Tuesday, August 25, 2009

To start with I was a bit surprised the CIA had hired some ACLU very active members for their new tv campaign. I'd never heard of anything like that in the passed but well these days, you know... trillions deficits, bailout by the hundreds of billions, I thought well, that's modern times I guess. Waited for the first spots, and , altogether I'm quite satisfied, the idea was good, to be honest, didn't think it would to start with, but been convinced.
Kill Americans by the thousands or less, you may be threatened!
Destroy American lives you could end up being scared for your life and for your loved ones!
Plan attacks on American soil and suffer from insomnia!
Attack America and deal with the drill! (love that one!)
(free food and drinks for an unlimited period of time and free healthcare, CIA courtesy)
All ads are ACLU approved warning message.
Legal disclaimer :
If you may suffer from any of the above, give up any killings, murders, attacks on US soil or targeting US interests abroad you may have in mind.

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