Monday, September 01, 2008

Fighting hard to save a levee, hope they will make it.
Today, Gov Palin's daughter is pregnant. Thought, big deal. You wanna know something, was a little bit older but not much (was a long time ago), I decided to take my girlfriend (2 years older than Bristol)on a trip to show her what was for me the sweetest country in the world. We flew to NYC and then to California. I guess we did something that we shouldn't cause when we left we were three instead of two, third one didn't need a passport yet though, he's now 22 and named David. We kind of quickly got married, didn't get much support and were not very popular(Old Times are sometimes not so good....) but we managed, had another son Samuel and some days are of course better than others but still married and I kind of envy Gov Palin, she'll be grandmother before I get the chance to be Grandad, there is no justice.... Wishing all the best to Bristol.
You mean the trooper thing? What do you think silly?
By the way stop messing around with my msn.... I know you did!
Well, if you wanna know how it feels, try once to disrupt some people's business even if you're right to find out how fast you make enemies. With what she did in Alaska, I'm sure its not too difficult to find some people ready to take her down if they can, that's how it is and they gonna try.

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