Here we go : (let me know, once you done)
Governor Palin Receives Rousing Ovation
Governor Palin Talks About Her Small Town Roots
Governor Palin Shook Things Up in Alaska
Governor Palin Concludes Her Historic Address
Governor Palin Talks About Her Small Town Roots
Governor Palin Shook Things Up in Alaska
Governor Palin Concludes Her Historic Address
I know, but as always you don't have to agree on every single issue. To me the subprime mortgage crisis is the right symptom to study to identify the disease and find the right doctor...(W?) (I know but can't help it, when I get too serious, I feel wrong). About it, you have seen and heard almost everything, some choose to blame the regulators, others Wall Street others, Congress, the President...., the economy just name it. The truth lies elsewhere and is much more disturbing, sometimes the true American spirit vanishes, it's not the first time and won't be the last one, when it vanishes, it doesn't matter who has the majority in Congress or who is the President because you can't fix spirit by law or government policies, shows up the greed. People for a few more bucks apply over the internet to be a mortgage broker ending selling some tricky contracts in their neighborhood, careless for the consequences sometimes because they didn't even know what they were selling sometimes because the very soul of the nation had left. That's why more of Sarah is more of the something that makes this country so special. And once more you don't have to agree on every single thing, what I'm sayin is she is a large part of the American Heritage, she is a significant part of the spirit of the Nation precisely because she carries "there is an upper law", in troubled times when mankind can't fix everysingle issue in a timely manner by law and policies, you need everybody's effort, in order to get it, you have to help the people to rediscover they have more and are worth more than just malls, cars, mansions ....What can we build today together that will make tomorow a better day?
Watched Sky?
Out for a few minutes.
She(not Sarah) just told me, Francois under Marie's inflence looks like Alexandre (Debannes??) don't know the guy but... might be!!!
What do you say? What do we do next?
It's the same old debate.... You can fix anything with government and policies, reach Washington and the world will change.... I told you I disagree. Rally around Sarah!
You're watchin? You understood?
He's just tryin to get some benefits out of it? Not clear yet but I should find out give me a few days, for now the idea is "we gave you a Corsican (most important cop on the island), the deal was but we don't want hear about you anymore, now you screw it so we screw him and now we gonna f*** you up, we sendin you an alien to the island, you loose.... Next time you know how to behave..."
See That should be quite close.
Well, just a bench of criminals but I already told you that. What do you exactly expect from them? They are the kind of people so far that have denied the Corsicans the most basic rights.
Their kind of dirty deals, the Paris regime in action....
I can make mistakes but starting with what I am sure of, some Corsicans say up to my family name ties me up to this Land (name of a village or small town), I have inherited this Land, the language and the culture that goes with it and I have a duty as Corsican transmit all of it to the next generation of Corsicans at least to those wishing to take the role. This duty and the ties I have with the Land entitle me to special moral rights to what the regime answers shut up we gave you a frenchpassport, don't like what we do with your Land, why don't you move? Now yo can guess what's next...
Na! Untold deals... it was never negociated, not their way.... Their mindset is, ok we have a problem there, we gonna send a Corsican to see, may be able to fix the problem plus if anything goes wrong, we sack him and can say .... your fault.... See what I mean, even the guy they sacked was manipulated, that's how they do it. It's never straight talks based on ok we understand your point of view and here is what we have to offer and we ask for... there is no respect and no future. This is france shut up!!!
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