Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Aussies are really cute and Robert's presence in Roma at the Food Summit is very truly obscene but he was invited as a major cause of the problem. That explains it all.
I had Mahmoud, then Hugo, then Robert and now Mahmoud again, what am I supposed to do with you guys? For how long am I going to have to show patience with you three slowing down progress of the all clasroom?
Breaking News - At the Food Summit, a first decision - Breaking News
Robert got an undefinite period of time detention in the EU to improve his homework on farming, he will then spend sometimes in the US to study Democracy. This unexpected decision has sparkled celebration all over Zimbabwe and in neighboring countries, refugees hoping they may be able to return to their country shortly.
Mahmoud, your most recent homework on geography traduces your lack of interest and motivation. Beware!
Good, the color spectrum of my screen is back to normal and I can watch again Kristie and Hugh!
Breaking News - Michelle on air - Breaking News
So is Lou, Wolf, Gloria and Jeffrey! And Michelle in red.
Another one! Breaking News - You just missed Anderson's trying something with Donna, I haven't heard anything if he tried to buy the diamond from Hugh. Another The DAY ahead?

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