Sunday, November 30, 2008

You surely have in mind Andrew, once engaged to Shakun, abandoned when she met Patrick, was on a trip to India when he got caught up in the Mumbaï attacks as a guest of the Taj Mahal. Andrew is with the same shirt for days as all his belongings are trapped in the attacked hotel. Jonathan didn't mention Andrew's sizes but I wonder if it was a call to viewers to send some ties as Andrew didn't look as academic as he used to.
I guess not.
Is he a suspect.... We might arrest him one day!
No, he's online too just now. Have you been there?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Erin has a nice and warm top, from the Scottish House?
I know, I've seen some very desperate attempt this morning, I expect much better.
Are you about to get my wimax antenna, think it's the day?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Amasing world I tell you. Anjali now, nice red dress!
I know I could be busy from sunset to sunrise too...!!! with all the junk I get in mail box, from flomax, viagra, cialis to enlarments of all kinds, I mean it's just uncredible sometimes I even get mixed up don't know if they talking about me ot if tehyadreeesing the bulls I got.
Are you getting these too?
I don't know, you have dna bear studies and some other stuff such as throwing paint on walls by the bucket to keep people busy, cause we're from sunrise to sunset but not like that in big cities... so they get money to do things that sounds silly know...
Well, good for the milk.
How's the weather?
I know, I've seen it on tv here!
Check this one out....!!! So don't know why some farm subsidies came up it's about probably 0.00001% of the all thing so.... I guess it's some campaign rethoric left overs.

Monday, November 24, 2008

How do you know Bonnie? Are you sure?
Candy's voice is much better, did the milk and honey worked well?

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Hot milk and honey for Candy, please.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

It's a battle that can be won because it is a legitimate one. All over now, it is understood that Corsicans (and others) have every right to protect their Land from the Paris regime greed. Of course you can find a few jealous ones who never had any courage to defend their land and have been abused by the regime's promises of all kind and now want everybody to be in their situation but most understand that the regime has done enough wrong and if they can be stopped, it will be a great. Most think that Corsicans are fortunate to have a beautiful land and fortunate to have a community that so far has been strong enough to protect one another common interests. There are people to sometimes disagree with the methods used when they are violent but there are also people to understand that the regime has done everything to drive these groups towards violence as it is much easier to crack on these militants with some "noble" motives, "end violence".....
More fortunate too,(always create some jealousy) to have some brave members of the community ready to sacrifice their freedom and, their family's interest sometimes, to fight, they are now in jail and will be away from their homes for christmas. I know that many hope to see every street of Corsican villages and towns lighten with candles one night during the holidays making sure that from the ISS, Corsica will show that not one member of the community has forgotten the sacrifice they have made. For one night, even if some disagree over some actions, militants away from their families wont be judged and will be just celebrated by every Corsican as a member of a nation at war for the survival of its dearest wealth, Freedom and Land.
Alright, the leasehold is the "bail emphytéotique", apply to land easily and ensure its return with whatever was built on, that way no alien to the island can buy any land and can later enforce a ban on any new freehold sale that way those that have bought can end with the obligation when they want to sell to their property lto do so leasehold knowing that the new state or Land council under a very large autonomy will automatically recover the land's right. Land recover that way could be used to fund the program to build free homes for the native population.
Was it thursday? didn't really, just picked it up on news. Guess you shouldn't practice torture on cocq, been told you waterboarded the symbol....!!!
I know but can't help it...!!
Saw that you had some fireworks going on friday night.... are you trying to compete with Dubaï??

Friday, November 21, 2008

Some do different, Rhodes used to be a all lease + you needed a local associate to operate whatever activity you were in. These are common measures.
UK US builders have a long practice of leasehold programs and have a financial partner to finance buyers. Savings for buyers vary depending on markets. Compare to freehold I'd say can reach 30 to 35%.
No, leasehold is pretty common in various parts of the world, will get you contracts commonly encountered... starting with London and other cities in the UK, Thailand and very often where ever you have a land problem or a problem to access it because of regulation. In many parts of the world you cannot access land as an alien which is fair because otherwise when land avalaibility is difficult, first victims are always locals and most gov don't let it happen, sparkles trouble, best way to regulate is lease.
had a connection halt.
No, builders cannot sell freehold flats if they don't own the land and, with the plan they can't as the Land Council will not allow any acquisition for that purpose. What about if the builder is a member of the native population and owns the land, will still need the Land Coucil approval for the project and won't get it unless flats reserved for natives.
Defining Natives.... I know, inherit or prove you belong to the nation, time, culture, language, relations and the Land Council decides.
It's a market thing, you know, I mean if the only properties you can find are leasehold and you wanna buy... guess what you do if fairly priced.
Local banks don't know how, finance leasehold is a great opportunity too!!
Leasehold is great anywhere as in a period of real estate crisis, it allows to lower significantly the prices for sellers at no cost.... as you whatsoever keep the property when the lease ends.
The Land Coucil will define your status as a member or not of the native nation. The Land Council (elected)will have the discretionary power to hand the special status to reward anyone that has accomplished special duties regarding the defense of the native population's interest, culture or language.
based on 99 years lease or less depending on programs and prices.
Yes, flats too, leasehold only if you're not a member of the native population. The only ones that will be able to access freehold properties land, house or flat will the natives or relatives of natives.
Following the nomenklatura evacuation, elections will be organised to designate the staff needed from police to water, roads, ports, State Attorneys will be elected, therefore, evacuation of any designated Attorneys are mandatory too. Judges will be appointed by a bipartisan commission of the State Congress.
Leasehold will be the new and only way to access the land or property market, any development plan will have to define a priority to reserve properties for the native population, a fund will be created to insure a free home to all financed by profits on commercial programs. A Council will be elected to manage the leasehold lots and acquire any land. The Council will be funded with property taxes.
What do you say?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Don't have any
Early kickstart as we follow the progress of the storm and the mandatory evacuation....!! Alright?
Secret Guillermo on air... Long time, doing alright?
All the best!

Personal Message :
Personal Message : Kristie

No but I was behind, I finished watching some weekend stuff only yesterday and I've to look for flowers for Kristie... no easy task over the web to give flowers.
Weather Channel : Bip Bip Biiiiiiiip Biiiiiiiip Alert
USN has issued a mandatory evacuation order for the Paris regime from Corsica, Basque and Breizh Land as a category 5 storm is approaching the coast.
The "prefet" and all non elected nomenklatura are requested to evacuate. Do not stay in arms way.
Bip Bip Biiiiiiiiiiip Biiiiiiiiip Alert
I know but these are facts.... I bet you never expected the "human rights declaration" (well was a just a declaration, I mean) be used that way....
No it's a business, they entertain alright in between major regime's companies, mobile phones, insurance companies, banks all majors.... and lower courts, they even have people that don't know how to read properly that have signed contracts...., you can hear then "he or she didn't respect the appropriate process to end the contract therefore.... he or she must.... Anybody else would go straight behind bars but you know for extorsion....
I recommend we broadcast one these sessions....
No, I guess they like the game, pretty costly but....
Didn't mean the corrupted Paris regime courts...!! Come on, you should check once how it goes in there, absolutely incredible (lower courts), I bet you never ever imagine that possible.
I know, very funny, the devil is online has dicovered the Paris regime to explain why multi times criminals are on the loose.....You know what.....
I know sometimes they go there to explain Brussels decisions to f.... them up that's about all they got from the regime.
Very aware now of the spoliation, language, culture, control, what for? On top of what they now know Wales has and Welsh have rights of their own.
NO they pay nothin to the Breiz whatever Paris regime company is using Breizh Land. Starting with mobile phones.
They're workin on a program that would include Wales, very close for several reasons with Breizh economy.
I mean regarding their rights to access their history as a nation, their language, music.... what has happened to them, how they have been driven to that point. What's important is do we have the answers by peaceful means in an orderly way for a better future more respectful of their identity, offering them a brighter development both personal and for the economy of their Land.
They're gone. This is a deep deep wave all over, people have now a clear vision of what should their rights.
That's the best way to help the Culture recovery at a faster pace.
In Scotland?
I agree with that it would be great to see Breizh kids exchange schools with Irish and Scotts kids for a year every 2 years.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Cute! How is the Mum?
Kristie's baby?
Someone I thought smarter than that asked what's at the heart of society...., race, religion?? Isn't strange to ask that....specially you!!
At the heart of a democratic society, you have the book, I mean the Bill of Rights (The Constitution), the Rule of Law and the Judiciary system (an army of judges and lawyers). Now for religion matters, see First Amend.
Do you have to care for Small Nations who lost control of their land and their future? Should ask Gov Crist of Florida about that, I'm sure he would be pleased with Mitchell to give an interview to a magasine such as Marianne. Does it apply to some other Small Nations that have a very different history but are confronted to the same challenges, I believe it does. Just tell me why a nation stops to sing. Travel to any UK game listen and tell me why the Breizh don't sing any more...!
Parallel development : doesn't mean side by side, means multiple diverse versions of the same objects, can't they mix, yes, do they have to, no.
Well, something might be goin on, Stephanie went (one more time) to the hairdresser, changed again her hair cut (prefer previous one), Mark still on air, Patrick too, was like a zebra the other night,had problem to look at the screen, Hugh showed up but has disappeared since and Kaushel has a necklace but don't like the color. Saw Bonnie, smart as usual, Hugh is back, a color that suits the index I guess....
Rick on air

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Nice isn't she!
Told her that doesn't look to me like a nice F 350 never heard or saw any good truck looking like that. She replied she was just after the kind of GPS I know how to use...
Anyway I always had problems with ladies, I bought my princess some Estee Lauder fragance and guess what she sent that today to thank me I guess,
I'll get you one of these.
Well, I wasn't being nasty but didn't work, you do that too?
I mean she didn't like that at all.
Myself too. I'm not very good at socialising. There is a lady that sometimes does some conversation to me when I have a coffee by the pool and she kept mentionning she was half irish half german, didn't know what to know... so I went congratulations for your half irish and condoleances for the other half. Well that was another of my numerous mistakes I'm telling you, didn't like that....

Monday, November 17, 2008

I think they gonna speed it up because they don't know what may come from across the ocean... they know now that it is just a matter of time before what they are doing in these territories to the natives small nations spreads allover the place and they're not too sure what reactions may be.... They have their agenda and don't need to be imposed to hand rights to these communities.
The guy is a crook with no land, why did you exactly expect, of course they gonna intensify the fight against Small Nations, they had, they have and they will go ahead with their agenda. On that one you're dead....!!! Keep smiling, you can move.
Try Shania Twain I gonna getcha good ! google it.
I already know that! We should be wirin a lot more, never know what they might do next, they have raised taxes and should go for more as they run out of money, they are in a pretty bad shape, by the way did you like the clip, she found my tractor sexy? D.... good, right!
Might move to safer ground soon, Wales or London for a while, don't know yet waitin for clear immigration path.
Well, I guess he went to the Lakeland Gun Show if you haven't been able to reach him as he told he might.
At last, what were you doin?
Wolf, underlining Gloria's age that way isn't what you have been taught, please.
Seeds shopping so far, waiting for the vet....
A Nation, a Constitution and a Judiciary system like no other. President Bush, here showing his pride and satisfaction after Sarky's release from custody following the USN special warrant issued in Kissimmee, and was able to benefit US Constitutional rights to attend the World Financial Summit in Washington.
How are you doing today?

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Inability to conceive the wealth these multiple languages, cultures and communities represent. Privileges winning a confrontation over power regardless the loss of a richer diversity and the wrong done to these communities. That's the next thing I'd like you tell me some tomorrow. I agree with the example of the privilege over bio diversity when it comes to plants, their twisted minds have reached that level of absurdity, don't mind a culture loss but not any plant whatever the natural course of evolution may will be....
Man, The Dalaï Lama has his own agenda... what do you want me to say? On top of what I haven't seen any official thing from his office, so should wait and see.
Well, I ain't sure for that. I would put it that way. Is the regimes's inability to provide the appropriate level of care for these multiple languages, culture and communities aimed at just spoliate their members, an eased task when culturally disarmed, or is it an ideological tool like reeducation camps have been in similar regimes?
On mine?, if within the range and connected to the internet, the onboard computer uses tv screen and can buy, sell direct and checks the tractor maintenance too!
It's something difficult to explain, after lots and lots of hours I've spent listening to what they say and mostly don't say on the subject, it's still unclear, I wouldn't now say it is a chosen damaging policy at least when it comes to culture, no doubt though that on the economic side it's clearly a choice that privileges spoliation (cannot deny that for Corsica and Basque Land).
What I don't come up with yet is do they know or is it just like it was 50 or hundred years ago for more advanced society like today's US.
They say quite easily, they aren't killing anyone or committing formal crimes, their mindset doesn't allow them to think beyond what the appearances show... they are no state death squad know, too bad!
For some others, it's different though they really still think, yes I know, today?...!! Well yes, there is some kind of legitimacy in stepping, regardless of the violence it does represent, in the history of these communities, to them they're educating them, they truly think they detain some kind of cultural "superiority", they act like they haven't reach a point of mature development that allows in society parrallel development. When I say I don't know chosen or not and what lead me to think it's an underdevelopment state, it's because you'll never see any large audience public debate on what's the sate today of, an example, Basque language, what has been the damage caused directly and undirectly to the community and what policies could or should be implemented to try to reverse it and strenghen their future. It appears to me but can be wrong, their today's mindset and level of developement prevent them to look after these communities wether they're Corsican, Basque, Breizh and others with an appropriate level of care. Most politicians seems to be still in the conflict zone where eliminating them (intellectually)up to the denial they've ever existed as a people is the only way to secure the regime legitimacy, they act most of the time just like the regime and society are at risk and exposed to destruction. They today confront them like 200 years ago, unable to make any political progress.
What have you been up to?
Not on mine. I got four usbs and the tractor is wifi enabled but I wanna wimax it to turn it into a media center so I can watch tv what I already do and blog at the same time when around what I can't do right now it ranges too short on wifi, but I can connect up to four devices on the tractor wifi antenna.
How many?

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Richard on a weekend detention but what for? What have you done this time Richard?
Just saw on Sky if you end up Gold on any London Olympics finals, you'll get a pot plant.... not sure though what the Fed might say if you decide to bring it back...
Ok, well I'll send him that, $35 online basic claim but didn't see it right away when I got to the website.
Here is what I've found so far, have ever done it?
Don't know about that, but he's on $100 a week take home and no rent for his flat but that's all he gets so I guess he would like to make some from his jokes and can't help him cause already struggling with the d... mortgage so if you know how much it would cost him to copyright his stuff I guess it would help...
He's okay.., leaves in my community, a bit strange sometimes but alright, he's the one that gave me a ride to the car rental thing and was so surprised when I told him I was about to drive down to Crawford to get that cup from the souvenir shop!!!!
No, never watch it the guy is my rival...., !! Send me a link for Bill the Fox as I don't get it here. By the way, met a guy that wants to copyright jokes he writes, his name is Ian, don't think you know him, think he's got a scooter rental business in Disney, well, anyway, if have any idea on how you do that or anyone else on air now, let me know will email him.
I guess he had some stuff to sell or buy, not sure... was after some commercial lots.
Think he's Honk Kong... but had some wifi troubleshoot for the past weeks, next time I got in town will try to find but haven't so far, a wimax antenna range almost 35 miles, won't do for the all ranch but should improve a bit the overall thing.
What did you do for yours?
Try that one, may be a litle bit long but was okay. And don't forget Toys for Tots as we're closin up to the season.
What about yours, found any clip related to? Anyway, did you watch it, I just did, didn't have my glasses on to start with and what a surprise, thought for a minute Larry may gone for some extreme surgery to keep his job... Well was Joy!
You're just a pain man, listen to the right thing 97 Country, and you'll hear my song, they play it... I guess they don't on hip hop programs!
This is a song on how we met.... didn't ever expect someone to write about that but well here it is, and now stop askin me about it, you'll know almost everything that can be said publicly.

Knew you would come after that again.....Na, Great weather but I got something!

Friday, November 14, 2008

In short address to the Press massed at the Headquarters entrance, the General Secretary has stated that there will be a zero tolerance from this institution if it is established that people arrested belong to any Small Nation deprived of Land, use of their language and access to their culture. "In this particular case, we will issue immediatly an international warrant seeking the arrest of Sarky while in the US", added the GS. "We do not promote in any way the use of violence or promote in any way any unlawful action but the lack of rights, the continue refusal from the Paris regime to sign the convention insuring protection for Small Nations right now under its administration can only result of more dramas along the way. The Paris regime has shown less respect for Small Nations under its administration than Beijin shows on any day for Hong Kong or even Tibet. The Paris regime is a shame on earth and we'll be doing everything we can to end the suffering of Small Nations for now forced to deal with the Paris regime administration."

The General Secretry has also indicated that he is taking very seriously the situation and shown a fierce determination to end the Paris regime refusal to help Small Nations to rebuild themselves, their ability to use every day their national language, develop their culture and economy. The GA has concluded "The Paris regime has shown for now 60 years its inability to provide a decent level of development and Freedom for Small Nations, there won't be on the edge of a new century another hundred years of war on Small Nations language, culture and Land, the appropriate sanctions and measures will be taken to insure the convention signed by many countries is enforced".
United Small Nations Headquarters in Kissimmee :
Our special envoy there telling us that the General Secretary is about to address the problem posed by several arrests made in territories under the Paris regime administration without any evidence or clear indication of involvement in any crimes and is thinking of a special warrant seeking the arrest of Sarky on his arrival on US soil. The Secretary has indicated that change is coming and we cannot any longer tolerate such a lack of democracy from a regime sitting in the middle of Europe.
Stay tuned as the situation unfold, we'll keep you posted.
Sorry, the left overs are mine, PLEASE!
Stephanie has a new hair cut and Amy changed her wardrobe, had today a delicious pink outfit, (very smart) and has also a new haircut, first signs of the change coming? Which haircut is best for Stephanie?
Breaking News - Hillary refuses to speculate at Invest in Transit - New York!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Federal Hall National Memorial
New York
And definitly here with that picture comes the doubt!
Does Chris think President Bush did practice favoritism? Got a tip on that watch this video,
now, just sports when first team to be cited is Fairbanks Nanooks then followed by a lot of teams from Arizona?? Makes you wonder when you know a coach's name, Frank Bush.
It never stop does it? Always something to celebrate around the world,
Happy birthday Zain!
Jack? Just the same, A-- (2-, behaviour too, right now even more turbulent than Bill)a great idea investigating the current administration to unite in such economic and international difficult times? I don't recommend it.
Lookin for great MUSIC and secretly want to know more about Amber from Kissimme, well, stay tuned ,
And ... guess what... Glenn has finally come home! Wonder what Bill meant when he said that Larry didn't know who Glenn was..? Will have to ask.
Almost forgot Chris the Propaganda, wrong time wrong place, thinks Vladimir Ilitch MaObama has been elected..... was complicated enough with Barack Hussein Obama, no need to complicate more....
On the up side, The Dolphins are on a winning trend! The Colts won their game! Alaska is for sure now a State of The United States of America, Greta is riding a snow machine in Alaska, Bill the Fox got a A- (nothing new there, his behaviour did cost him the - and had always been a problem), but here comes the best :
Amber from my hometown Kissimmee when asked if she had a message to the world,
She said "Live it up!"
Was told she's very cute, but won't give her phone number here, you'll have to go there and ask her!
On the down side... Sarah won't be at the White House for the next four years.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Breaking News - Some new revelations on the President's private life at the White House and a very troubling picture - Breaking News
No other network has my news gathering capacity!
Stay tuned.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Well, today I wrote to Bill to find out why Republicans when not in office should do anything different than liberals did?
I'm glad the campaign is over the last few days were difficult.... A nice person in my community offered a ride to the car rental location when asked what I had planned, told him that I was thinking of driving down to Crawford Texas to buy from the souvenir shop a cup with President Bush on it, his phone fell on the floor and we almost had an accident.... not a fan, I guessed.
The following night, headed to my favourite sports bar, Indiana vs New England was on, I wasn't making too much noise but someone asked me why I was supporting The Colts when wearing my Dolphin T, told him that Dolphins not playin tonight so I support the Colts because they gave President Bush a real nice hat, "pretty snaggy" said the President knocking on it, that's why I support...
The guy gave a real disgusted look, wonder why, don't we live amasing times.