Friday, January 08, 2010

I think after that it 's going to be hardly bareable for anyone to listen to the paris regime speaking of the human rights.... the European Charter is very clear, Considering that the right to use a regional or minority language in private and public life is an inalienable right conforming to the principles embodied in the United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and according to the spirit of the Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; nevertheless, it is a constant refusal from the regime to hand this inalienable right and fundamental freedom to the communities it may concern.
Now the best part of the story, I bet you haven't heard... many terribly suffer as a result of these ugly policies, feel disenfranchised, humiliated and disgusted. After being deprived of the right to learn their language in an appeased environment, deprived to access their traditional values, culture, an important part of education, fed with the state's regime education programs for years, some dare express concerns about their rights and in some instances do it brutally or with in mind the legitimacy they have been taught of the disrespect the regime show for cultures and minorities rights, reproducing in a very less violent way what the regime did and do to them. Here comes the final hit, when they do so, clumsely describing more the despair of their feelings than an elaborate political program, the "official regime's pundits" responsible of the education system stand pointing fingers at these outrageous unwashed poorly educated and cheap second class citizens daring to express their "racism and xenophobia" and to tell them they could face a trial for their words....
How do you feel?

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