Friday, December 07, 2007

Amazing Times - Recorded tapes made to comply a law requirement cannot be destroyed, any others can be destroyed and should be destroyed in particular to protect officers identity when they ceased to be usefull for the purpose they were made in the first place.
Thank you.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Scott Times - He knows how to write and he wrote a book the White House for Dummies written by one.
I'm sad, well because Scott was one of the first ones to enter my story and now he comes up with this stupid idea, I can't believe it. I expected a book about the great times he had working at the White House, how proud he was to be the President's speaker at an historical time and extremely challenging for America, about the good laughs he had there, about the battles won but no, the only thing he can remember is I was mislead, Man how sad. I hope he wasn't mislead when he applied for the job, I won't buy this book I will wait for Dana's.

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Jon, Jon, JON, JON, JON,
Get back to work now, that's enough!
Exclusive, a You should watch CNN Today episode never broadcasted before (may be).
I never thought to see one day an Aussie truly in love and I mean, look at Hugh, he went to the hairdresser to please Kristie after several soft remarks she made. Isn't it a proof of deep love? I must admit coming from Hugh it's unexpected, I never thought he could be her type with all his addictions, his taste for danger and trips away from home, but after all he might be willing to prove he could make a decent husband. Are we watching the first CNN love story ending with a marriage?
I'm not sure any more, so far Hugh had been perfect until a few minutes ago and then blew it because his lack of attention, Kristie had turned to face him and was waiting for a hand-kissing, he didn't even bother looking at her and she stayed with her hand up for nothing looking, well that's embarassing, after that Hugh needs to do something very special, the flight onboard the airbus is forgotten, just gone, he has to do it all again.
Mornin, waikin me up, the crook Foncia (you wanna an idea, compared to that one Enron was the vatican) but he's too late. I'm goin home, La Isla Bonita just followed For a moment like this. They're just so hugly and cheap. I'm flyin home and they can't stop it. Like a virgin, what's next, Number One ALICIA KEYS No One. A few days, I'll be cruzin 192 west listenin my hometown radio.
That's no joke Folk's, now is the time, wire transfer at once, as much as you can.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

It doesn't mean that I am not watching tonight and I wish you could see Kristie this morning (Hooooooo), I wonder if it has something to do with the weekend she and Hugh spent in Sydney flying there onboard the airbus. I wonder if Hugh paid for the Don Perignon and a first class cabin.
On strike for Jon,
but I can't help it, listening to Anastacia (Paid my dues), my spirit is up, I'm goin home, tuesday mornin I'll be wakin up in Kissimmee, Florida's sunshine heatin me up my friends'll be callin tellin me it all, while yo're away man, swithchin on the radio, I'll be gettin Kelly Clarkson singin for a moment like this, I'll be runnin down the stairs rushin in my car, headin to Celebration now that I know President Sarkosy has headed to Washington to explain President BUSH, that I wanna a job, waitin two years was the sentence, he said he'll sort out work permit, USCIS is the promise to escape, all we need, a new land to head for, we'll be givin a lot more than we'll be askin for, the Star Spangled Banner'll be above my door, I can't believe it has happpened, no search no more, it's here I found it, US Airways is the ticket and Orange Blossom the music!

Monday, November 05, 2007

On Strike To Support Jon
I know, I fired him but he deserved that after what he did to President BUSH. Though following his decision to invite Steven Colbert on the show (a good friend of mine), I decided to rehire him. Since he hasn't done a thing on CNN, I can run out of patience and decide to veto the strike or ask the Congress to pass a bill to declare it illegal as at a crucial moment (presidential race) the country needs him and Steven Colbert. So, Jon, would you please stop it, spoiled bratt you are!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today to get a pink Kristie on your screen!
The news:
As usual 1st amendment is on the grill attracting some wired and disturbed behaviour but I am sure lawmakers will find a way around. You can say, write and you can think anything you want about President BUSH, you can buy a page in national newspaper to express your views, have a book published, post on the net, etc... but that doesn't not allow you to walk in the oval office to insult the President (not included in 1st amend).
This very wired church can express its disturbing views as specified above but attending private funerals to express these views and specifically target one family and a particular soldier is a typical mishandling of the 1st amend, I have judged.
Back to the raging competition :
We tonight have an extraordinary lovely pink Kristie, very smart Hugh and Martyn both with posh ties. Hugh's is showing off as much as he can to regain Kristie's love, mentioning he knows about Aston Martin, let her think he might take her on a trip to Singapour in a luxury suite onboard the airbus, he's desperate, I think. Patrick with a broken heart is back in London we saw and he said nothing about where Shakun's hiding to cry.
No, Hugh, NO, NO, NO, it' not goin to happen!§§!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, you won't believe it Hugh is back.
The guy is incredible (a real Aussie), I don't know how he managed to convince Kristie to take him back after all he has done. I think she's too nice. I bet he will do it again. I just saw Hugh looking at Kristie, don't you dare thinking about it!
I was about to write that the TV Dress Code Prize Jury has decided to include the smile into their decision. This new element to appreciate the competitors had lead to Mari keeping the title but since I heard this nasty comment about our fantastic, great and permanent sunshine in Florida, the place where you want to spend your next vacations, with regret, I have decided to disqualify Mari, I had to, very sad but we cannot accept mistakes in Florida weather forecast.

Monday, October 29, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, tonight, such a sexy Kristie, Eunice joining the crowd for the title.
Well, where do we stand now?
First, let's talk about unchecked facts. Has Shakun been able to reach on time the airport when Patrick's plane landed? I am not sure yet but I will have to do something about that because he has only got a few days off and he must be back in London if he wants to keep his job and I don't either know what were their plans for this short break. Was Shakun going to show Patrick Hong Hong around? Any romantic spot somewhere nearby?
I know I won't ask Hugh for that, he only knows about ectic nightlife clubs. I can also tell Kristie that he isn't in Beijing, he pretends he is but what I saw behind him drove me to conclude that my first impression was right, he is in Macao reporting on GM new green car.
To me, such a sexy Kristie tonight means she has turned Hugh's page, I believe we will all agree that he deserves it after all he has done, Kristie has shown a lot of patience but he went over the top with that last trip.
What about Andrew? Very smart, low profile but very steady with various ties (very smart one tonight), Andrew is taking the lead and I am not sure but now that Hugh has lost Kristie, I think Andrew will try to show his best in an attempt to conquer her heart.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today - A new high in the competition.
WHOA, we have this morning an absolutly incredible Anjali in a white tres chic suit§§§§§§!! You have to see that. She, of course, is taking the lead. According to the latest report Hugh has drowed Johnathan in Macao where they have been glambling like hbipbip (just like Jon) for the past few days, I told Kristie where Hugh was to begin with and warned her where he would probably go to hide but don't know if she managed to find him yet. Shakun left to I was told meet Patrick at the airport who managed to take a few days off and decided to rush to Hong Kong. Has Anjali met Richard, was is it possible to get the ballet in the airbus, I don't know for now but "Do stay with us" (this is the new Shakun's version) and we will find out.
I listened to Arnie and he is a great Gov!
I knew it, Mari was not goin to let the title go just like that. I don't know how she guessed Anjali was launching a full scale attack to take the lead but she immediately answered with a shirt and jewelry.
I couldn't explain why I had sympathy for the Kurdish nation struggle to leave in peace somewhere. I knew that Kurds were middle east untouchables, that they were mistreated in almost every country they live in but the PKK violent methods didn't help the cause internationally. And the light came.
Since I heard that "Mahmoud" has offered help to Turkey PM "Let's kill some Kurds, why not together" I now know my intuition was right(as always - thank you - clap clap clap). Kurds are the victims and this nation needs a country, at least a land where they can be protected. Teheran's regime, Damas regime will hate the idea, Turkey may not like it as well as a few others but these countries have had important Kurdish communities for a long time, just ask them how many Kurds are in your governments, administrations, how many go to universities etc...

Thursday, October 25, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today is back. The disaster is partially under control in California and I found Hugh.
Kristie, Kristie, Kriiiiiiiiistiiiiiiiiiie,
Last night, I saw Hugh yesterday morning in Beijing, he said he was reporting on a lauch to the moon but I think this was an excuse to pop in Macao on the way, I don't wanna be mean but....
No answer, I wonder where Kristie is?
You may not be interested but I saw Anjali too last night, she was having a dance class but it looked like she is gone have to work really hard with her leg before heading for a ballet show, may be she should keep her job at CNN.
I also discovered, two night ago that we may have a heating up love story between Shakun and Patrick, I never saw Shakun like that before, asking Patrick this and that, smiling, being really nice to him, I don't know what happened in London but I wonder now if it was just a shopping trip. I will investigate, I have to.
I wonder how Andrew will deal with that, he said that he was a traditionalist but Kristie left to go after Hugh, Anjali left for a ballet course, Shakun seems to be in love with Patrick, I hope his feelings are not hurt too much.
No, Anderson can't get in the story, it is personal.
Tonight, the Racing spirit is raging in Honk Kong with suits for everybody, outstanding tie for Andrew, very fashionable red jacket for Shakun and a smart suit for Mari, we are now reaching a very high level in the competition.
Richard in Sydney could also enter the story being quite a competitor when it comes to suits and ties but he is always on the go and it is going to be difficuld to find him a girlfriend with that job he has, we may try to organise a ballet in the airbus on a flight from Sydney to Hong Kong to see if we can have Anjali meeting Richard onboard.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN today, have you watched last night?
Hugh got one more time himself into trouble, he left home probably for some gambling intensive session and Kristie left yesterday morning to go after him. Man, when she finds you, she is goin to make your life miserable, I have to say that you deserved every piece of it leaving home that often, it was goin to happen one day.
Shakun showed up back from her London shopping trip with some lovely stuff she got from Miss Selfridges (remember Berners street, we now know why) and Mari appeared with a new haircut and sounds like she is goin to fight hard to keep the prize she won las week.
The jury is having some problems due to the unexpected rise of competitors but we should be able to manage and soon publish a prize list, we working hard on it.
Tonight, Suntrust is the new destination, negociation is over. Folks, get up, stand up and rush onto wires. Aurora Loan Services new website will be up in november. You will love the Sunshine State.
Back to important matters, Where is Jonathan? Is he gone with Hugh? Has Hugh managed to corrupt Jonathan after he dicovered that Jonathan second last week was a very serious challenger and the most dangerous competitor for the title?
We will have more, don't go away.
Striking disaster, story halted. California, this where my thoughts go to.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN today tonightWhy? Something always happening there.
Take today, where is Hugh?
Where are you?
No answer, probably gone gambling again.
HUGH, if I were you, I would rush back to Hong Kong and fast, Kristie is back from South Korea, and guess what? Andrew, opportunist, popped in tonight to say hi, are you doing Kristie? etc... and he is staying around. I think you should stop messing around and come back fast. Well that's my opinion now...
Mari is alright too.
Now the News CNN doesn't have.
ING bought Netbank. You don't care, you should, you may be facing trouble ahead!
So far and for the past 4 years I have had a bank account with Netbank (Georgia and World -Internet Bank)) and an automatic payment plan for my mortgage. Everything has been smooth and cheap with an excellent customer service.
Too good to last comes true.
An EU bank called ING bought Netbank. I was not officially notified, I have just received an email telling me "Enjoy $25 to open an ING account, to convert now your bank account". I know EU banks alright and thank you very much but NO THANKS (I know the crooks)!
Then nothing more.
2 weeks later, it was time for me to wire transfer some money to my bank account to keep paying the mortgage I have with Aurora Loan Services for my home in Central Florida, Heaven on Earth (Kissimmee, Paula came to visit us, I think Kristie should too, one day).
But alarmed by the fact ING was around, prior to wire the funds I decided to make a call to check out if the swiftcode, rolling number and useful phone numbers necessary for an international transfer remained the same.
Dring, Dring, Dring
Press this and that etc...
ING, Good Morning (Hoohoo, trouble, no more Net bank customer service, I am already worrying)
I do explain the story, right now I am in a foreign country, I do wire transfers to pay my mortgage etc...
ING : Sir, this is not an option
Me : Sir my mortgage payments are not optional, I have to and I just wanna know if the rolling number has changed that's all
ING : Sir this is not an option, we don't do international wires
Me : You don't have to do anything I am sending the money
ING : Sir this is not an option
Me : Alright!?!???!, What are the options?
ING : A long blank..................................................................
Me : What am I suppose to do to be able to make a deposit in my Net bank account to pay my mortgage? What are you going to do with Net bank's checking accounts?
ING : We don't know yet, we will have the answer soon.
Me : Ok Have a great day, thank you very helpful!
Now, I want to know who gave ING the autorisation to buy a FDIC insured bank and to operate in the US!
I am goin to complain to BEN!
Back to important matters, we have now the Kristie's touch with Stick around, Andrew's words are Stay with us, Larry, the famous Don't go away, Shakun's preferred are Stay tuned, I can't remember what are Hugh's preffered ones.
HUGH, HUGH, .................HUGH,
Just to let you know that when I left, Andrew was still with Kristie!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, Shakun is back from her shopping trip in London.
I can't wait to see what she has got!
Following the attack on Miss Butho's in Karachi, the competition is posponed by an hour. During that short period of time, we invite you to visit Don't block the blog .
I'll be right back after that.
Very sad, it was the last day for An eye on South Korea, Kristie is leaving and we don't know where she is heading to. To me, this is an embarassed explanation to justify the writer no spirit tonight. I never thought of DNA as a gift before, I am not sure Hugh is going to like that, he is more the high tech toy type, I think Kristie should get him a mobile TV.
Priscilla with a very sexy black dress wants to enter the competition (ITele). Whatdo we do?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today and today is THE night!
First thing, can I see myself at sunset on Sattelite Beach sitting with Kristie playing guitar (much nicer spot than the DMC)?
I think so.
Right back with the competition in a few minutes.
Today in a desperate attempt to regain the jury's favor, Hugh managed to convince Anjali to buy a suit and a top assorted to his and indeed it is a very good idea and you guys look terrific but we won't change the decision made yesterday. Corrupt Anjali in an attempt to re-enter the race is bad practice and we do not approve such a behaviour. Hugh is disqualified for this week race whatsoever.
As expected the jury unanimously voted Mari the Lady TV Dress Code Winner Prize of the week and tonight we can say that Mari honor the jury's decision with a lovely dress and a very nice red jacket. Mari looking abolutly great is ready to go to the prize ceremony right after work.
Also expected, Kristie wins the TV Dress Code Elegance Prize, the DMZ is not exactly a dream place to receive such a prize therefore the jury may send an helicopter (we wish we could)to get her back in time in Hong Kong for the ceremony.
Any news from Shakun in London? Stay Tuned we will have this report in a few minutes.
Has Shakun popped in to say hello to Mark, we don't know but she was spotted several times these last few days in Berners street shopping intensively. She admited that she was taking every necessary steps to win again regardless of the costs. Some of you dream of knowing at which hotel Shakun is staying at but we won't tell you, we value privacy of our star competitors.
Thank you.
After hours of intense negociation, the jury overturned the Hugh disqualification decision in the Men's Race. Despite their efforts, members of the jury were unable to find a better winner than Hugh and they finally decided to declare him for the second week in a row the international winner of The Men's TV Dress Code Prize. (This is not moral at all, I will have to do better).
Next week is going to be an even more interesting race as we have more competitors coming in from France 3, Marie and now Frédéric have shown their interest in the Race.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today - Breaking News - London shopping trip for Shakun.
I have been worried part of the day wondering how I was going to deal with the TV Dress Code Prize story, I made it at last, here are today's topics. Shakun went shopping in London to be able to win the next race starting this thursday. Kristie has finally forgiven Hugh and has accepted to speak to him again, Mari still leading the Lady's competition, Anjali entered late in the race is closing up. Kristie is cuter than ever. Guillermo and Andrew have given up.
From the Global News Center :
We have pretty bad news for Mahmoud when we refer to history.
Personal Message : To Larry,
I never ask for anything but please don't invite no more the Donald, he depresses me.
The Competition :
We are almost there, the finish line can be seen and to impress the jury, today, Anjali and Hugh have chosen the smart sober look. The Lady's competition is no surprise as expected, Mari will win, any other choice wouldn't make sense since Shakun and Hugh won the previous race.
The Jury with deep concerns has just decided to disqualify Hugh for this week competition for a nasty remark he made about "cute animals". Well, these are the rules and as advertised they can change without notice, the jury is also watching the language and allusive remarks are not tolerated (I know, I have a democratic problem). The jury also decided to create a special prize called The TV Dress Code Elegance Prize that will be won probably by Kristie while Mari is leading for The Lady's TV Dress Code Prize. Anjali doing very well is about to hit the second place, Marie (Not CNN yet) the third place.
So yes, the race is now going wild in the Men's section with Hugh disqualified tomorrow will be a mad day on CNN, anyone can now win with the leader out.

Monday, October 15, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, Is the tie doing it all?
We are in big trouble as the competitors rushing to take the lead prove in a very inventive way they can all win.
Take Hugh who picked up today a red tie to honor the People's Congress opening day in Beijing, I didn't expect such an ingenious move to attract attention to be able to keep the lead. Hugh is quite a fighter. Andrew is not going to let it go so easily and hits back with a fantastic blue tie.
In the Lady's race, as I told you yesterday, Mari's return did change everything and it is impossible to refuse Mari the lead despite an incredibly cute Kristie still in South Korea doing a fantastic job showing us how fast this country is improving with technology his future and catching up with the most advanced western countries. The new challenger Anjali is doing her best with a lovely outfit but she entered the race late and it will be problably difficult to catch up with the others competitors but the spirit is there and that's the idea.
Now the news in a few minutes, (if I had any, you would be now seeing some ads, lucky you are, I don't have any).
Hum................ Not much to comment tonight.
Anjali found the right words to qualify Mari's job reporting on Mont Blanc, very informative, yes indeed. Mari, ever tought of opening a weather forecasting school for foreign broadcasters?
We can't wait for tomorrow's Eye on South Korea, Meeting Snuppy with Kristie.!§§!
About the competition we face a difficult problem and we have to make a decision on whether the competition will or will not be open to national broadcasters. Marie from France 3 was obviously racing today with a very nice black dress, our problem, do we have the technology to handle a worldwide race? We noticed several times that Sky News has the spirit too.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, Important happening live, Andrew's back!
Let's start with the competition, who is leading half way?
First the Lady's Race, counting tonight, Karen by a tiny lead over Kristie and Shakun. Now the Men's race, Hugh has been leading for quite a while but with Andrew's tie tonight, his lead is now under a severe threat from both Andrew and Kevin, tough, we may have to wait for Guillermo to have an exact idea on who may be the winner.
In the Lady's section, when Mari returns we could face drastic changes, altogether it is just too soon to make a clear guess on who may be wednesday TV Dress Code Prize winner specially now that a challenger just entered the competition, let me introduce (I am cureently checking)
Now from the Global News Center, (yes Jon is fired, I didn't appreciate I am here to explain, I am here to tell you etc....a shame)
To honor Vladimir's visit to Iran, Teheran's regime had prepared a very special "Welcome Mister President" in a local custom manner secretly made.
We will have more in a few minutes.
Don't miss out an Eye on Korea now on air with Kristie!§§!
I was telling earlyer that we had a new challenger in the Lady's race, let me introduce Anjali( I know, they are terrible, don't ask me who took that photo nor who is in charge of maintaining the website section of Anchors and Reporters with new and accurate informations and photos, talk to the management, Thank You).
I kown most of you are unhappy with the decision I made regarding Jon, I know it's not democratic, I know it's unfair, I know it's unconstitutional but what you have to understand is I caught myself laughing and I cannot fire me, I don't have a job and I don't like somebody to make me laugh about someone I support, I had to do something that's why I think it's fair to censor the person responsible who happenned to be Jon.
By the way, write something funny about your President, something that looks like what Jon does with President Bush, send it to your national TV broacaster to find out if you do live in a Democracy. (Legal Disclaimer : Don't do it unless you live in the following countries USA, UK, Australia, for a complete list write to
Baseless! tells Teheran's FM, the regime isn't involved in the happening organised by its most fervent militants for Vladimir's visit.
Any other statement would be astonishing, imagine the regime saying, "We planned it, helped with logistic, we even had a ready statement if any success, it is a zionist plot to destabilise the good relations we have with Russia".

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ooh hoo, yeah. I'm back online, you all wonder how to start, you wish you knew the way forward, just ask.
Turn your hifi on, The Star Spangled Banner (LeAnn Rimes, I recommend you try the new single Nothing better to do just after, that's music)
Followed by the community International Anthem if you have decided to join us (Hill Billy Nation - CowBoy Crush)
To get you on the right mood for the best, pump up the volume and get your Kelly's CD on
For A moment like this
Online? How was you day off? Gonna be a hot one, about 60,000 Turkish troops along the country's southern border with Iraq, rioting violence in Egypt and Yemen, probably more.
No post today, I'll be watching TV.
TV Times - CNN - A true Nation even small is the leading future. ENGLAND wins!
Well, if Corsica, Basque Homeland or Brittany had a team, they might have won, who knows?
Ralitsa on air and has decided to enter the competition for the next week TV Dress Code Prize.
Who is leading half way?
Don't go away (I won't bet on that, according to me and the magic phrase Ralitsa just used, I think she went to Larry's school).
We will have more, stay tuned.
Isha, a very nice black suit, Kevin with a shining tie join the crowd entered in the competition. Why not Josh, well he isn't regular enough. I just saw him once and we haven't been told if he will ever come back. It is a big problem to run a competition in these circumstances when the CNN management doesn't do anything to help running it smoothly by giving the right information when needed. Remind me to complain about it.
I quickly checked in Anchors and Reporters and I am afraid Shakun's page is still missing.
Not really a breaking News :
Teheran's regime (not Iranian people) has called the Arab Nations to boycott Peace in the region(Peace meeting to be held in the US on Palestinian statehood ).
(Bronx, NY) - In response to Russia's support of Iran, AMCHA - CJC The Coalition for Jewish Concerns and the Riverdale Jewish Community Council plan to hold a protest this Sunday, October 14th. Interested in Amcha's work or want to participate Amcha's Website .

Friday, October 12, 2007

I'll be gone for an hour or so, you run it.
Come on, don't make a fuss about it, tell him this is a private conversation.
Da ya wanna still be a member of the hillbilly nation? Join!
Don't wan be late, talk to ya later, my coffee waitin.
I'm back, somebody just said that with the prize (not sure but should be 1/2 a million bucks, anyone to check?), he should be able to pay his world wide known electricity bills!!§§§!!!
Echo man Echo
Ooh hoo, yeah. Blue jeans an' tight tee-shirt. Ride it!
Not a joke, Europe doesn't even bother having a Conservation Reserve Program and they didn't save 1 acre for the past 10 years. Now what, take that; Since President Bush signed the historic 2002 Farm Bill, CRP has increased enrollment by 2.6 million acres, conserving a total of 34.8 million acres of environmentally sensitive land for wildlife habitat, riparian buffers, and soil protection.
Hey, Wanna compete???????????????????
I have more, fancy the subject?
Tv On - CNN - Lola in the TV Dress Code prize's spirit. Jonathan was told "Don't mention it" ........about the electricity bills.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

TV times - CNN - You should watch CNN today, I haven't yet but more in a few minutes.
Right now Hugh is collecting tips to save his relations with Kristie, I am afraid it's not going to work, she left for South Korea in retaliation for the underwater poker party and I haven't heard of any letters sent, so far.
Well Bonnie, you have done a lot better running for the TV Dress Code Prize. I won't mention it, first time but...
Are you guys plotting to make feel unconfortable coming back home?
Bonnie, your smile does it but you should not over exploit it.
I think I got the idea, I wanna be perfected, to hit Highway 1 I wouldn't mind the company.
Mari is back, her kid's cold is over.
Countdown 24 days to go,can't wait, almost there back home!

That's what I'm doin today, ever tried a doctor pepper?
Been away for too long.
Na man, first thing I'm gonna do is hit Highway 1
Hey, gotta be kidding won't tell ya east or west but I'll be goin south hahahaha
it's goin to take some time to be myself again but I did start the training
the language, man , the language that's the toughest part of it, I bet you don't know the kind of frustation it is when you wanna tell something, you know you know but it doesn't come out and slowly just like a birth, it's coming back, you can speak again, it was buried deep in your mind, so deep that some days you came to the point that you not sure any more, you not sure which language you spoke first, which one is yours and step by step you coming back to life, you can speak again yet it's tough but more you listen to people speakin more you know alright it's comin back, first you grabe the words then you get pictures back, confused yes, but you know you 're recoverin, now I can't describe how good it is.
To fight homesickness click here and don't be afraid of runnin wild, click!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, tonight a vocabulary lesson.
The world is tonight worrying for Sidney as swarms of moths are invading Sydney's business district and cloaking skyscrapers, what do you think Hugh had to say about the terrible event?
He laughed at it, (specially sad for the poor guy who just painted his new home) he said it's great, he added that it is a great protein source (understand free food). I didn't know why people where making remarks about Aussies, I think that may be a start to understand but don't reach now the conclusion these remarks are justified, too soon, you didn't taste these moths yet, they are Aussies too, you see.
I don't know what to think about Hugh being eco-friendly, considering any living creature a great source for protein should drive you to be considered eco-friendly or eco-terrorist?
Well I have reached a conclusion, the tie does it all, Hugh is eco-friendly.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, you should watch for sure.
Shakun and Hugh have won yesterday the TV Dress Code prize, but nevertheless, they already competing for next week prize. I know where is Kristie, she is at "packing a punch" getting ready for the next time she sees Hugh. She did not appreciate he left again for that underwater poker party, I do understand that.
What will happen next, You stay tuned, you will have more.
You are watching and you saw that Bonnie and Candy have entered the competition for the next week prize.
So far, it's being fair and all participants are in the spirit.
A german citizen declared he was tortured by CIA. This is false, first of all, CIA does not torture, second of all, he shoud not wear that nazi uniform and go around telling whoever wants to listen that he is about to invade the UK.
Does anybody have a restaurant list or stores where Myanmar embassies officials go to? If you do or if you have any information that could lead to establish such a list post it somewhere so we can join them in a civilised way to welcome them in Democratic countries and ask them to support us in supporting Freedom progress for Burmese people to improve their right to a more developped country both economically and socially.
Crosses my mind, Truly, Madly, Deeply AMERICAN I am!
You should try Cascada too.

Monday, October 08, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN today, Hugh and Shakun invited to a mariage.
You were asking why Shakun and Hugh were dressed so smartly today, I was told just now, they are invited to a party right after work.
No, I haven't seen yet Mari, Guillermo, Candi or Mark.
Just heard now about Andrew but I am not sure, he might be gone to a small island somewhere.
We will have more in a few minutes.
TV Dress code competition is apparently held in Honk Kong. I have been told just now that the party were Shakun and Hugh are going to isn't a mariage, it is the TV Dress Code winner's night, a very big event. You just saw Guillermo, I believe he is going to.
I could feel the embarassment coming, it came, worse of all, Candi is delivering it.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN today, I haven' t yet, Is Hugh back home with Kristie?
Will she forgive him again? Is Shakun's feeling hurt? Is Andrew's decision to leave CNN Today to go to Talk Asia final? Is Mari alright and doing good with her kids, What are they going to get next Christmas?
And a lot more in a few minutes, Stay with Me, Don't you dare going away.
Ok OK stop worrying, you don't have to, it wasn't Mario on air, nothing happened to Mari, it's just another rumour just like it was for Paula, it was Guillermo a new one in the story, Mari is probably home, I will be able very soon to tell you more about her.
Big surprise, Hugh is back in good health (thanks to HIM) but I did not expect that, Shakun is there too so now the question is, where is Kristie? Is she alright? Are her feelings hurt?
Do stay with me, You stay tuned (Thank you Shakun, a brilliant teacher). We will have more on the story in a few minutes.
Usually, I don't make this sort of remark but I wonder why Mark sounded delighted when earlier on he mentioned Australia lost.
When I was looking for a home in the United States, one agent asked me where about I was hoping to find my dream home, first I told him that Miami was the city I was most interested in (I had been there several times), he then told me, well Sir, We am not sure Miami is actually in the US. I said well I am sure it is, because I went to the southernmost point and that is south of Miami and close to Little White House (President Harry S Truman, I have been there). He replied, that's up to you, but if you want a home in America then you shouldn't choose Miami, and that is how I ended up buying my home in Central Florida. Some say it doesn't look as luxurious as Miami does, I would say that't right but do you want your home to look luxurious or do you want to be sure your home is in America.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN today, Breaking News - Breaking News -
Shakun, just back (after several days of search) and Stephen have found where Hugh is. You won't believe it, he left Kristie to play poker, isn't that a shame? Worse of all the party should take place underwater, I mean, this is typical Aussie's madness, would you really leave Kristie to go play poker underwater? I wouldn't. Though I wonder how they going to manage to smoke downthere and I have no idea how they are going to deal with the ice for the drinks. I don't know why but I never expected Hugh to be a game addict. That could be a good subject, remind when he comes back, to send Amy(not currently working for CNN but) and Hugh(how lucky) reporting on rehab to get more people warned about addictions.
I have listened very carefully to what Myanmar Foreign Minister had to say and to tell you the truth I didn't understand when he spoke at the United Nations why Myanmar military had to shoot Burmese civilians and monks to confront "powerfull countries" interested in a political showdown. To me, this is a very strange strategy.
I of course apologise to all Aussies around the world, to Australia, to PM J. Howard and the Queen for the desperate joke I made about the "typical Aussie's madness".

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

TV Times - CNN - Mari's spirit is down, why?
Well, I was told about that, Hugh is a true Aussie, and he did it again, he left, probably for some dangerous trip and Kristie had to go after him again. He is terrrible. Andrew was sick of it so he decided to leave to and he went to Talk Asia (on CNN too) while Shakun is also looking for Hugh, I guess. Is Candi alright, well I don't know, I haven't seen her tonight yet but I saw Barak, he had an angry folk at his meeting and Rudy was talking about my writing but I can tell that I am now on the fast track and doing better and better, I will be ready for that job.
Mari's smile is back, Kristie too, no she hasn't found Hugh yet.

Monday, October 01, 2007

TV Times - CNN - Korean Summit now on air with Kristie
Important : Mari has no glasses today and a lovely black outfit.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, Breaking News - Breaking News -
What a relief, Kristie and Mari in a joint effort managed to find Hugh and brought him back.
This is the only good news you will probably get today, so enjoy.
Has anybody some photos of Myanmar embassies officials? Never loose your sense of wonder, a specialist is speaking(Imean MYSELF but you has already guessed I am sure).

Thursday, September 27, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today warning you'll be definitly jealous.
Andrew must be some kind of a very special traditionalist, watch now and you won't believe it. I'm polite but you are Andrew, damned lucky man!
At least I am sure I won't see you with Paula. I'll be home in a few weeks time.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, yes you should warning you may get jealous!
Mari, Mari is... a black jacket, an elegant black and white dress, tres chic. Hugh, not there tonight, probably doing something silly and dangerous somewhere, in the mean time, Andrew is taking advantage of the situation, just too lucky, one day with Shakun, the next one with Kristie, every day Mari, twice in the week Brooke, I mean some guys have the kind of life I never even dared dreaming of!
Kristie, don't ask about Chelsea, I support Manchester United. Eunice is there too!!
Revealed - Mahmoud special speech to the Americans that may take place in Columbia University is in fact a long and detailed apology of Teheran's dictatorial regime for taking US hostages in 1980, I have been guessing since he said Americans want to hear Iran's message.
Manchester United :
Thank you Mark
Turn your TV on - Go to SKY News, the Chancellor is going to speak at the Labour Party Conference in Bournemouth, I have been told you may see a very relaxed PM Brown.
A few minutes ago, I saw that Jo has a very sexy black dress, I think she has decided to compete against Mari, I wonder how Mari will answer to that.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

TV Times - CNN - My antenna is working again and I'm back watching CNN.
Great news Shakun is ok and she is now with Andrew. I never noticed before that Mari had glasses, I wonder why?
TV Times - CNN - No CNN, a satelite problem.
Technology isn't perfect and this is bad news, I hope it's going to be fixed pretty soon. It's a terrible situation, because of that I don't have any news from Hong Kong. Is Shakun, Kristie, Mari, Eunice alright? Is Hugh back from Sumatra and how is Shihab(the new one)doing? Well, I didn't tell Shakun yet but two nights ago, I heard somebody saying that "He's an Aussie, he will do it again", she was talking about Hugh that left Shakun to go to some dangerous trip, That's probably true, you know, may be not the kind of man she wants.

Monday, September 17, 2007

TV Times - CNN - Shakuntala, on her own tonight, Hugh left for some trip around Sumatra, I wouldn't go, I would stay with Shakun though she should be alright Mari pops in sometimes.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Personal Message -
Brooke, could you please do me a favour? Please find Paula, I haven't seen her for ages.

Shakun, I'm sorry to disturb but do you think you could manage to find a few minutes to pop in at the Emmy Awards?

Thank you guys, was good to see that Paula is still Paula(not Pablo). Thanks to HIM.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Rush to your TV - The President is about to address America - CNN will broadcast live.
Press Times - White House - Rush to your laptop it was its last Press Briefing,
Tony is leaving.
Among the best and there is a lot in Tony's last press briefing, I chose that one "I will plead ignorance on that one. It's a little too vague for me to try to react, and so I apologize." You can't protest, he doesn't know, you should work harder on your subject and be more concise in your questionning, you played the largest role not getting an answer with your embarassly vague question and to top it up he's sorry(for you).
Tony you are the best! We will all miss you.
To see that click here (to read and watch)
Dana takes the job.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN Today, may be not tonight!
Good Morning Shakuntala and Hugh, how great is to be able to name two guys spending hours in lour living room every day and sometimes night. I didn't check yet if Shakuntala has her page up now but I will pretty soon.
I protest though, have you guys decided to ruin my spirit? After Israel, the US. I am looking forward to my next trip Home anyway, whatsoever, hoping I'll be able to stay, of course I will miss you, watching CNN Home.

Monday, September 10, 2007

TV Times - CNN - I am live from the Anchors and Reporters Section.
Watching at the same time CNN Today, Kristie isn't working tonight, Hugh is. Max has a page and he may have an enemy because there is no link (here) on this page to his resume.
According to you, why?
The Mysterious Lady on air tonight with Hugh, I am still looking for her name and her page, so far I wasn't able to find either one.
Please do not comment, just help if you don't mind(how was that).

Sunday, September 09, 2007

TV Times - CNN - Most of the time, you should watch CNN Today, may be not tonight.
I was watching Kristie and Hugh a few minutes ago and they may change their mind never know but I think they are going to break my heart with a bad subject. I know that you can find very silly people anywhere in the world but I hate to see it in some cases. Not fair, I know.
It wasn't pleasant at all to tell you the truth, leaves you with the same feeling when some kids with nice cars from good families go on a friday night after a few beers to beat up some homeless people for fun. What went wrong and when?

Thursday, September 06, 2007

TV Times - CNN - Something wrong with, can't find the page still for the Mysterious Lady working with Hugh and on air now.
On top of that, we now know that Max is working there on the morning show but no page in Anchors and Reporters, I wonder, is it somekind of test, at least, he's got his name on this page (Here).
The Mysterious Lady does not. I am still trying to catch her name but I am not quite sure about it, Mrs Santhani?
That's good news for rugby's fans, tv broadcast won't be affected by Press Photographers protest, absolutely justified by the way, though, that's not going to change anything for us, we are only interested in news and politics, we will continue to watch CNN Today.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

TV Times - CNN - What a night we had watching CNN Today!
First, we saw Eunice on air reporting and later in the studio with Hugh(I have to tell you, I was jealous seing Hugh sitting in between two very nice ladies, isn't he lucky), yes Kristie wasn't there but the Mysterious Lady(I know, she told us her name several times and don't say it, I am slow but improving and yet today I haven't checked out the Anchors and Reporters section to find out if she now is at last in there, what do you think of this syntax, am I any better). The best was still to come, a few minutes later, appeared on screen the President and PM John Edward, two men that let me think that it is still worth fighting, Freedom has a chance.
Now what if you missed that, the President spoke about Irak, Freedom and Democracy, Kyoto and more, to tell you the truth I felt like OK the President like he said will hit the road in a little while and he speaks his mind about the policies he chose and tought were the best for America and the free world.
More when the President and PM Howard have luch with ADFM
Next time you don't want miss anything watch CNN Today.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Email Times - Strange World - Am I the only one to receive emails like that ?
That was 2 days ago, I frequently receive nasty mails following my posts but that one was strange.
Text "I am your new neighbour. Hi Babe, wassup" etc... ending "I tried attaching this picture of my bum I took it today with my webcam for you ... hope u enjoy it.... Kisses wherever u want eheh" signed "xoxo sara".
What would you do, I never thought I could inspire such things, I decided to answer that "I suggest you move asap. This is a very nice neighbourhood and my hometown does not fancy such behaviour. Thank You!"
I know that wasn't very nice but Kissimmee is a family place, you know. I thought that was it and frankly I did not expect an answer to my mail but believe or not I got one.
Here it is "Actually babe, Im just about to start my show right now.. come chat mein the chat room.. i wanna get u off, i'll do whatever u tell me lol..its FREE lol xoxox sara"
Very disturbing, I thought I had been quite nasty and here comes another invitation. I decided to answer the message with a new proposal hoping it will be the end of that mail relation, here is what I wrote "So far you refused to do what I asked for, I told you to move because I don't fancy you as my neighbor and you didn't do it. Now you wrote it's free, that's not good enough, if you plan to hand me some money, may be I can watch you doing your performance, it depends if you are generous enough, high quality viewers such as myself are priceless. Do your best and post your offer for my time and you could enjoy counting me as an admirer."
Well, since this nice person has stopped writing me and I now think entering the antispam industry with my method.

Monday, September 03, 2007

TV Times - CNN - Hugh and Kristie are back.
President BUSH to address Troops shortly - Sky News will broadcast live

Friday, August 31, 2007

Media Times - CNN - Today, the President made an important statement about the housing market.
For those who read this blog and don't watch CNN because my blog is a much more important worlwide media than CNN is did not see today President BUSH homeowner financing speech in the Rose Garden at the White House.
You have enjoyed fat bonuses on your adjustable mortgages sales that you knew you shouldn't have done, following what the President said, "In other words, if you've been cheating somebody we're going to find you and hold you to account.", I strongly suggest, hoping you kept clean records of your customers, you contact them asap to enquire how they are dealing with the mortgage you sold, if you find out they face difficulties to manage, then , you should probably use the same kind of talent you used to sell the mortgage in the first place to find a financial institution to renegociate it in your customers interest. Why should you do that, well, when President BUSH says "we will hold you to account" because you messed around with vulnerable people, I strongly recommend you believe the words.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

TV Times - CNN - I made a terrible mistake, Eunice isn't on air now, somebody else is and can't find her in the Anchors and Reporters section, quite a shame, on top of that, Hugh is gone, didn't say where he was going to, Kristie left too without a word and the website at this address does say much about who I am watching. They keep on saying You are watching CNN Today, I know that because I usually choose the program I am watching, it's even disturbing because the following day when talking to other people, it crosses my mind that may be this one doesn't, may be most don't, may be I am the only one to choose the program I watch and this could explain why they keep saying You are watching CNN Today to warn viewers about the program that ended up on their tv screen. Do you too choose the program you watch? (i am practising).
I know, several times, names have appeared screen bottom but that was just too fast, I know, I am slow but if you want to know who I am watching you will have to do it again and you should do something on the website too and by the way why don't you mention where is Kristie and Hugh, I'd like to know.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

TV Times - CNN - The Biggest Slump in US Housing in the last 20 years,
"What goes up must come down" has declared the United Hill Billy Nations High Commissioner for Europe from his Paris office, he added, "just lay back, manage to pay your mortgage and you'll be alright". He also mentionned that he misses a lot his hometown Kissimmee and was looking forward for his next trip home six weeks away.
Wondering Times - CNN - Where is Hugh? Is Kristie gone again to Bejing?
How is my hometown these days, going to check the Orlando Sentinel to find out.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

TV Times - CNN - Significant progress have been made.
I just found Eunice page in Anchors and Reporters, not her picture yet but never mind, next time it will be there, probably. To reach the next level of quality, do you think Kristie could give me a hug and a smile? I just wonder.
Guess what, tonight I saw Ted on french tv.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

TV Times - CNN - Is Hugh working with his wife?
The Lady (can't find her in the section Anchors and Reporters) working with Hugh has just said something that let me think she may not be his wife, that's an opportunity, she may prefer Kissimmee to Wolfeboro.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

TV Times - CNN - I wonder why Hugh is telling me You are watching CNN Today,
Does he really think I need to know which program I am watching, do you thing too I press any button and just wait for the guy to tell where my fingers have driven me?
As usual, a silly joke of mine, you guys look terrific tonight, any vacations ahead?
Sad Times - USA - MC Rove is about to leave the Building.
At the end of the month, the curtain will come down for the last time. Karl is going Home, lucky one, isn't he? Well to tell you the truth, I watched the video and sounds to me that he slightly went emotional at one point, not the President, silly you, I meant Karl.
The President said that he will be on the road too in a little bit and this drives me to think I should be going Home too.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

TV Times - CNN - Hugh isn't that good at saving, Kristie is gone....not there tonight!! I have to withdraw this naughty comment about Hugh, he is alright, he started on his own but finally she appeared smiling.

Friday, July 13, 2007

TV Times - CNN - Gambling on violence in Irak and the unpopularity at home of US Forces deployment there to win the Presidential race might be a risky business.
When you do not have much to say about unemployment, economic growth, medicare or domestic issues, you can look to find out the most unpopular subject to exploit it betting the public won't find out before the election is done. Altough, this is a very risky business. Betting on ignorance because it is a difficult subject to explain is criminal but it is also stupid as you may need right after the election to explain exactly the opposite.
I thought watching CNN while abroad might help homesickness, in fact, it makes it worse most of the time, on top of that, I just found out I am about to miss Ashley's sale and I needed to change the bedroom set. Bad luck.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

TV Times - CNN - Not allowed to "save" Kristie whatsoever.

Hugh is being very naughty, watching what's going on in China with the rats (flooding consequences), he dared asking for a rat hoping he might enjoy the opportunity to "save" Kristie, very smart but I never said he could do something like that. That's my job.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

TV Times - World - Do as you are told, Stay Tuned.
Watch CNN
We had Larry's words, "Don't go away" and we now have "Stay Tuned" from Kristie. Though I got things to do and I wonder how I will manage.
Breaking News - President Putin wins the Olympic Winter Games - will take place in the town of Socchi -

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Islamic Suicide Attack on Glasgow Airport -

New PM Gordon Brown declares "I want all British people to be vigilant and want them to support the police and all the authorities.... I know the British people will stand together united, resolute and strong."
CNN Live now reports Liverpool Airport John Lennon now closed - On Air now

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tony is off, America loosing a true sincere and loyal allie.
Happened, he thought that protecting Kurds was just as good as protecting Bosnians. Controversial thinking? May be, so what!
Now heading to peace process in a 60 years old conflict, well, break a leg man. Israel citizens dreamed Peace from the very first day and are still waiting.
Paris Liberated, No, nothin to do with US Army,
Paris Hilton, we about.
Well, you guys are having fun alright. Do you know anything about Condi being in Paris yesterday? Did she say anything about me returning home and when?
Come on, smile and laugh again, I do, just kidding!
Last smile was lovely, thank you. Was kidding about you having fun, not about me returning home, I am waiting.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Breaking News - France - Just over, broadcasted on BFM TV network, a french official has declared, Polland and its fascist regime will have no choice, just say yes to the new EU treaty - Breaking News -
We will have this shocking report asap we have found the name of that french official.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Breaking News - Breaking News - US to sign Kyoto 2 if Democrats win 2008 race says Al Gore - Breaking News - Breaking News.
M. Barnier, a french politician has announced on french tv BFM that VP AL Gore has promised new president Sarkosy, US will sign the next Kyoto agreement if Democrats win the 2008 presidential race adding, next agreement could eventually drive to a more drastic reduction of US standard way of life.
Will it drive to a big recession?

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Survival Times - France - Vote or beware of the consequences.
As a french passport holder to make sure my wife could keep her job, I had to go to the polls. To begin with as usual I did want to but she begged me to vote this sunday. She was so scared of the retaliation she could have to face and following several years of fight against such a twisted regime, I decided that she already had enough and I went. Indeed a sad day. But closing up to the day I will leave with the documents I need to claim asylum make me smile. I am about to make it and I just wonder what's next, will they try somethingelse?

Friday, April 20, 2007

TV Times - USA - I must protest after CNN decision to post Anderson Cooper's new podcast!

Now my wife will be able to watch high-speed highlights from the show every morning on the new "Anderson Cooper 360°" daily podcast. Get the full "360°" on world news, plus insight on stories Anderson finds compelling.
Subcribe to iTunes
Watch now

But What about me?!?
Why don't I get the same from Paula (may be Pablo by now, I just don't know as you may have noticed but I am held by the french authorities who stole my money and I am locked in there).

I would apreciate if some kind people could email CNN to share this protest and ask for Paula's podcast.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Please stand with these Rabbis as a show of support. We do not expect non-Rabbis to risk arrest.
Over two dozen rabbis have declared they will block the entrance of the United Nations this Tuesday, April 17th to prod the world body into meaningful action against the current threat of Iranian-sponsored terror and Tehran's imminent threat of nuclear blackmail.
The clergy will march on Tuesday at noon from the Iranian UN Mission on Third Avenue & 40th Street to the dramatic Isaiah Peace Wall at First Avenue & 43rd Street, then cross First Avenue to block the gates of the UN Secretariat Building.

"We are fully prepared to risk arrest," the rabbis stated, "because there can be no business as usual while Irianian-sponsored terror kills and maims thousands, from our American soldiers in Iraq to civilians across the Mideast. Iranian nuclear-armed missiles will soon threaten capitals from the Middle East to Europe.

"On Sunday, America and Israel marked Holocaust Day. The United Nations was born from the ashes of World War II. Yet is precisely the UN which is asleep at the switch when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad both openly denies the Holocaust and threatens yet another against Israel.

The Bible tells us, "Do not stand idly by your brother's blood". We cannot be silent. We cannot stand by when Iran-sponsored terror causes daily bloodshed and an imminent nuclear threat that can lead to unprecedented mass destruction. We take our call to conscience directly to the gates of the United Nations".
Tuesday's action is coordinated by Amcha-Coalition for Jewish Concerns, whose national president is Rabbi Avi Weiss, spiritial leader of the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale.

Monday, April 09, 2007

NYC - We need You on April 17th to stand in support of the Rabbis.
Below, AMCHA call :
"There's a fire burning. A fierce fire of anti-Jewish, anti-American hatred, directed by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, that could engulf Israel, the Middle East, then Europe and the US. By our own action -- mass, peaceful, powerful civildisobedience at the gates of the United Nations -- we will dramatize the imminent danger that Ahmadinejad poses to the world. Now is the time. We dare not wait a moment longer." With these words, Amcha-Coalition for Jewish Concerns national president Rabbi Avi Weiss launched a campaign to organize rabbis, other clergy and laypersons for a March of Conscience at 1PM on Tuesday, April 17th -- the day after Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day -- five blocks from the Iranian UN Mission to the Isaiah Peace Wall at the UN for a mass sitdown. "Moses and Esther spoke truth to power to save the Jews from destruction," Rabbi Weiss declared. "We must declare with our hearts and bodies that there can be no business as usual when Iran is on the verge of developing nuclear weapons to hurl against Israel and Europe. "If you are a rabbi, or other clergy, and are stirred by a sense of responsibility for Israel and the Jewish people, please join our March of Conscience. Please call us at (718) 796-4730 to register."

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Diplomacy Times - World - As you may have guessed, The High Commissioner of The United Hill Billy Nations is not what you can call a financial power.
Therefore, to avoid any lack of blog services about the international reporting of the Commissioner activities, you can now contribute to help him paying his phone bills by making a small donation. Unlike the other international body, the United Hill Billy Nations do not cost a penny to tax payers.
TV Times - USA - We are worried, we have not seen Paula for a few days.
First, I was very surprised yesterday when drinking my coffee in Detroit, I saw Michelle, well on TV in the sports bar I was, invited on Fox News in THE O'REILLY FACTOR ( a surprise, I did not expect that right before my flight).
Happy Anniversary to Larry. He looks fine and he is doing alright.
A lot of concerns about Paula that I have not seen for days now and according to gossips, Paula could become Pablo, I have to say that if this happen, I will not marry you Pablo whatsoever. Unexpected, CNN is a channel that keeps couple together, since I wrote that Paula was the sexiest TV Lady, in retaliation, my wife decided to fall in love with Anderson and I must admit that since, we do not argue anymore about the channel we should watch, even more, former VP Al Gore will be satisfied, we are saving on energy not using the second tv. Not only CNN is the most trusted name in news, it is also a marriage consultant and a green militant.
Soledad won the best TV good looking boots , I can't remenber the day but she won, I am sure.
Video Times - USA - The first White House webvideo I was able to watch from overseas was Tony's Press briefing.
The White House webvideos were unavailable overseas for a very long time and as the High Commissioner for Europe of the United Hill Billy Nations, it was extremely frustrating but finally the big day came and for the first time I watched the Press availability just like if I was at the White House and who was there? Tony! Of course, I will now be waiting for the day I can see Tony again saying " I have already answered that question".
The President said that a lot of people will pray for you, I am not too good at that but if you feel that a doctor does not do his job, just let me know, that's where I am at my best.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

A new star is born, MC Rove was last night in concert and that was hot. According to the President, Karl could start a World Tour beginning January 2009, the first concert could take place in Wembley Arena.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

TV Times - USA - The sexiest TV Lady is.

Of course it's Paula. If you read these lines could someone take the time to email Paula here to let her know that I am watching. I have no internet connection as I have not paid my phone bill and can't let her know.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Friendly Reminder :

Iranian Mission @
40th Street and 3rd Avenue, New York
Thursday March 1, 2007 from Noon - 1pm

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Iranian Mission @ 40th Street and 3rd Avenue,
New York
Thursday March 1, 2007 from Noon - 1pm

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

You live in New York, We need YOU.
Iranian Mission @ 40th Street and 3rd Avenue,
New York - Thursday March 1, 2007 from Noon - 1pm
It happened 2,500 years ago in ancient Persia, and it’s happening again today in Iran. An evil leader named Haman wanted to kill all the Jews. Now an evil leader named Ahmadinejad wants to do the same. This is the moment when Jews—indeed all people who believe in justice—must come together in solidarity. Queen Esther declared, “Gather all the Jews in this city” for fasting and prayer (Book of Esther 4:16). We’ve been celebrating Purim ever since. Please give up your lunch hour and join our solidarity prayer vigil. What worked then can work now. We dare not be silent. Our only strength is in numbers.

Friday, January 12, 2007

War Times - UK jihad unhealthy for a teenage bride from Pakistan.
A husband who beat his teenage bride to death weeks after she arrived from Pakistan in an arranged marriage was convicted of her murder yesterday and jailed for life.
Shazad Khan, 25, whose 19-year-old wife's injuries were worse than any a Home Office pathologist had seen in a 16-year career, will serve a minimum of 15 years before he is eligible for parole.
Khan's mother believed Ms Rani was possessed by evil spirits. This was confirmed by a "holy man" in Bradford, who did not meet Ms Rani but told her in-laws about her "problem" after performing a ceremony involving a top she wore.
A very nice family indeed!
War Times - Jihad in UK schools - A 'Racist' hammer attack, the victim is a 15-year-old boy.
PARENTS spoke of their shock and disgust today after a white christian 15-year-old boy was attacked with a hammer at his school by an Asian gang.
The pupil was left lying in a pool of blood after he was set upon by a gang of at least four Asian men at the Ridgeway School in Wroughton, near Swindon, Wiltshire, at around 4pm yesterday.
The teenager, who has not been named, was taken to Swindon Great Western Hospital where his condition was today described as stable.
Eight men have been arrested and are being questioned at Gable Cross police station in the town.
Parents arriving at the modern comprehensive school today to drop their children off admitted they were worried about pupil safety following the attack.
One mother said her son had been attacked by Asians and claimed racism was rife in the school.
“This was a racist attack,” she said.
War Times - French jihad in Thailand - Two arrested after ATM card robbery in South Pattaya.
Two french men, Mr. Nabil Hamdikene aged 32 and Mr. Haseem Hagrim aged 26 were taken to

Pattaya Police Station and identified by the German victim. The stolen MasterCard was recovered from one of the suspects and a machine used to scan ATM card magnetic strips was found in a bag belonging to the other suspect.

Pattaya City News has the all story