Saturday, October 03, 2009

I think it's embedded in the language, they 're so used to abuse the small nations rights using some dialectic artifacts such as the dna argument that I think for most of them it is a natural thing to do. On top of what come of course some interests which are never completely admitted, the damages done to the Corsicans, Euskal Herrians and Breizhians interests are the most obvious but the regime has ruined so many futures that you can easily forecast a significant increase of the violence, the state and its infrastrucures being increasingly targeted as these groups and their young generations find out how much they have been cheated and how much they have lost. For some to find out they won't even be able to build a safe heaven for their language, culture and interests may trigger some very violent reaction up to cause some major disruptions throughout the country, the regime being unable to face it.

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