Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yes I have been and wonder what you did all day...! Turn it on, CNN, as Sen Obama and Sen McCain are about to arrive.
He is online too, I read him minutes ago.
Watch out, they are'nt stupid...!
We'll talk later, I'm watchin.
Alright I'm with you.

I meant you're dealing somehow with the devil. Keep in mind that so far, they have been able to persuade the rest of the world each time they asked for specials over WTO negociations that they were fighting to "protect a culture (don't know what they're talking about), protect a movie industry, a litterature etc... when the whole thing was aimed at prevent the People of Small Nations to acquire a language that would have allowed them to communicate with the world, learn about other Small Nations rights and represent themselves.
For now quite sometime, you should be able to watch lots of tv in english, and can't. House speaks french only....;)
No, I think what they needed was time, time to destroy Small Nations social networks, move them around using both regulations and the economy. That's why for decades they were hiding saving the "french culture"....
Right on, some say today the same kind of stuff, these B......... have even an expression for that 'exception culturelle" that works for them but not for Corsicans or Breizh, Basque or anybody else, there is no Corsican exception.... You say anything, they go "equality".... you should understand, shut up!
I know it's funny, isn't it!
Well, I mean, they're smart and they dare, man, they dare anything. Some go on tv and look straight to people and go, we favor diversity after decades of destruction of Small Nations Cultures and Languages and guess what, not one, not one journalist has ever told them, are you joking??
This is why, you have to understand the struggle is violent, the regime isn't about just a few politicians involved, you have the regime's press, tv and the economy.
I think the worse is when your kids speak french to you, just like a wound that each word reopens reminding you that you haven't been able up to even save a small personal enclave where your language and culture are safe.
It has been violent, they did everything you can possibly imagine to destroy these cultures and languages and they 're still doing it today.
I believe they, still, as much as they can, delay teaching at a young age specially english and english tv programs, to prevent Small Nations to reorganise to protect their interests.
Well, doesn't explain it all, but yes, weakening Small Nations specially those in the western part has made possible a higher rate of spoliation.
Watching Wolf, he's got a red tie!
Jeffrey on air! Gloria too!
JEFFREY, I'm watching!
That was mean Kristie, couldn't hear Lou, you are forgiven, it was to broadcast the President.
There is one thing you can be sure of, Hugo is the kind that, whatsoever, will cease any opportunity to promote peace, he once more proved the assertion to be right. What you wonder is what a modern Russia with a young president can do with someone that has proven record of ties with groups and states supporting hatred and violence.
Some days, I wonder, have we missed something? From a young president (that was a few years ago) saying that for the first time in modern history, the people of the continent (talking of Europe - Russia) will be able to meet now that the ideological divide has diseapered to what we can see today (the missing bit was Mahmoud), what has happened?
Leaving you now, Sen McCAIN on air now CNN.

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