of the nation had left. That's why more of Sarah is more of the something that makes this country so special. And once more you don't have to agree on every single thing, what I'm sayin is she is a large part of the American Heritage, she is a significant part of the spirit of the Nation precisely because she carries "there is an upper law", in troubled times when mankind can't fix everysingle issue in a timely manner by law and policies, you need everybody's effort, in order to get it, you have to help the people to rediscover they have more and are worth more than just malls, cars, mansions ....What can we build today together that will make tomorow a better day?
Watched Sky?
Out for a few minutes.
She(not Sarah) just told me, Francois under Marie's inflence looks like Alexandre (Debannes??) don't know the guy but... might be!!!
What do you say? What do we do next?
It's the same old debate.... You can fix anything with government and policies, reach Washington and the world will change.... I told you I disagree. Rally around Sarah!
You're watchin? You understood?
He's just tryin to get some benefits out of it? Not clear yet but I should find out give me a few days, for now the idea is "we gave you a Corsican (most important cop on the island), the deal was but we don't want hear about you anymore, now you screw it so we screw him and now we gonna f*** you up, we sendin you an alien to the island, you loose.... Next time you know how to behave..."
See That should be quite close.
Well, just a bench of criminals but I already told you that. What do you exactly expect from them? They are the kind of people so far that have denied the Corsicans the most basic rights.
Their kind of dirty deals, the Paris regime in action....
I can make mistakes but starting with what I am sure of, some Corsicans say up to my family name ties me up to this Land (name of a village or small town), I have inherited this Land, the language and the culture that goes with it and I have a duty as Corsican transmit all of it to the next generation of Corsicans at least to those wishing to take the role. This duty and the ties I have with the Land entitle me to special moral rights to what the regime answers shut up we gave you a frenchpassport, don't like what we do with your Land, why don't you move? Now yo can guess what's next...
Na! Untold deals... it was never negociated, not their way.... Their mindset is, ok we have a problem there, we gonna send a Corsican to see, may be able to fix the problem plus if anything goes wrong, we sack him and can say .... your fault.... See what I mean, even the guy they sacked was manipulated, that's how they do it. It's never straight talks based on ok we understand your point of view and here is what we have to offer and we ask for... there is no respect and no future. This is france shut up!!!

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Have you seen that, what's going on at the White House, I will end up jealous....
I guess the President is taking some cooking lessons, he will need to be perfect egg cooking when he's back in Texas cooking for Laura....
Watch now Rudy on air with Wolf and Gloria!!!
Where is Mariana Islands? Never been there. Northern?
Suzanne's looking great! So does Carol, very nice color!
Do you have the right as a Corsican to invade a home, the home of a Paris regime President's friend? Has Mr Clavier less rights as a President's friend?
I would say no, invading a home isn't a right and Mr Clavier, (the guy seems to be nice?) doesn't have less right just because he's a President's friend but he doesn't have more rights in Corsica than I do in Florida, the Seminole Nation doesn't have to invade my flat or anybody's house to be heard....What's your opinion?
I'll be back.
Standing ovation for Sarah now!! Watch CNN.
Been up to? Did you watch Sen John speech, I did, a bit late though but watched most of it. Think it was a good introductery speech, laid out the principles that will guide his actions as President through what he experienced in life, what were his reactions at the time and what he had learned from it. Didn't get into specifics of policies yet but it's a good starting point for the campaign as the real thing starts now with both tickets being official.
What do you say?

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Today Hala looked annoyed ?? Don't know why and didn't find out yet. Any idea?
I missed Laura and the President, was out, no CNN, video somewhere? What are the news?
Couldn't help it, this part of the country isn't wired.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

NOw is the time for you too to meet Gov PALIN:
Out of town,what did you mean like whales??
You mean do I travel to Northern California to , like whales?
I knew you meant that...!! For record, was more inland, Napa. Silly!
Have read it, but are you surprised? What I would appreciate is you provide me informations about the policies the Paris regime has engaged into since 1945 aimed at "sacking" Corsicans from the island. So far, we have clear indications they have used speculation with stolen money from taxes to increase housing prices and constantly refused to implement any program designed to help Corsicans to own a home on their island which is the least they could do. The regime is the world record of state corruption but they have been smart, so far the UN hasn't issued any refugee status to the Paris regime victims who are denied any land.
Come on the guy behaves like a pimp, he has absolutely no moral values. And I don't mean his private life, I mean in public office! He's one that makes the most stupid jokes about Breizh.
To me, it's very simple, each and every Corsican should get the necessary support to own a home on their Land, this is the minimum that should be done. Regulators should also ensure speculation doesn't compromise the legitimate demand from Corsicans for homeownership on the island.
Hey you there?
Just watched, the Corsican guy was sacked because he didn't read!!! and didn't take seriously enough a "key note" from some bureaucrats obtained by illegal tapin warning him of "a possible intrusion of demonstrators into a home" (the note did not mention which one) in a designed area...And don't laugh, this is no joke... IT'S OF COURSE NOT BECAUSE HE IS CORSICAN RIGHT AWAY SUSPECTED BY THE REGIME TO BE "COMPLAISANT" to FREE CORSICA MILITANTS!!
Tell me why this guy wasn't elected??? Don't you vote for this type of duty in a Democracy???
NO you don't ....!!!...?
Very important with some delay :
We have learned the Dalai Lama feels much better and we don't have words to express our gratitude to him for the care and attention he showed when visiting the Small Nations People under the Paris regime administration that just showed and proved once more the type of occupation and the care provided to the People and Land in Corsica.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Fighting hard to save a levee, hope they will make it.
Today, Gov Palin's daughter is pregnant. Thought, big deal. You wanna know something, was a little bit older but not much (was a long time ago), I decided to take my girlfriend (2 years older than Bristol)on a trip to show her what was for me the sweetest country in the world. We flew to NYC and then to California. I guess we did something that we shouldn't cause when we left we were three instead of two, third one didn't need a passport yet though, he's now 22 and named David. We kind of quickly got married, didn't get much support and were not very popular(Old Times are sometimes not so good....) but we managed, had another son Samuel and some days are of course better than others but still married and I kind of envy Gov Palin, she'll be grandmother before I get the chance to be Grandad, there is no justice.... Wishing all the best to Bristol.
You mean the trooper thing? What do you think silly?
By the way stop messing around with my msn.... I know you did!
Well, if you wanna know how it feels, try once to disrupt some people's business even if you're right to find out how fast you make enemies. With what she did in Alaska, I'm sure its not too difficult to find some people ready to take her down if they can, that's how it is and they gonna try.
Gustav intensity now dropping, isn't that good news??