Saturday, February 28, 2009

Though is legit really legit the fight over the unemployment insurance, that's the worse thing that can be done.
Most of the time, it appears and and it is presented as a protection mesure but it is proved now that where it has been in place for an important number of years, it is used by bureaucracy and gov as an excuse to not provide and deliver a sound economy offering enough jobs and opportunities for the people to pursue their objectives.
And soon you are told you cannot complain on how is organised the labor market or why there are not enough jobs or why illegal immigration isn't fought as you're paid to stay home...., you have the security so shut up, don't complain. You could be given nothing....., See, from a legit demand from the people to have a sound economy offering enough opportunities for everyone to pursue life projects and happiness you end up sitting home with some free money (not much of course) being told you should be happy, you're taking care of..... on that path, you lost your pride, you won't be offered any opportunity to achieve something as you're "insured"....
Gov Jindal has never been more right to refuse stimulus money that would lead to an unemployment tax creation, this is the worse thing that can be done to the not powerful, the not connected. The day, the leaders think they don't have to deliver and work every day for a better economy delivering always more opportunities in the most remote part of the country because people are "insured", you can be sure the not connected, the not powerful will end up living on welfare most of the time working sometimes but with no opportunities to achieve anything and will loose the right to ask for accountability.
The smaller the welfare system is, the most pressure the gov has to work hard for the People.

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