Monday, October 08, 2007

TV Times - CNN - You should watch CNN today, Hugh and Shakun invited to a mariage.
You were asking why Shakun and Hugh were dressed so smartly today, I was told just now, they are invited to a party right after work.
No, I haven't seen yet Mari, Guillermo, Candi or Mark.
Just heard now about Andrew but I am not sure, he might be gone to a small island somewhere.
We will have more in a few minutes.
TV Dress code competition is apparently held in Honk Kong. I have been told just now that the party were Shakun and Hugh are going to isn't a mariage, it is the TV Dress Code winner's night, a very big event. You just saw Guillermo, I believe he is going to.
I could feel the embarassment coming, it came, worse of all, Candi is delivering it.

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