Sunday, October 26, 2008

Gov Palin is in my hometown Kissimmee, let's be honest, other candidates taking a major risk ignoring this great town!
Though, nobody told me and I'm not there. Hope there will be some more rallies around I4 next week.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Don't miss :
To start with Sarah the Governor didn't know how to seat to please the "Media Elite", now she spends too much on her clothes, she can't win can she?
Weel a good society is a society where the Rule of Law isn't discussed, where the law is pro choice and the most common shared value pro life.
Drew, you're sent off for the next height days! You'll copy 50 times handwriting the Bill of Rights to be shown first thing when you come back!
Ted and Wolf to my desk as I have a few things to tell you, for a few days now I feel unconfortable watching, Jack and Lou have opinions, but not everybody can afford that...!
Thought John knew better of PA's people, he said they're slow and made quite a few other compliments, well he forgot to mention that "slow" didn't apply in one domain of intellectual activity, financial maths, cause guess what John how do you explain you have been elected and re-elected for so long, wasn't because you're being a good man as we all know now...!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

it's the same natixis and "caisse d'epargne", they're broke!
Look cables, natixis should go down, they're done.... lost even more and they still didn't publish the full extent of their losses in several sectors, the one you saw was just tradin losses...they have a lot more to come!
No, don't keep any eu currency labelled assets, just sell, sell, sell and buy USD (fdic insured).... if you can't do no more buy GBP.
if you reach the USD limit on your accounts, keep selling the eu but switch to buy GBP, the target is to do better with the eu than Georges once did, by the time we finish, Germans will be demonstrating to get the mark back.... Go

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Folks, to everyone get back behind your screens, and be ready, we gonna work the euro.
We are glad to see you're back and feeling well Jack!
Amasing though how changed it is. Not for the best all the time but...
Modern ways of communication are just great, messages are no more disturbed when strong winds are blowing, works well at night too!
Carol said she would go on that tomorrow....She looked gorgeous! Wish I was a lot youger, far richer, amd much more handsome...
Saw Rick too, he's doing alright.
John CNN!!!
Don't know anybody with that kind of means....
Did you know that John was once a plumber at the White House?
Silence Laura?

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Very presumptuous, that's how I would characterise a desire for change of the so called "policies of the passed height years that didn't work", Why?
First, because sadly in a way the President (actual) never had the chance to implement the policies he had planned, 09/11 set the course.... Therefore, talking about the Bush 's policies is very inappropriate....
Second, today's world has shown that anytime, anywhere and anyhow, it can decide the type of burden it will impose to the country.
Third, because anytime the American People can find out about the actual crisis the fact that to resist the impact on the economy of 09/11 and bring full support to the economy in the aftermath, a policy of low interest rate policy was implemented. The policy implemented to protect jobs and growth has shown its limits but it did protect the People for almost 8 years. It has had unexpected and undesired consequences but it can and it will be turned around.
Fourth, the finish line is november fourth not next poll, there is time to talk to the American People and offer them a vision of the next four years when someone has nearly 30 years of experience in public office and has seen and helped pass legislation in times of crisis.
Fifth, it's for the People to decide, Sen McCain has shown that what some call "erratic" is just the right sense of duty....
When the crisis striked, he decided to suspend his campaign, showing that his job of Congressman was something he was taking very seriously and as such, his duty was to be in Congress. Country first, not his campaign...
He thought it wasn't the right time for a debate on foreign policy when everyone was focused on the economy, and wasn't the right time to oppose in a debate on economy when Congress was looking for unity to pass a bipartisan legislation the country needed. Once more Country first...not his interests in the campaign...For the People to decide.
The interest of nobody to have an ugly race as it will weaken the next President at a time it is not needed...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Breaking News - Dow plunges nearly 700 points, now bouncing up 700, level 8537. A nice rally!
Well, I guess Sen McCain can even show he forgives his opponent agressive positions and judgements due to his youth and inexperienced dynamism, a real asset when everything is fine....
I don't know but he could. I think it's too soon, the election can go one way or the other....
Very nice dress Anjali!
Do you really think Dems helped the crisis to grow? It could backfire as the crisis worsens, may be first helped in polls as long the crisis was thought to be easily passed, very soon the American People I think will turn to someone that can reassure them, that has a long experienced life in public office and has proven records of being strong in tough times, age that some people thought to be a disavantage may soon proved to be a real asset if Sen McCain shows (he can) he may be the father the Nation will be looking for in very difficult times.
As libor goes up, more and more agents with debts indexed on libor will go down....Know total amount of debt libor indexed still up there, should lead to more bank defaults quite quickly.
And Now? What do you have for the $$?

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Didn't know Kaushel is left handed.
Short sell ban, some say it didn't prevent the market to drop. I say, as long as you can make money on dropping stocks, you'll probably increase market losses as it raises your gains.... Banning short sell in extraordinary times is ok as shortening the seller's power is for the best of the overall market and economy... I would ban altogether short sell all sectors for now.
What do you say?
Very nice suit Kaushel!
It's always a pleasure as recently I didn't get a chance to watch American Morning.
I had a big low on wednesday, I promised myself once more to be better but I guess it's better to rely on the Rule of Law as extreme promises such as being better cannot always be fulfilled....Doesn't mean I'm not trying but success isn't there sometime.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Home sales are good, as expected US economy will improve may be sooner than expected, if it is the case, the euro may come under extreme pressure as EU economies as usual will experience a very slow recovery....
If these guys can't get their stuff together to restore a decent interbank money market, bring in the Fed and the vehicule, official interbank Fed Gov agency (a capital state owned firm with in mind its privatisation as soon as order is restored), backed by Fed, a market tenant and organiser...
Like it?
Gold up, Libor up.....not doin the trick yet.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Not really, I thought it may be a good idea to prepare the Fed's vehicule privatisation, very soon that entity will be trusting all the short term commercial paper market and will be in the future a very profitable firm as a market maker. No taxpayer's money involved and Fed pocketing the amount of the sale whan the market is ready....
Woah!!§§§§§§§§ I think you missed a great shot just minutes ago if you're not watching!
Breaking - Lou on air tonight with Wolf. Previous debate (VP), Wolf didn't want be scored and told Anderson to go score the debaters, I think we should score Wolf too, my proposition is A not A+, think he can do better and more.
Question : If the Fed's vehicule intended to operate on the commercial paper market makes all the profit that can be made on that market, will it be possible to buy some shares of the vehicule or of the Fed?
Mark's theory on market's future now on CNBC.
Our human characters have high and lows, we fight to avoid the lows but we are People and we have to live with our bad instincts, this is why the American People chose the rule of law.
What is it?
The video is highly recommended.
If you enjoy an ad free environment it's altogether because first of all you're lucky enough to have Free Press the rest of the time ads financed... Second of all, you wouldn't like to miss Larry's "Don't go away"....

Monday, October 06, 2008

Guillermo, please remain concentrated!
You'll be alright Ralitsa, come on, prepare some cash and be ready to buy. The cure is rough but the American People have shown they can achieve almost anything and they will rise again once more.
Guillermo working tonight, just saw him!
Look, despite the famous "consencus buying gold and asking for reduced interest rates", I believe that so far ECB policy has for the past two years prevented a lot of agents in the EU to misuse credit, it doesn't look very pretty now, would be far worse today, if those asking for reduced interest rates had been listened to....
As long we don't know if Jean-Claude is still fully empowered, I'm buyin USD.
Just heard, concensus to pressure Jean-Claude (ECB) to reduce interest rates..... same old tune, amazing....same concensus to buy gold.... Why do you want to buy gold if you don't fear any inflation.....?
Aren't you better off with monetary paper...? What do you say?
Rick is the best. We're closing up to Dow bying times. Still bying USD for now.
Breaking News - We 've just received the video from Midland Texas!

Sunday, October 05, 2008

I just read their statements and they want to hammer down Corsica - Let's hammer them down alright today -
Happy now, I just did. Working?
I'm at it. Seat belt fastened please. Bumpy ride ahead!
No, that's a lie, the regime and its press lie all the time about Corsica. I bet you gonna love that. My sister lived in Corsica for several years in a small village near by Porto Vecchio and guess what she was there with her her two boys(half Russian, half hers), not exactly traditionnal Corsican first names, named Sacha and Youri (you can laugh).... And, nothing never happened, the Corsican People was really nice to her, she never was threatened or anything like that.... To the extent, (she left us in 2005 after a car accident) she had asked to rest in the island cause she loved the island and its People, so my dad and her husband did.
Se always said that the resckless conduct of the Paris regime was criminal and I guess she felt like me, you know when you step on a People's Land and therefore you own something, you have to behave and the least you can do is get interested in the People's history, rights, language and help in any way you can to protect that future. I guess she did and hope if she can from where she's now will help destroy this bloody regime.
The Paris regime is on the edge of an unprecedented wave of violence if it continues to destroy the island and its People's rights to invite who they want on their Land. What has been accepted so far will be refused by the next generation cause they can't afford it....
It's not just true for Corsica, it's true for the Basque Nation and other territories now occupied by the regime and the bench of criminals leading it....
No, first thing I do as soon as I'm out the airport, I go to Walgreens to buy some water then straight to my pub...have to celebrate.
7 days to go....and I'll be home!

Saturday, October 04, 2008

A new born axe : Gordon - Peter.
All that and nothing for Ralitsa...Unfair!
Does not exclude emotions
I know that you're many throughout the world dreaming of an ad free environment media where you can find first hand economic information, accurate and exclusive reports on the financial situation.
Someone did it for you
Plot is plain dumb and so is the idea that a few guys in Wall Street can cause a world wide financial crisis....
What I was trying to say is you need both to make the crisis, a fragilised financial system and banks holding questionnable assets (alright here we go, the subprimes played a role) and oil jumping from $80 to $150 in six months, a major and much needed component in today's economy to cause the problem....
I think that if you just had the subprimes assets in the financial system in a booming economy, the system was able to clear that up with may be a few actors of the market going down but no major trouble, nothing to do with what we're seeing throughout worldwide in the financial system simultaneously hit by a credit troubled market in a fast slowing economy, the perfect cocktail for a disaster...
Have the oil producers planned it? Looks like a plot delirium now have some of them helped it getting ready to exploit it for both profit and political gain inthe world.... YES
What do you say?
Unpurpose you mean?
You don't read....The barrel went so high, it slowed down so much the economy that it speeded up the financial crisis and sent down banks already fragilised by the troubled subprime assets.
Got it?
What do you say?
Alright, I just changed it.
On CNBC, just a few minutes ago, Jay asked how would you score the oil producers' responsibility on a scale of 1 to 10 for dramatically speeding up the financial crisis since the barrel jumped from $ 80 (end of 2007) to over $150 (summer 2008)?
Just the subprimes or did the price of the barrel go so high that it stopped the economy?

Thursday, October 02, 2008

I love it!
Guillermo, please, tell me how great the weather is in my hometown Kissimmee, Florida. I'm already almost there.
Well, well, well.. The debates's night, Kaushel went to the hairdresser, wears a very cute white dress, and guess what Patrick shows up.... I wish I could warn of the imminent danger Shakun...

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Can't find the bill on, have you?
Bill, Gov Palin is running for VP not President, the debate we'll watch is to find out if Gov Palin will be a better VP than Sen Biden may be. Otherwise isn't a nice argument, it would be, the debate is to check if Sen Biden can be President should something nobody wishes happens to Sen Obama, then why should the American People vote for a ticket that could lead to Sen Biden being President when in the first place even the Dems didn't want him to be their nominee for the job.
Sorry Sen Biden, I had to, it's Bill 's fault, he's being provocative...
Have you seen Kaushel's necklace?
No, Wolf is exploiting the situation, he could have worked tonight....!
Have you catched that? ATT unable to borrow short term (30 or 60 days), it's the sign we're running out of time....if a major company can only borrow overnight... I have heard that Rep Jackson could add 14 votes if a piece of legislation for foreclosures procedures was added to the plan.
When you know what's in some of those contracts (prime + 4 or more), I remember an ederly lady shown on CNN about to loose her home with a true ugly contract sold by someone "a financial adviser" who used to visit her....and had offered this great loan to reimburse some small loans at a decent rate this lady had with her bank....
I guess it would be no "bail out" if the legislator stepped in with a piece of legislation when obviously vulnerable people have been targeted.
What do you say?
If Sen McCain trust her ethic, I guess it's fine? Just like for a jury, if not revoked by either side, good for service?
Thank you for comment over south Cuba.... Guillermo.
Not sure but looks like Clearwater bridge now on air CNN, it's gone now.
What have you got?
You can check that one too (same subject).
Housing bubble has burst elsewhere too, situation so bad, the Paris regime forced to engage in buying unsold stock of flats and houses sometimes not even built yet (just projects) as several building companies were about to close. (Here you go for the article)
You are Welcome. Now you're there, hold on tight, got everything you need in your background to do great and good things.
Nice little break! Back in business?