I guess the President is taking some cooking lessons, he will need to be perfect egg cooking when he's back in Texas cooking for Laura....
Watch now Rudy on air with Wolf and Gloria!!!
Where is Mariana Islands? Never been there. Northern?
Suzanne's looking great! So does Carol, very nice color!
Do you have the right as a Corsican to invade a home, the home of a Paris regime President's friend? Has Mr Clavier less rights as a President's friend?
I would say no, invading a home isn't a right and Mr Clavier, (the guy seems to be nice?) doesn't have less right just because he's a President's friend but he doesn't have more rights in Corsica than I do in Florida, the Seminole Nation doesn't have to invade my flat or anybody's house to be heard....What's your opinion?
I'll be back.
Standing ovation for Sarah now!! Watch CNN.
Been up to? Did you watch Sen John speech, I did, a bit late though but watched most of it. Think it was a good introductery speech, laid out the principles that will guide his actions as President through what he experienced in life, what were his reactions at the time and what he had learned from it. Didn't get into specifics of policies yet but it's a good starting point for the campaign as the real thing starts now with both tickets being official.
What do you say?
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