Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just BiBi went on air, was telling you that, but didn't finished, some Corsicans, Eukal Herrians, Breizhians .... living on their Lands, should have rights, shoudn't be forced to speak a language that isn't theirs, shouldn't have to endure the brain washing about their identity from the state school system, the medias and everythingelse, shouldn't be forced to deal with laws they never voted for and imposed from Paris.
It does happen to see President Sarkosy condemning the wrong internationally but a true friend of France sometimes says unpleasant things, it is about time to give the Corsicans, Euskal Herrians and Breizhians that want just be that, speak their language, enjoy their culture and live and work by their own laws the right to.
What do you say? Can you imagine telling someone you're not an Indian American Seminole and you got no Land and no rights? That's what they do.

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