Tuesday, May 30, 2006

What's going on tonight?

Well, Lou is asking : "Do you agree with White House press secretary Tony Snow that people who cross our border illegally should be able to pay their debt to society and move forward, just like someone who has a speeding ticket?"

What do I think?
Well, I disagree of course, no, not with Lou, with Tony, Why? Because I did not do it and that I am still trying to win legally the right to live in America. Are illegal Immigrants getting ahead of me, might be, that's one reason why I disagree and the other is, well if I make it, I don't want my future Land and Nation to be in danger.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

A new challenge for Osama and the French terrorist Zacharias Moussaoui, make fun of American Justice and turn ridiculous FBI.
The French terrorist is behind bars for a long time and so far that is a good, very good news !

Friday, May 19, 2006

Close Sheveningen, end torture, High Commissioner of The Hill Billy Nations tells U.N.
"The organisation party (U.N.) should cease to detain any person at Sheveningen and close this detention facility, permit access by the detainees to judicial process (not for several years) or release them as soon as possible," the U.N. Committee Against Torture said in an 11-page report issued in Geneva, Switzerland.
The High Commissioner added that the Sheveningen camp is an absolute shame and should be shut down as soon as possible. The execution without trial of M. Milosevic is one example of pratices in place but several other detainees have also died in this UN detention center.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

From CNN, Lou says after President BUSH speech, "No Satisfaction".

Every day, you can read what Lou has to say : Lou DOBBS Tonight

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Read that and tell me W is not a great President :

"I know many of you listening tonight have a parent or a grandparent who came here from another country with dreams of a better life. You know what freedom meant to them, and you know that America is a more hopeful country because of their hard work and sacrifice. As President, I've had the opportunity to meet people of many backgrounds, and hear what America means to them. On a visit to Bethesda Naval Hospital, Laura and I met a wounded Marine named Guadalupe Denogean. Master Gunnery Sergeant Denogean came to the United States from Mexico when he was a boy. He spent his summers picking crops with his family, and then he volunteered for the United States Marine Corps as soon as he was able. During the liberation of Iraq, Master Gunnery Sergeant Denogean was seriously injured. And when asked if he had any requests, he made two: a promotion for the corporal who helped rescue him, and the chance to become an American citizen. And when this brave Marine raised his right hand, and swore an oath to become a citizen of the country he had defended for more than 26 years, I was honored to stand at his side.
We will always be proud to welcome people like Guadalupe Denogean as fellow Americans. Our new immigrants are just what they've always been -- people willing to risk everything for the dream of freedom. And America remains what she has always been: the great hope on the horizon, an open door to the future, a blessed and promised land. We honor the heritage of all who come here, no matter where they come from, because we trust in our country's genius for making us all Americans -- one nation under God.