Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wolf on air, with the best political team on television ever? Not sure I haven't seen MC Rove yet.
I wonder what Hugh tried last night when he said Mari La Nina.
How cute was Kristie? I have no words for that.
Heard today someone over he internet, (remind me we change nothin on taping) I have News for Barak, There was no Al Qaida in Irak before GW Bush decided to invade it, right, guess what, where do you think they were and preparing what based on what you have seen they were able to achieve facing one of the strongest and best equipped army in Irak?
I hesitate, is Kristie best with the red dress or with tonight's black. Hum!
Getting more dollars per euro, will it help with USCIS?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Breaking - Did you see that? During the last hour of CNNtoday Hugh let slip that Kristie is pregnant! :O Kristie said she couldn't believe he said it.