Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mutilated millions, if found, they're probably mine.
That's good news, Iraqi athletes will go to the Olympics. They have paid the price don't they?
Sports :
Scheveningen (hope it's right, I mean the EU camp with the worldwide highest rate of Serb's inmates death) dreams of improving the score vs Gitmo with the arrival of former bosnian Serb President Karadzic. The score prior to his arrival was Scheveningen 5 - Gitmo 0.
US loosin by quite a heavy score, first time I'm happy with that kind of result!
The necklace mutinery is spreadin with Brooke, sad... I preferred when she was reporting on Jon's party in Hollywood, was much more glamourous. Felicia saved the night!
Candy too, great, now leading the necklace counteroffensive!

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