Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Thank You Gov Sanford..... not for the motives so far mentioned.... but for making possible the truth to surface in the Washington Post..... the Republican ideals, principles and dreams are unrivaled, first time someone acknowledges it in the paper, a long time due confession.... from the Post.
"............... thank you Gov Sanford for doing so"..... At last someone, was ready to admit the truth publicly. Republican ideals, principles and dreams are so big, so attractive to anyone that they can't be fought with any others, worse, there is none that can rival, and at last the Post has decided to reveal the truth to the world, to discourage the People to turn to these ideals, the only weapon we're left with, admits the Post, are, these ideals are so difficult to reach that you'll probably fail attempting to reach them, we're left to fight against these principles with the misteps of those advocating these principles..... Since when whatever the misteps may be to reach any ideal or principle undermine the hight standards of these ideals or principles....?
Well I guess that when left with no other alternative, misteps can be use to win some battles but doesn't it say, the war is lost? s we have nothing to offer intellectually, let's use some poor behaviour very human indeed while we can before the People rediscover what's really worth?

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