Saturday, February 28, 2009

The most perverse move was probably made when they imagined the "progress rethoric", when the powerful and sometimes the wealthy too peace of mind and refusal for accountability on how is managed the country was translated into "solidarity", welfare programs and else taxes giving the People what most of the time faith based groups do and can do for a lot cheaper than the social bureaucracy saving the powerful and gov to be much more pro active in solving the problems the People faces.
I guess the Founding Fathers didn't want give any extra power and representation to some that they knew would have already too much, and guessed, they wouldn't be able to use wisely with self limitation....
Rush, be good!
Though is legit really legit the fight over the unemployment insurance, that's the worse thing that can be done.
Most of the time, it appears and and it is presented as a protection mesure but it is proved now that where it has been in place for an important number of years, it is used by bureaucracy and gov as an excuse to not provide and deliver a sound economy offering enough jobs and opportunities for the people to pursue their objectives.
And soon you are told you cannot complain on how is organised the labor market or why there are not enough jobs or why illegal immigration isn't fought as you're paid to stay home...., you have the security so shut up, don't complain. You could be given nothing....., See, from a legit demand from the people to have a sound economy offering enough opportunities for everyone to pursue life projects and happiness you end up sitting home with some free money (not much of course) being told you should be happy, you're taking care of..... on that path, you lost your pride, you won't be offered any opportunity to achieve something as you're "insured"....
Gov Jindal has never been more right to refuse stimulus money that would lead to an unemployment tax creation, this is the worse thing that can be done to the not powerful, the not connected. The day, the leaders think they don't have to deliver and work every day for a better economy delivering always more opportunities in the most remote part of the country because people are "insured", you can be sure the not connected, the not powerful will end up living on welfare most of the time working sometimes but with no opportunities to achieve anything and will loose the right to ask for accountability.
The smaller the welfare system is, the most pressure the gov has to work hard for the People.
I guess Gov Crist is in no hurry to enter the conflict zone as he doesn't see it as a positive step at a difficult time.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The positive : National Savings is up, 3.90 still low but much better than what it was when negative.
Lending business has changed a lot, underwriting is probably right now of a much better quality meaning that in years to come delinquency should be at a very low rate improving by a lot bank's balance sheets leading to more capital being available.
To start with.
Rick complained, saving him is saving you says Ben, Rick insists, well, yes but it's with my hard earned money (which is true and mine in a way), so my money is saving me and someone else which is very generous and Rick to ask what do I get for doing so saving someone else who shouldn't be in the situation to be if I don't do it I die too, so.... in fact if he sanks, I sank too.... so, in fact, I have no choice but to save him to save me and I feel bad cause I feel cheated.... now that I've saved him, I in fact want the same reward I would get if he had really been sinking (I mean swimming at the beach) and was saved by that generous and courageous man walking the beach with his girlfriend(me) who didn't hesitate to jump in the water to rescue a fellow citizen, guess that wouldn't be enough though cause in this case it would like to jump in the water I was invited to do so by the sheriff pointing his gun to me asking you sure you don't want rescue that guy.... I guess that's here that we have the problem, the rescuer didn't volunteer.... that may mean, he deserves (the rescuer) a reward to be so plus some incentive to help forget that he may have been a little bit forced to be that Malibu beach lifesaver who won't be loved by Pamela.... comes the incentive, what kind of incentives can desire the responsible and effortful, save his home value is one but he already saved the one who actually helped to plumet it... so save the home value is the least that can be done .... at that point we're still left with the incentive owned to the rescuer...
What do you say? Rick, will he run for Senate?

Monday, February 23, 2009

Gov Jindal is right. Any definitive change in State laws that creates new taxes for businesses in order to get some stimulus dollars will be counterproductive on the long term....and may slow the recovery.
For confidence to return, there is a price.... specials for the responsible and effortful.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

It looks good, Rick, doesn't it? Invited to the White House for a coffee, may be an opportunity to voice the responsible and effortful's concerns. And. Looks like the good people of the State of Illinois will soon need a Senator, a Senator with no political passed that can bring to the Senate an expertise in the mortgage market that no Senator has right now.
Rick for Senator
looks alright doesn't it?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Becky, could you do that more often?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Don't choke yourself...
I always do Anna, what's on ? A very smart Kristie, now Anna.... A party?
Can't believe I've missed that....
That was good.... Though, I don't know if you saw it but as an example there was an ederly lady repeatedely visited by some moron selling financial couselling, she should have known better but she was obviously targeted for that motive and her home almost paid off, the balance was 10 or 15k and a few years and loans later the debt being reworked several times, her balance was 150k and she was about to thrown out at 70 something....
I don't know how many..... shameful and I guess they are too many for the courts to just write off the debts as lenders clearly did not hired and trained the right people or worse for some, agreed and encouraged predatory lending so somehow we will all pay.
Now as usual, responsible and effortful behaviour will go unnoticed and it might be the time to ask who represent that crowd and its interests.
Vote for Rick
A majority that just stopped being silent, Rick an all times star may soon be the Leader we all hope to see rising. I recommend this link :

CNBC's Rick Santelli and the traders on the floor of the CBOE express outrage over the notion they may have to pay their neighbor's mortgage, particularly if they bought far more house than they could actually afford, with Jason Roney, Sharmac Capital.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Whatn entry point you have for the £?
I agree with Ron. Does the paper have a history of that?
It's alright Anderson, it does happen when people are passionate.
Movin at last.
It didn't even reach the entry far.
Bearish..An immediate drop in the market is expected.... for the passed 3hours, folks seen nothin... comin<.<;; what're you doin..?
Nice top!
Well, it helps a bit to know it's rainin home but I could be smokin my cigee on the balcony in my swimmin suit what I really can't do here....
Anything wrong? Didn't mention it, you know how people are, they gonna comment.
Lucky Jack!
I might be mistaking though cause somedays I can be very different from any regular folks, I mean just like I always thought that a 13th Amend was possible cause a Bill of rights had been adopted previously, that President Lincoln made President Obama's trip possible cause The Founding Fathers made President Lincoln's trip possible and the 13th Amend a possible option following years of education through the Bill of Rights. Some may think though the Fouding Fathers were a bench of idiots that didn't know what they were doing when they wrote 1st Amend and that no progress was expected....
That's what's great about it, you can think the way you want and even best say it.
Wasn't it just a very heavy critic of the stimulus pretending a monkey wrote it? Or was it the monkey Jeannie showed us yesterday that had escaped from his cell?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dark marine blue or black?
How could I resist joining?
have glitches?
No, come on ... Not you Jack, what were you thinking of??? That's something I got left with watching CNBC, I had to leave though cause of Wolf's time...
I mean with that smile.... Really.
I bet Bernie never saw him like that...!
How could I leave?
Though after 09/11 I ain't sure either there was much choice. Turn to growth at the expense of a strict orthodoxy or see the hit stop the economy and draw the world into a war on a much bigger scale. Does happen now, well, at least, we are not right after the aftermaths and feelings that followed NYC attacks.
Wanna know something? I quite liked house of cards. Would have loved you looked into Milton's orthodoxy all along the report of the process to find out if it we could learn something new, I ain't sure.
Anjali looks great!

Monday, February 16, 2009

It's good to know that Kristie can say what I think.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Does he know how lucky he is? Ralitsa
You're right, some may be interested, will post now.
Well, hither was a smooth talker too, .......
The Devil Alliance
Le Bal des Vichystes et des enfants de la division SS Handshar
I mean these guys, man, the place is in such a mess...
Just found the name I was lookin for, you?
Move to IG.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Public spending is far less effective than any tax relief program, it can help fill the gap for a very short period of time to reduce the effects of a deep slow down but it can't support the economy on the long run as it has no effects on the largest part of the population and doesn't promote risk taking which is an essential key of a dynamic economy.
This is why the tax reliefs are so important to speed up the process to recovery as it plays a key role to accelerate the reach of a level of savings and positive cash flow for the people to feel confortable with spending, make new projects and engage into some new investments.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

It's nice to give them that report as you may have noticed but there was no security council meeting, absolutely nobody rushed there with TV crews to be seen on the ground I guess that it cannot bring any popularity and or any vote to be around Tamuls civilians .... I do not target Sri Lanka Gov but since I heard the Sri Lanka's Ambassador to the UN talking about a political process to end the conflict, to find a solution for peace and rights, saw nothing at the UN about it.... Not to mention that this demonstration of the Tamul's pride in London was peaceful, showing support for a cause at a very difficult time of armed conflict.
Will it pay, drawing some attention at least from other medias?
Kristie, your ideas for that special day are horrible...!
Will recommend Patrick and Mark to buy you flowers as you've to work on that day.
I don't like when you're that mean.
That's good news, 3.9% ?, the quickest the better, as soon as people will feel confortable with their level of savings and are satisfied with their anticipated level of positive cash flow, spending should restart in a more sustainable manner, which should then encourage businesses to invest to face a renewed growing level of demand much better financed making investment more secure?
That said, doesn't mean the the funding for a multiple years help plan through public spending to finance infrastructures renovation and other projects to prepare the future, easing the landing, cannot be requested while the political capital allows to do so. Altough, it's a gun that cannot be reloaded, it can't be spent all at once.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dct Doom shot!
It's gonna take time to fix as it is necessary to rebuild capital, it's the only good reason why public spending should be moderate as it will be needed all along the process.
It isn't easy right now but counting and it should be alright if it doesn't worsen too much.
How are you?
Don't too harsh on bankers... but well does anybody know why the paris regime has no hearing committee? cause some these very smart "bankers" have like in most countries billions of questionable assets they bought with, that's a difference with some other coutries, very easy money they make on average customers, a very ordinary debit card cost on average nearly € 100.00 a year bundled with a few services such as withdrawals.... a strange world, though allow the assertion, the french banking system much stronger than the US and UK banking system.
Anyway, was asking why is that, the legislative branch doesn't hold any hearing of these smart guys on what they did and how they have put themselves in that situation (the regime had to hand them a few billions of the taxpayer's money)?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hope that Bonnie will choose carefully the recipient of that card of hers.... not everyone may be flattered...
Very nice shirt, Kristie...
Very fortunate to have Ben, heard that some people would like him or the US monetary policy to fix their careless (worldwide) behaviour for years, some were trusted in the best suitable business environment and all they have shown are personal greed and irresponsability while some others have benefited from a very well sustained rate of growth without asking anything, well it won't be fixed overnight.
Ben is about to speak on CNBC.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Well, they didn't know, they were done the same thing before the regime and the clergy, a bench of criminals....
They forced me to go to that church when I was a kid but when speaking to me I used to think of the rain on a sleeve,used to make myself deaf. Try it if I can, you may too.
Don't like it but was funny... must admit.
Thank you Anna.
To run against and shout in the wind to grab the power of the Land, feel its strengh. Never did that? try it. Know twitter, Wolf talked about.
Just went for a walk, no trees down yet...

This past Shabbat, Dr. Daniel Benhayon, a native of Venezuela, spoke about the egregious acts of anti-Semitism against the Venezuelan Jewish community. To raise a voice of support and outrage for our brothers and sisters in Venezuela, please call the Venezuelan Mission to the United Nations at (212) 557-2055, and demand that President Chavez acknowledge and respond to these heinous acts of anti-Semitism.
A call from AMCHA - forward widely.
Now on CNN, President Obama about to speak about the stimulus. I wished you didn't missed the girls....
Not as Bipbip, Wolf and Anderson...!!
Brookewas with that balck sexy dress was BIPBIPBIPbipbipbipbipbip, right now being BIPBIPBIP bipbipbip, but can't say anything about Candy and Kristie I mean Mrs Lu Stout and Mrs Reid, and Bonnie is BIPBIPBIpbipbipbip... don't know what's happening...
Boy, my balcony overlooking south very fortunately, went out to smoke a cigee, the West is in fury.... blowing strong... Pays Basque and Breizh outrage...!
I'm impatient, can't wait to watch that!

Sunday, February 08, 2009

You bet...! I've been waiting to have a chance to see Brooke with her black sexy dress!
Thank you Gil, at last I got it right! But didn't find anything in Anchors and Reporters, I will complain again.
Patrick, be good!

Friday, February 06, 2009

Well it's friday, last day very difficult to handle Joe....!!
It doesn't help really... but I can try to reduce from €50 to €35, I might make it.
What's the buying power of $15 in China? Do you know?

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Oooooooops, please!
Dictionary says, a seaplane lands on water or does a sea landing....?? or A plane lands on water...?? Splash landing not mentionned, neither is waterlanding...
I'm on € 50.00 a week $15, that's gonna be really though!
Van Eck Launches Nation's First High-Yield Municipal Bond ETF
Thank you.
Now that Kristie has a red dress competitor, what am I gonna do??

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

It doesn't look like that?
Except CNN, you die much more silently as a Tamul, (Hi Kannathasa) than you do as a Palestinian, I'll have to ask why? I've heard that a political process should start anytime, following the military campaign against what some countries call a terrorist group, I'm awaiting that with impatience to see how rights will prove that violence wasn't necessary, hopefully.
Is Rush vs Ali row over?
I saw Hugo yesterday, and I still wonder why instead of trying to reform Venezuela's constitution to allow him to be re-elected indefinitely, an idea that isn't very new in the world, he doesn't choose to be the second country in the world history to empower each and every Venezualians with a Bill of Rights that will affect "less than 10 percent" of the constitution but would bring Venezuelians "new horizons for the new era."
Hugo if so would go into history for ever to be the first South American president to empower its citizens with RIGHTS that go beyond any elections results.
To say the truth, I would be absolutely stunned if Hugo did prefer to uplift the Venezuelians rights rather than raise his own power and right over the People.
Breaking News - The french Foreign Affairs Minister involvment in a bribe scandal probe grows. Questionned today, he didn't respond clearly about the facts. The ramifications of this stunning story, stay tuned we'll post the facts, could lead to the head of state, Nicolas Sarkosy.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Wolf's time.
Never a word for autonomy.... depend on me the State.....
Kind of you don't know, I won't tell you but I know how I can please your bad instincts with some chosen words that fit my ideology and here they are, you like it, I know, vote for me....
Guess what they call it progress........!!
Sometimes, it is so strange, you wonder why the medias (state controlled....) give such a strong voice to these extreme left wing political parties that don't want to uplift the People....
Well, they didn't get yet that regulating just doesn't work, the way out is to empower the other end....
Where you at?
I quickly, during the commercial break, went to check on Frederic, Paris worse than Davos....
Why do you say self-regulation failed when it worked not as expected but it did.... without any Fed support for Fannie and Freddy the real estate bubble woud never take place, why do you expect that some more regulation implemented by the same people would have produced a different result?
Without Fed backing for a large part of the mortgage market, this level of leverage wouldn't have been ever reached, all these derivatives and commercial paper backed on mortages never sold, don't you think that Gov and State guarantee and involment in the free market are in the first seat when you look for responsability for the absence of a self regulation success?
Gov is a Charity and "rights" are faithbased group's actions... but RIGHTS are politically incorrect...that's a first try.... I'll try to do better but that's what come to my mind right now. Not an easy job, Ted tried with ACORN being the UMP but I'm not sure it does help the understanding... as ACORN isn't The President.
No I guess it's genetic, they don't know about rights....
Very unfortunate indeed!!!
Well, 1st amendment, you know what, why is that, there was just 1 Thomas Jefferson, 1 Georges Washington, 1 James Madison...... and the USA got them all, left nothing for the rest of the world, was it already the "American greed......"?
Amasing world... Gordon and the UK are back on earth ...!!
And the "shameful" debate rages....Fire Foreigners first!
The video here
A true surprise as even the worker's unions have never gone that far. What seems to cause this new row is, is the law really enforced on the new jobs creation? Do companies truly and faithfully searching for Americans first? In the passed, Unions have said they don't....
Now that here is the deep recession.... Should the Congress take some further steps to insure the companies respect the law and hire Americans first as many are, may be, willing to take these jobs not so well paid that they would "refused" if the recession was'nt there?

Monday, February 02, 2009

That new red dress, Kristie is stunning! Not as hum as the other one but well....!!!!. (Sorry Mrs Lu Stout). Thank you for the report on the UK because from China's PM visit, to the weather and the strikes, well I guess the UK and Gordon have slide to another world... strange.
Wolf, please, do not interupt.
Think they don't know what to do... just today their new thing (after planning to invade The Bahamas, that was a few months ago, didn't last) is to "we'll go after the the banking confidentiality".... so they can ruin Luxembourg industry, never know that's a reachable goal, they don't learn.... Not so long ago, America was the predator, the plan was to take the money from the "rich"..... now that the rich are poor too, are the poor richer??? No, so they found something new, let's go after what's left of the banking sector... never know, could be an excuse for a few weeks.... Terrible!!!
Saw Bill the Fox not long ago wondering about the vegies legal age... Is he doin alright? What about Glen?
Don't ask me... just so weird!!
I think it's funny!
I think it's funny!
I think it's funny!
I think it's funny!
Yeah, Gordon too....
Breaking News - The UK has disapeared from the Paris regime controlled medias.... ????
You won't believe it Rick....
I'm still byin it for now to match my mortgage balance. Not along ago, PM Brown was still alive in french news about his stimulus plan, measures to fight the downturn... Since he said British jobs for British workers first which sounds to anybody sensible some ordinary common sense in a deep recession, you take care of your own citizens first, what normally politicians are elected to do.... And since some strikes are on to protest the hiring of foreigners, the UK is just gone, looks like it has disappeared from the earth, not mention once in the news, or any othertalk show....
Does anybody know why?

Sunday, February 01, 2009

But I do keep an eye on you....